Friday 29 January 2010

Give Ego a Break

The ego's job is to focus you in physical reality. It reinforces the beliefs that are part of your consciousness personality template, so that beliefs can be experienced as fully as possible. That is why every single belief is self-reinforcing, because the ego's job is to add energy and focus to that belief to make it seem as if no other belief is possible in order for you to have the physical manifestation of that belief.

But when there is a degree of forgetting, that exists to the extent that it has in your reality, very often because of that sense of disconnection (not that you are ever really disconnected, for that cannot be) you can create the experience of disconnection to such a degree that the ego/personality structure can forget that it is not actually the one in charge. It can forget that it has a helpmate in the template reality called the higher mind, can forget that it is not doing this alone, and in suddenly finding itself in the experience of being alone it starts to build up the idea of fear.

It starts to reinforce belief systems in a way that perpetuates its existence beyond the necessary level that it is actually required to generate for its continued existence. It starts to think that if IT is all there is, then it is in charge of everything, the burden and the weight of the world is on its shoulders. It starts to take on that job when it is not built for that job. It starts to burden itself, stress itself, and in that way it starts to break down. It starts to do wildly incongruous, wildly irrational things to strengthen itself, under the feeling that it is crumbling under the weight. And by reinforcing itself it can become extremely dense, extremely crystalized, and very difficult then to expand back out in its more relaxed state, its more relaxed focus.

When it gets that concentrated, the amount of energy the ego puts into belief systems, which are generally fear based, are almost always going to be overwhelming. It is going to choose those things based on survival mode. Let's all give the poor little ego a break, before the ego breaks down. Even in that murky darkness you were still capable of sensing somewhere there must be some kind of higher vibration that calls to you, that tugs at you, that pulls at your heart, that allows you to feel, to know there is some level of reality wherein ego is free, the personality is free to be what it was designed originally to be, and that there is no need for the stress and strife and struggle and dire consequences, and dire experiences that the ego has for thousands of years on your planet sought to perpetuate in generation after generation after generation.

Now is the timing where the light is bright enough, for enough of you are seeking that light within yourselves , that you are adding that to the collective reality and giving each other better opportunities and collective momentum to know there is a level of reality, a level of your whole being, that is more than capable of reconnecting with you, that you deserve to reconnect with and deserve to lighten your load , drop the baggage and get on your way through life in an easy and effortless creative manner.
And this is the time and age on your planet now realising that, so congratulations!

I've typed out (above) the essence of what was said on this video (not word perfect) for those on dial-up internet, who may have problems watching videos. From my current understanding and experience, the main challenge and 'work' we need to be doing right now is to not rely on the lower mind/intellect/ego in interpreting or guiding our reality, especially as we are leaving that particular power centre behind and tapping into more of who we really are, which includes trust in our non-physical guidance (rather than merely logic or reason). I have eliminated most fears from my life these days and find that staying heart-centred with a trust in ALL of who I am (plus staying in the Now moment) is key to navigating these times ahead.

The subtitle of this blog 'explorations beyond the mind' is there for a reason (excuse the pun!). The following extract from a Saint Germain channel (Farewell to Power) by Geoffrey Hoppe says a bit more about the mind as power centre needing to go:

One that many of you still struggle with today, but will get through it, is the power center in your mind. You lost the sexual power, the financial power, so you put everything right up here. “At least I still have my sense, my mind. At least I can still be rational.” And that is going too. (some laughter)

You see, the mind has been a very tricky, a very stubborn power center. You have placed all of your power, your value for yourself, everything that you think you can create and think you can be, right here. And we have seen that that too is going away, because power is an illusion.

Power is old vibration energy. Power – anything to do with power – consists of having to have opposing energies. We’ve gone through this before – the positive/negative, masculine/feminine, light/dark – any of these. But you have focused this power center in the mind, and it’s perhaps the last true power center that you have, and that’s going. And when it is gone, you will open up yourself to an inner and outer universe of who you really are. When that illusion of this last remnant of power is gone, you’ll understand the mind was a limitation. There is so much more to you.

Related posts:

For more on ego by Bashar see my May post Ego Negotiation 101

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