Monday 31 May 2010

Never Mind Reality

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

And the reason that you believe it is that you think it, and then things actualize around it to confirm the thought.

So, you know you are right, because you believe it.

When you focus slightly different then your point of attraction shifts, and the evidence shifts too.

I really liked this Abraham video that I ended up transcribing the whole thing.

We ask a lot of you when we ask you to never mind reality, because you have been taught to face reality every day of your life. You have been comparing your reality with other peoples’ realities, focusing on realities seems to be the order of the day. You have all kinds of piles of good and bad, and all kinds of laws to sort it all out. In other words the majority of the life that most people live is outside the vortex, just sorting out the details and trying to decide whose details are better than others. But you are all powerless in getting anyone to deal with their details in a different way than you would like them to deal with them. In other words, it’s not working out very well in terms of the satisfaction of life.

So when we say to you that you are vibration first and foremost, and that your reality as it exists now does not mean didley squat, that’s hard to hear when you have just had a financial decline that is evidenced by bank accounts, by your ability to purchase, by so many things. You are getting all this feedback from life that says “no Abraham, it’s THIS way”. And we say “your belief in your Now reality, your attention to your Now reality is THE only thing that keeps you from your vortex reality, your vibrational reality, which IS the reality that you want. “

Now think about it in terms of sickness. If you are sick, maybe you have got the flu, maybe you have got a bigger disease that they have given you a label that’s scary. So you are standing in a body that is sick and you don’t want to be, but it’s real, you get up and your head hurts, and you move your body and it feels weak. You try to eat and the food doesn’t taste good, it’s real, it’s real, it’s real.

And then here we come along, and are talking about the enhanced wellbeing that you have created as a result of you sifting through this sickness. And we are saying to you “you are so well, you are so frisky, you feel so good, you have so much vitality etc”, we get it that you want to say “Abraham, look at me, I’m sick”. We get it. And our only value to you is that we refuse to see your sickness, we will ONLY see your wellness, but us seeing it doesn’t do it for you. You’ve got to want to look over here too. You’ve got to want to believe in his vibrational reality with such fervour that you distract yourself from the sickness even though it hurts. That you distract yourself from the decline in your bank account even though you are afraid. You have to want to so much to tune into the wholeness that you have become that you are willing to ignore all of the reality details, and all of the evidence, and all of the people from the peanut gallery, and all of the people that are giving you the diagnosis, and all of the people that are giving you your credit have to ignore ‘reality’ if you are ever to move in the direction of vibrational reality, you cannot do both at the same time.

It is one or the other.

And the thing that keeps you from doing the one is the other.

Only a bit of effort at training myself into feeling it brings evidence, brings more evidence, brings more evidence. It’s not like we are asking you to just believe until you croak (die) and then get your reward in heaven. Others do that to you, but we do not. We say to you when you find reason to get into your vortex and hold vibrational alignment with what’s in the vortex, the evidence comes and it comes quickly, because you are deserving beings and you are beings of wellbeing.

You are beings who are creators, life is supposed to be good for you, and if you were not lazy about your thought, if you would not let reality...............................”oh, I can think of that easy because I can see it right there”. It’s easier to turn on the television and watch someone elses’ portrayal of life. And the terrible portrayal of life that they give you. They look all around the planet to try to find something wrong, they slant it even more negatively, dramatise it with music, and then they bring it right into your living room and they say “this is the picture of life on planet Earth”.

And we say “no it is not, it is not even an accurate picture of life on Earth, it is a distorted point of view .” So much of the world has discovered that you will give more of your attention to things

if it smacks of a problem than you will to something if it smacks of love and upliftment, you see. You must re-orient yourself, you must care.

You must care about the way you feel more than everything else put together. You must care with all that you are to be in alignment with who you are, and when you do will no longer speak about this issue, as speaking about this issue is the only thing that is keeping you from what Source has got you lined up with, and that Law of Attraction has gathered and lined up for you.

Makes you want to focus, doesn’t it ?

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Ego Negotiation 101 by Bashar

Thought it was time for another video and I was impressed by the clarity of the following Bashar video that I listened to today. One of the most common topics I've seen on spiritual forums is the desire to follow one's passion or joy but feeling limited because of the need to earn a salary or having the fear to quit one's job. This is just one example of how we limit our expansion and joy, but it can apply to any area of life. There are many aspects to our Beingness and some of the conflicts that arise within us are due to the human self and the divine self, or the ego and the higher mind. The process of ascension involves the melding of our divinity and our human selves, so that we can be the divine human angels that we are, manifesting the life of our dreams whilst still on the earth plane. One of the polarities that tends to trip us up or sabotage us on this earthly journey is the ego (mind) versus the higher self (or higher mind).

I have loosely transcribed some (not all) of the following two Bashar videos, which gives some insight into how we can consciously allow all parts of our beingness to work in harmony with our desires and dreams. Our beliefs create our reality, and so if we wish to create a more joyful, abundant or harmonious reality, it is a good place to start by changing our belief structures, so that they can support the more expanded reality we wish to create and maintain.

Q. Ego can be helpful or destructive in allowing you to follow your excitement.

As an example, someone wishing to follow a new endeavour, quit their job and follow their passion in that way. But they have a lot of anxiety about the financial consequences of that.

How does it happen that the person can balance out the energy between the higher mind and the physical mind in order to have everybody able to do their job appropriately?

A. You must honor the belief system that is there to whatever capacity you feel is necessary to do so. In other words you give honor to the belief system that the ego has created and recognise that from the ego’s perspective (physical mind) it is valid. Therefore, you don't abandon it, you work with it.

In a sense, make a deal. “Ego I will work with say 90% of that belief system, but just give me about 10% to play around with, and I will show you that that 10% can actually work. Strike a deal with the ego to give you some latitude to move beyond. As you keep making those deals and doing it bit by bit you will train the ego to understand that as you ask for more and more latitude the ego will feel more supported and it will allow you more

and more latitude until such time that one day you will look around and realise that all the old belief systems are already gone, and that you allow yourself complete support with the new belief systems in whatever way actually supports you.

The second thing is while you are doing that and making those kinds of deals is to embark on an expedition of redefining the ideas you are using - for example “the only way you can be supported in life, where you can do the things you desire to do is with one particular format or representation of abundance".

Remember, our definition of abundance is ‘the ability to do whatever you need to do whenever you need to do it.’ Period.

Now if on your planet money is one of those things all well and good, but the idea is it’s simply required that you have the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it, and if money isn’t necessarily the way in which it’s best to do that thing, then your higher mind will actually bring you that thing that will allow you to do that with less effort. Sometimes if you insist that money is the only way that something can be accomplished, again that might simply be setting up an obstacle to bang your head against, when in fact your higher mind can bring it to you in a more easy way if you would only relax your definitions about what you think you need.

Q. So if the ego is frightened in that scenario, will it try to sabotage the person ?

A. Of course, that’s why you need to strike a deal. You need to find a negotiation that works, because the only time that the negative ego will sabotage you is if it feels it has not gotten a fair listen, a fair deal, if it feels you are avoiding it, attempting to go around it, circumvent it.

Q. Sounds like a business deal.

A. It IS a business deal, because the physical ego is all about physical business, the physical world. Therefore, one good way is to use it’s own language. Allow it to understand that you are willing to negotiate fairly. So if you negotiate a fair deal from the ego’s point of view and it allows you some latitude in that negotiation, then there is no reason why it would need to sabotage you.

It’s all about definitions, understanding them, and working with them.

Q. So which part is making the deal with the ego?

A. Good question. Because that’s where the cleverness comes in.

The one that is actually negotiating with the ego is the higher mind.

You have already brought the higher mind to the table by negotiating a fair deal, because higher mind is all about balance and fairness.

But you are using the physical mind’s language to get the idea across.

You are working out a deal for the whole being, for both polarities.

You have to give the physical personality the first ‘win’ in the negotiation. By recognising its belief systems are valid - it is only trying to protect you after all. It’s protecting itself but it is protecting you, because it thinks itself IS you. So no matter how detrimental it may seem, it is doing it out of love. Making the statement in the opening negotiation that you recognise it is doing it out of love is the way to begin the negotiation. Let it win the first point because the ego is all about winning. In a win/win it will start to relent and grant you some leeway.

Use your imagination to make that negotiation work in whatever way it works best, but what is important is full disclosure so that the ego doesn’t feel it is being tricked. And when the ego doesn’t feel that IT is being tricked, the ego will have no reason to trick and sabotage you.

All the lessons of what you call win/win business negotiation are applicable to negotiating with the ego structure.

If you propose a less aggressive agenda to the ego it will not feel threatened and survival issues will not arise. You may have proposed too much for the ego to handle. When you understand the ego’s motivations you can then deal with them in the negotiations. You cannot just bargain and run, and not understand where the other side is coming from, otherwise they will just pull the plug.

You need to relax and not be so eager to get where you think you need to go. You need to be nowhere more important than right here right now.

Related posts:

For more about ego from Bashar see my January post Give Ego a Break.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Releasing the Old Life

I wasn't sure whether to call this post instead 'The End of an Era' as it certainly feels more like the next chapter of a book is about to begin, or even a new book. Releasing the old, as many will recognize who have been on this ascension path for some time now, is a regular occurrence and a normal part of the ascension journey. This time around it feels different, and (dare I say it ?) more positive. Still not without some discomforts and challenges, yet I feel more able to cope. And not just cope, but feel more confident (since Spring really) that there is really nothing I need waste my energies worrying about. There are just tiny residues of fear that pop up occasionally, only these days they only last a day or two, and some good comes out of it that I would not have discovered otherwise.

This post is a response to the last post where Lauren Gorgo gives the bigger picture of what these times are about for many, so if you haven't read it yet you may wish to get the bigger picture first, which my post here is referring to.

Releasing the old was physically and symbolically carried out the other week by giving myself an 8 day herbal cleanse and fast, which I had never done before. My gut had felt out of balance, so I gave my intestines a spring clean. I would definitely recommend the herbal colon cleanse by Blessed Herbs. It is an American company but you can also buy it in the UK online at Blue Herbs. All I can say is that it worked for me and that all the years of toxins that have built up were released on day 3 of the fast (you do a 3 day pre-cleanse before that to determine your dosage for the capsules, whilst reducing food intake ready for the fast). It works best to go the final 5 days on just liquids (the apple juice and toxin absorber), but the occasional clear soup is fine. I waited until day 3 of the fast to have my clear soup though, which is when everything started happening (like in those gross photos on the Blessed Herbs website). I stopped 2 days short even though the cleanse was working fine, because I just couldn't hold any more liquid without feeling I was going to pop. I wasn't sure if there was some obstruction getting in the way, but just decided to go with my intuition and do another fast later in the year. Enough was cleansed to have made it worth my while though.

I also bought and listened to the Crimson Circle's Egypt Tour Sounds of the Soul (digital download US $95 or CD set $120), which I downloaded and listening to that channel in the Great Pyramid seemed to put everything in perspective. I knew and felt that everything was just illusion and I could enter that central place of timelessness, getting in touch with who I really am, outside of the matrix. Being in that pyramid (via the audio channel) felt more real to me than anything on this earth plane and triggered much below the surface of my current remembrance. I shall do more of the toning, or sound expression side, when I move home as walls have ears in apartment blocks - I can even tell when my neighbour is eavesdropping on my phone conversations!

I feel fortunate in that I am soon to start my new life in a new location, which is why I didn't want to put any energies into or activate my old life here, even to the point of not wanting any visitors lately.
It feels like most of me has already gone on ahead to my new home, and when I do move I would like it to be more of an open house, welcoming all kinds of guests.

Yes, it's a time of waiting and of tying up loose ends. But this is so much easier than the winter months just passed, which was a challenging time for me when I had felt totally unsupported, and even incapable of re-locating without help. Many of us first-wavers are looking forward to some recuperation time right now as ascension can take its toll, especially after a decade or more of this. I joyfully pass the baton to those second wavers so I can move on and enjoy some of the fruits of a more simple and 'normal looking' life except further on up the ascension spiral, although I know it will never be 'normal' as in the hypnotic overlays of the 3D matrix.
I don't feel as though I'm done yet or retired, and it remains to be seen what lies ahead..........although I get glimpses, and it's looking very good indeed.

Breaking Free or Cutting Loose?

The latest on Lauren Gorgo's blog sums up what I have been feeling and going through in recent times. As it is quite long I thought I would print it here in its entirety and make comments on a separate post regarding how this time period has been playing out for me personally.

Breaking Free or Cutting Loose?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Breaking Free

How's your May been so far? Anything like you expected? Well, that is, assuming you have any expectations left in this process.

If May is a messy month that you just can't figure out how to clean up, then welcome to the misery of "breaking" free!

We are in the process of literally...and in some ways, suddenly... breaking off from our old selves & lives, dismantling the remaining outworn vestiges of our past and with seemingly no support to fix anything...shocker.

If this is happening for you, if the bottom is falling out of your life and you see/feel/know of no way to fix what's broken, no supports are always on the back end of the dismantling process, but first we are forced to sit still one final time and take solid inventory of our lives and wants, all that needs to go, and all that needs upgrading.

In other words...this is IT...the last hurrah from this insane cycle to deal with, face, release, and break free from our mis-created goo before a new cycle of creation begins.

I am hearing that the most important thing to consider during this time is: "What do I want for my new life?"

Now, granted we have been pondering, imagining, speculating and contemplating these desires for a decade however, at this time...from mid-May until July...we need to revise our desires one last time to be sure they are the absolute highest version of what we want as we begin to take the logical steps to creating and implementing them in physical form over the next several years.

This breaking free business has been no joke this month...especially with all the grounded and earthy celestial support, much in our physical lives is undergoing radical and rapid transformation.

On a personal level, I will share how these "wrapping-up" energies are manifesting in my own life:

Since the beginning of May my push lawnmower died; my riding lawnmower exploded; the bottom of my Jetta fell off on a highway; my brand new computer...that many of you helped me to purchase! needs repair; a class action suit for my car just arrived requiring me to replace the carpet & padding (at my upfront cost) before July so I can file a claim to get reimbursed; I received a loan modification settlement for my home which is in the negotiation stages; my student loans just came out of forbearance after 15 years of deferment, and then I got summonsed for jury duty for the last 2 weeks in May during what was going to be the launch period of my brand new website that I have been working on for 2+ years...(more on that coming soon!)

All this piled high on top of that giant Nagasaki-like dirt pit I call a yard from the broken water pipe disaster that I wrote about this past winter...see photo for effect.

So yeah, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of things to "fix", tend to and pay for without knowing what's next on the horizon or how we will make it happen, but keep in mind that endings & beginnings happen simultaneously.

Luckily, life is a upward spiral of evolution...which means each time we come full circle we are not only at the end, but at the beginning again. Only glitch in this system is that the end arrives first.

So like the rest of you out there hanging on by a thread, and swimming in seas of uncertainty...I too must patiently? wait with detachment. And not by me, I fight the urge to "make things happen" daily...but until support arrives, there really is just no point. In the meantime, we just have to hang on, stay focused on our new creations until they manifest, and manage the chaos.

Luckily, for most of you reading this, we have mastered the art of "waiting" and "watching" our own lives crumble beneath us, so this is getting to be old-hat.

And just to be clear here...its not as if we are waiting for any THING to happen, we are waiting for universal and energetic alignment and support in the form of inspiration, clarity, motivation, ease, grace, opportunities, etc....all those things that come TO us in the natural flow of forward movement as opposed to reaching out and forcing things to happen.

I think Francis Lucille said it best: All effort is ignorance.

The reason so much is crumbling at once, is because it's crunch time! Some major planets are switching some major gears, so anything unresolved that needs our attention will be rapidly surfacing until late June so we can tend to all practical details and tie up loose ends. And know too that it doesn't let up until we've resolved it all...the last week of May the pace will increase even more prompting us to clear the clutter for the incoming wave of new energies from the new celestial cycle before us (Late May-early June) where we take our first solid steps in our brand new lives.

Cutting Loose

If you are not currently breaking free (or down) there is another scenario present that you may be experiencing...similar to breaking free, I call this one "cutting loose". The difference between the two is that cutting loose is more of a feeling of being dangled over a river of rapids with nothing to grab onto and no one to assist you. It is a feeling of "this life is over" ...but now what?

In this situation, your endings are clearly here or in sight, but your beginnings are NOWHERE to be found... and if they are, you have NO IDEA how to get from here to there. You may have quit your job, for example, or sold your home or business, or left a relationship, but with no connection to whats to come. You may be left hanging in thin air with no vision, no inspiration, no money, no home and worst of all, no intuitive foresight. Just a random act of faith that defies all logic and might even have you questioning your sanity or if you've done something wrong or missed a sign with regard to following your heart.

You may be thinking: "I did all this work to end up HERE?"

If you are in this space, know that you are right on track...we all are. We are simply cutting all chords connecting us to the lower dimensional reality matrices (our old life) and once we wrap up all the details of our past, we are poised and in position for our next level creations.

We were baited here for many years by that dangling carrot we relentlessly chased in pursuit of what we deeply know to be transpiring, yet with out any physical proof. Now that we're here, the carrot is gone...but unfortunately, so is everything else...including our past & future which makes us floaters with an inability to move in any direction...that is, until we learn how to fly.

We have purified on so many levels of our being that any excess time spent in the past or future can derail us...and we have become so present-focused that the past & future are like figments of our imagination. The only thing that sucks about this is that the present still sucks...but not for long. The incredible feeling of lightness and freedom from being severed from the old timeline is just about ready to blow our minds.

Over and again I am hearing that we are literally straddling our soul transition...we are at the end of a MAJOR celestial cycle and at the beginning of our new lives...and that the the changing of tides, the shifting of universal cycles is not just available for those who are anticipating & conscious of them, but for all of earths inhabitants.


One thing that has been nearly impossible to maintain the last few weeks is b a l a n c e. The energies are increasing and fluctuating so rapidly that finding and keeping your center may have been a serious challenge. Just when you think you're stabilized, something new comes along and knocks you off your center again. Luckily, this seems to have let up a bit for the time being.

When the energy kicks up like this it is SO important to protect your energy field by remaining neutral to external events & toxins (detachment) and maintaining strong boundaries through presence. Lower energies that seep into the field of a highly purified (open hearted) soul can feel very violent and damaging since they vibrate so much lower than our natural state of being. These lower thought forms and lodged reality constructs that get lifted during major downloads are a starseeds' proverbial kryptonite...they can quite literally suck the life-force out of you and bring you to your knees in an instant.

As we complete our grounding and reconnection we will become much more stabilized and resilient to these energies, but in the meantime, be sure to seek refuge in nature, love, laughter, creativity, or anything that can keep you present-focused until the storm passes and the dust settles.

What Now?

We are at a major crossroads...a turning point in our lives. We are still emerging in our full authenticity, but pushing through to the other side and preparing to enter a brand new cycle of physical creation which will build the framework for the new earth.

Chunks of the new are definitely arriving and even if we can't yet see how they will fit together or feel our way to the other side, we can or will soon see the physical and logical steps that we need to make to get there. And this is just the beginning, the known changes we have worked for...we haven't even touched on the quantum breakthroughs and unknown opportunities that are soon to blast open our next level adventures!

Our new directions will become clearer in the next several weeks and as we turn the corner many long-awaited changes will begin to click perfectly into place. Now that we have all but fully aligned with the rhythm of the universe, we will begin to live our lives as the fulcrum of presence and perfect timing ensuring that each choice is of the highest. This new state of being and creation will enable us to finally make the physical changes necessary to create the outer version of our inner visions.

What Next?

Moving ourselves out of the past and into the future will be the focus of the next 6 weeks.

For the remainder of May and into June we will be continuing to wrap up the old and leaving much of our past behind. If we are successful in tying up all loose ends, then the beginning of June offers us the ability to step into a whole new reality. This transition may be swift, unusual or unexpected for some but the end result will be total alignment with our authentic selves in an authentic life.

The next leg of the journey is about bringing our fully integrated & karmic-free selves into the world at large.

As stated in past articles, there are also those who will be retiring from service all together...these souls will be replaced by the next wave of awakening souls and it will be for this group to now bask in the playfullness of life. These souls know well who they are and I am being told that you are "no longer required to uphold the energy pillars of new earth".

We would also like to mention that those who held the mission to create forcefields of electromagnetic energy around certain geographic locations on the planet will be set free to utilize their higher gifts of creation. No longer is it required to uphold your service to the planet in this way, the next wave of energy workers will be stepping in to fulfill these roles.

And for those who had contracts to serve as the warrior brigade, you are now turning over your roles to a new wave of warriors. These new warriors however, will be stationed in the physical world. There is no longer a need for the silence that the first wave of warriors held to...a time of great action draws nigh. -Pleiaidans

Physical Happenings

In addition to the usual aches and pains and HOLY NIGHT SWEATS, we are clearing out a lot of gunk from our lower (1st & 2nd) chakras. This can mean a lot of LOWER BACK PAIN, leg aches & joint weakness, intestinal & urogenital flare-ups and clearings (IBS, candida, parasites, colitis, Crohns, UTI's, kidney stones, bladder & yeast infections, etc.) These are coming up and out to be healed as our lightbodies "touch down" into the most physical parts of our lives. These imbalances will not "go away" until we have purified, integrated and grounded into our full physical form...which is what many are completing now.

On a bioenergetic level, what is happening now is the finalization of the switch over from carbon to crystalline... electromagnetic to scalar. This month and into the June Solstice/eclipse period, you are completing the reconnection to enable these (scalar) energies to fully activate in your auric fields. Those with the light quotient required for full activation will be harnessing the potentials within these scalar wave frequencies and beginning to apply them in the outer world. -Pleiadians

On an emotional level, we are clearing truck loads of fear which is what triggers the release of these deeply embedded cellular memories, dis-ease & imbalances within our physical bodies. Lots of anxiety and feelings of restlessness or unease have been hanging around as well as erratic sleeping patterns, fatigue, lack of motivation/inspiration & general feelings of disconnection, and even depression. We should begin to feel a lift in these energies momentarily.

See you next month!


Sunday 2 May 2010

Mercury retrograde house shopping trip

Just returned to London after a wonderful 5 day break in the west country (Devon) where I needed to view a property before it got sold. Despite the so-called recession it is not a buyer's market as there are still too few houses being put up for sale, and anything half decent gets snapped up straight away. So in full awareness of the adverse astrological conditions, with Mercury being retrograde until 11 May (can't wait that long!) and therefore not favouring short journeys or signing contracts, I bravely booked a greyhound bus to Portsmouth only to realise prior to my arrival there that it should have been to Plymouth. This was after delays in London and calls from the driver to the mechanic as the bus wouldn't start. After I arrived in Portsmouth I had to pay an extra £50 to make the 4 hour train journey to my true destination, via many different counties en route.

I really felt like just turning around and going straight back to London, but I had made appointments with two estate agents and one guesthouse booking, so I reluctantly continued my journey after having fish and chips at the wrong port. When I got to Plymouth I needed to get the bus for the last 30 min leg of the journey, but I had missed the last bus by a few minutes at around 6pm. A local girl told me there were two other buses I could get, but not from the station, and as she was getting one of them herself I just followed her on the other buses and eventually made it to my destination. It's amazing how a friendly helpful local is always there in the right place when you need one.

The guesthouse was really nice and friendly, yet in keeping with Mercury retrograde affecting electrical equipment malfunctioning the TV in my room didn't work. The owner did kindly deduct £3 per night for this inconvenience, and although I don't possess a TV at home and haven't wanted to own one for some years, it would have been handy for when it rained all day on the Thursday and I had no computer with me nor the headphones to listen to music on my iphone, nor the eyesight to squint at the internet on my phone. The effect of Mercury retrograde (which I always assume I can override) became a distant memory by day two, and I enjoyed two glorious sunny days on Tuesday and Wednesday.

There were only 3 houses to view, and the first one I liked straight away but needed to see the other two (or I'll always be wondering), the last viewing being at 4pm the following day. In between house viewings I went on walks to discover the local area, shops, the riverside, cafes and a particularly magical walk following the canal which went on forever through pretty woodland. It was on that canal walk that I just knew I had to move to this area, even though I had already subscribed to Cotswold Life magazine when I thought I was definitely moving to the southern Cotswolds. There had been no suitable properties there really and the house I would have gone to view there was already under offer within days of it coming on to the market. So on this trip I knew I had to act quickly.

The following are some photos from my walks around town, both by the river, and also following the canal out of town.




After my last viewing appointment I decided to buy the first house I saw. The agent said someone else was interested but that they needed to arrange the finance first. So I was in a stronger position, plus didn't have a place to sell first, and also offered the asking price as it seemed reasonable to me especially as the owners had just reduced it by another £5,000. While I waited for the agent to talk with the owners, and the wife had to also confirm with her husband at work first, I went to the bar to await the agents phone call - it was the most emotion charged wait I ever had.

I wasn't even sure if the bar would be open that early in the morning, and as I walked through the doors of an empty bar asking if they were open, "for what?" he enquired, "well, a drink of course" I replied puzzled, "I'm waiting for an estate agent's call". He said "yeah, they have that affect on people". So I sat there sipping my lager and finally got the call confirming they accepted my offer!

So, although I'm not counting my chickens until they are hatched, I'm pretty sure this house purchase will go smoothly now and quickly. It was worth all the hassle of getting there. And Mercury retrograde can kiss my arse.