Tuesday 20 March 2012

March Equinox Message for 2012 by St Germain

image source: http://www.thaliatook.com/

"Energy Imbalance, Fanaticism & Revolutionary Change"

Saint-Germain’s, March Equinox Message for 2012.
Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack

Indeed, I AM Saint-Germain. We gather together today to feel the energies of the March Equinox, 2012, as they enter the planet. Astronomically, this is a time of temporary equilibrium, when night and day are equal in length. It also marks the beginning of a 6-month period when the Sun’s energy reaching your northern hemisphere surpasses that reaching your southern hemisphere. This is all very interesting. But astrologically and esoterically, there is something much more important going on.

At this particular time, the planet is receiving energies of rebirth and recalibration – and many of you will feel this with great intensity. Don’t be surprised if you feel inspired and exhilarated, as well as disrupted and disturbed, by your experiences. This is the nature of the energies that you are encountering now. Keep a perspective and remember that all IS well.

Astrologically and esoterically, there are important potentials opening before you. But you are also resolving challenges that have been holding you back for some time. This is true at the individual, as well as the collective level.

More specifically, with this particular March Equinox you will be initiating a sequence of “energetic endings” that will accompany your new beginnings. While this may sound circular, it is not. Instead, think of the analogy of gardening. Right now, you are in the final stages of preparing your garden for planting. It’s almost ready, but you have yet to sow the seeds in the ground. The soil conditions and weather are not quite favorable, yet.

Please understand that by endings and beginnings, I am not referring to the apocalypse or epiphany that many of you expect to occur at the end of 2012. This speculation is fueled more by your hopes and fears, than by anything real. If you allow yourself to be distracted by it, then you will be unable to focus upon the real life situations that are of immediate significance to you.

Focusing on your life is why you are here. Much of your spiritual lessons on Earth have to do with mastering your material reality. Don’t discount this. Your physical life may not always seem like a spiritual adventure to you, but this doesn’t lessen its importance from your Soul’s perspective.

Unbalanced Energies and Religious Fanaticism.

During this year, you can expect a series of challenges and a workable solution to the problem of state-sponsored, religious fanaticism that has brought much aggression, violence, repression and revolutionary change to the world. There will be noticeable activity around this, and it will continue building as you move toward the end of the year. But rather than a return to the chaos and turmoil that has occurred recently, this is the predictable flurry of activity that accompanies the last-minute attempts by those in power to hang on to their passing influence. These events will foreshadow a better tomorrow, if you will look at them closely.

The potentials can be read if you will examine the phase relationships of the Sun and Moon, and the movements of Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Pluto – now and during the coming solstice and equinox alignments this year. Interpret these in the context of the remaining passage of the Moon’s nodal axes through Sagittarius and Gemini and the story is revealed. Lastly, pay particular attention to the Draconic positions of Mars and Chiron at the anaretic 29th degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini at the March Equinox. (Remember, Draconic positions are derived from a reorientation of the planets with respect to the equinox points. They are not the same as the positions of the planets in the sky right now.)

Why are Draconic positions and anaretic degrees so important during this March equinox? Draconic positions show Soul-level intentions, while anaretic placements show important karmic lessons that must be brought to completion in order to move on.

In the case of Mars and Chiron, the message is clear. The religious fanaticism and intolerance that is characterized by Draconic Mars in Sagittarius is still injuring the freedom of speech, thought and expression that Draconic Chiron in Gemini demands in afflicted parts of the world. This lesson must be mastered, if humanity is to progress along the path of Universal Love. Look for dramatic endings and new beginnings in this area before the close of the year, especially as the nodal axes of the Moon leave Sagittarius and enter the domain of Scorpio.

What Can You Do Personally?

Now is the time and place for rebirthing and recalibrating the energies in your life. This is good news, indeed. Yes, you are encountering new potentials for love and joy to enter your life. But you must finish preparing the way, first. You have done much, but there is still much residual fear to overcome.

Assertive and aggressive energies have been so present recently, that many of you have forgotten about a softer kind of receptivity in your lives. This is important because once you begin to soften and open up again, you will activate and recalibrate the feminine energies within you. These are life-affirming energies that respond to your nurturing and care. And as they respond, they produce fruitful outcomes. They bring peace, harmony, contentment and prosperity back into your lives. These archetypically feminine energies have been blocked for some time now. They have been overpowered by an excess of archetypically masculine energies that have been asserting themselves in the best way they know how. But now is the time to restore the balance.

Remember that all of you carry the male and female archetypes of energy and consciousness within you. These are not exclusive traits confined to either gender. What you need to do now, is to rebirth and recalibrate your own appropriate balance. This is the key to your sanity, contentment, and prosperity in these difficult times.

It's necessary to find a way to express both of these energetic sides of you. But remember to especially bring the feminine archetypes into the forefront now. These are the fertile, nurturing aspects of your receptivity and your creativity that are needed in the world right now.

Dealing with Stress and Energetic Imbalances.

Have you ever noticed how quickly you can be drawn into unfavorable situations, when you are feeling stressed? This happens because the masculine and feminine currents within you – the complementary components of your awareness that know how to “act or allow” in response to your life’s situations – become unbalanced.

When the masculine and feminine energies within you become unbalanced, you are more easily drawn into situations in which you feel confused about your need to act with self-assertion on the one hand, versus your need to be receptive and supportive of others on the other hand.

In the current global environment there is much to feel stressed about, of course. And as a consequence, the archetypically masculine energies within you have been responding in the only way that they know how – with an unbalanced need to act. And the feminine energies within you have been responding in the only way that they know – with an unbalanced need to allow. Without the necessary balance and integration there, many of you may feel that you are running on frantic, unchecked energy one day, only to find yourself drifting aimlessly like a rudderless ship on another day.

But at the time of the March equinox, you have an important opportunity to recalibrate the masculine and feminine energies within you, and in the world at large, too. This is the key to restoring the harmony, prosperity and contentment that I spoke about earlier.

You're invited now to become more aware of the way you are choosing to act or allow – as individuals, family members, nations and societies – and to consider how you might restore an appropriate balance of acting and allowing in your lives. Now is the time to prepare the way for the changes that are coming.

Creating Greater Balance in Your Life.

Remember that you can create greater balance in your lives by bringing more of the feminine energies into your interactions now. These are the non-aggressive impulses toward loving kindness and compassion that all of you have experienced at some time in your lives. Let yourselves be enveloped by these magical energies now and feel their restorative power. Then if you still believe that you must act assertively in order to deal with the things that stress you – please allow your actions be motivated by love and compassion. Allow your actions to be governed by loving intentions toward yourself and toward others, and then see how quickly your world changes.

I am delighted to herald this opening in your energies now, and to invite you to explore these opportunities. You are deeply loved, my friends.

Indeed, I AM Saint-Germain.


Sunday 11 March 2012

How Much Are You Willing to Know?

The following is from Lisa Renees latest newsletter.


Dear Family,

Those of us that have been clarifying our new identity as we move into the next stage of our emergence into the world, are starting to sense that we are being pushed through our limits, to be catapulted into some level of the stratosphere. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we are getting a big push. Some of us are getting pushed to “get up to speed”, to re-educate our belief system, get over our delusions, to get our inner or outer work done, to “show up” for something new in a big way. Some of us are having physical accidents, business disappointments, personal chaos and emotional tragedies. Some of us are being pushed hard, in whatever level of self-mastery we have signed up for. Many of us feel like we have not had restful sleep for weeks, with all of this energetic pressure and pushing. All of this activity, no matter what form it takes in your life, within your spiritual purpose, is about one thing – PAY ATTENTION. There is an incredible amount of forces pushing energetic chaos and disruption in the environment. Do not fall asleep at the wheel and let the auto pilot drive the car. This means that you are in the driver’s seat, hands firmly on the wheel, paying attention to the road in front of you. Don’t look at the GPS, or text on your phone! Pay attention to what’s in front of you.

Some of us may have been wondering what in the heck we are missing. What is it that eludes you in the clarity of the self, your mission and purpose? The clarity of the current energetic terrain, what’s happening in the environment, the community around you? What is really happening to humanity and the planet? Are we going to war with the Middle East, again? WHY? Where is the context that allows the human mind to be free of artificial control and dark manipulation?

We ask you to consider this. How Much Are You Willing to Know?

The Resolution to All Planetary Problems

What if it was clear that the resolution to every problem that exists on this planet, economic, political or social, was fully resolvable by committing to and reclaiming your spiritual identity? That all pain, suffering, sickness and atrocity, even cataclysms, are based in spiritual disconnection, whether that form is human or nonhuman? That in the big picture, it really does not matter what person is the President, what organization is spraying chemtrails, running the cabals, or financing negative alien “black op” projects. They are a symbol of a collective “mind controlled puppet” playing out their role as the unseen force manipulates their ego’s behavior to keep the same 3D structure feeding the same vampires. They will just pluck another dominating ego persona from the masses to play out the same fear manipulation program, until humanity takes a stand and says they have had enough blood-letting. All of this drama is the “collective shadow aspect” that runs amok and hides behind the distorted smoke and mirrors to scare the crap out of all of us. That disconnected shadow aspect has no “real” power over you, even when it inhabits a negative alien form, a demonic form, when you finally understand what it is, how it exists and why it is manifesting that way on the planet. It exists both as a “force” and as “entities” which are possessed by this force both en-souled and soulless. It can only exist as a vampire feeding on other “alive” human organisms. It lives for the instant gratification of its “desire” for hunger, never satiated, painfully addicted. It lives because through our fears, we allow this “force” to feed on us, giving it a form, as a collective species. With a United Humanity, and with the courage to face our deepest fears, many of which will never come to pass, this shadow force and its boogey men would be vanquished overnight.

Seeing the big picture and encountering this level of information, leaves all of us with a choice. How much are we willing to know the truth? How much are we willing to let go of our belief systems (b.s.) and see the lies being fed to us to keep us complacent, ignorant and fearful? Are we willing to finally face the disconnected shadow (boogey man) and refuse to let it control us as an authority? Are we willing to “know” that the bulk of humanity is completely and utterly mind controlled by “spiritually disconnected” Negative Aliens, with a patriarchal domination complex for blood ritual and war mongering, who are the symbolic allegory of “Satan”, “The Devil” and “Lucifer”? Okay folks, there - I said It !

Do we, living on this planet, need to be terrified of this fact, Absolutely Not. Do we, living on this planet, need to be informed and aware of this fact – Absolutely Yes! This direct knowledge which has been hidden and subverted from humanity will continually expand to be available to those who desire to grow and embody their spiritual identity. The choice to see the big picture is with you in facing your fears, and will open rapid spiritual growth and protection. It will require an ability to let go from everything (in the small picture) you thought this “reality” was about. And in that “letting go” experience we will be challenged and pushed very strongly this year, until we finally have the direct “spiritual experience” with our inner self. To know direct spiritual experience (consciousness) as truth, one has to experience it directly to discern what is real (organic) and what is not. (Negative Alien artificial machinery propagating fear and enslavement agendas is not organic.) We are poised for more direct experiences of Positive Spiritual Contact and that has some requirements to be careful of discerning the manipulation agendas. Manipulation agendas are always imposing fears, threats and terror (and sometimes glamour and flattery) as a means of compliance or complacency. As long as we are scared of them they know exactly how to manipulate us.

Removing Mind Locks and Mind Slides

Therefore, this is the time to remove “mind locks” and “mind slides” that manifest limited perceptions of reality, which block organic spiritual experiences that happen through positive spiritual contact. If we persist in mental rigidity, ego arrogance or fear based beliefs, or needing to control outcomes, we block the actual organic spiritual experience (contact) from happening. Mental rigidity blocks the higher mind access that exists within the spiritual-energetic layers, literally keeping 3D optical lenses on that person’s perception of reality. The more intellectually developed or academically trained the brain is through only “left-brained” development, the person becomes robotized to regurgitate linear concepts through its data stream of repetition and memorization. Focused left brain development (linear) without emotional sensory development of the right brain (circular), is a type of “brainwashing”. It obstructs intuitive or higher sensory development, which is an inherent ability in all humans. This actually mentally “locks” that person within an extremely small window of linear perception, very much like a 3D television. With 3D television operating your consciousness, one is locked into an extremely small “reality bubble”, unable to see the bigger picture that exists beyond 3D.

When we are mentally rigid, we are highly susceptible to physical, mental and emotional manipulation by these negative forces we are not informed or made aware of. These negative alien forces have spiritual suppression agendas and are using aggressive mind control implants (brainwashing) and mind slide technology. Artificial technology used in this way against human beings is destructive. This creates more fear, anxiety, confusion, disease and pain for the human being. Ignorance is not bliss. If we refuse to learn (how to open our mind) about the bigger picture of what’s happening on planet Earth from fear, laziness or ego, we also block the higher sensory perception to access spiritual experiences. When you are one with your inner spirit, and you have sublimated your personality to your higher power, you are fearless as you know you are being protected. There is nothing more powerful than your inner spirit, whom will guide you, and lead you to safety. We do not want to block this positive contact from happening to us now. Mind locks and Mind slides (brainwashing) block positive contact from our organic spiritual sources and as well from our families of consciousness that are here to support us in our Ascension task. Mind Control implants, such as “mind slides,” are designed to limit our awareness, perception and create obstacles in our Higher Sensory Perception and spiritual development. Many of these mind control implants are creating issues in our human neurological system, and a person may develop headaches and neurological issues when the new planetary frequencies try to activate the brain’s neurological net to perceive higher intelligences. We can be empowered by first - knowing this exists and then applying our conscious awareness to use spiritual technologies to identify, locate, remove and repair the mental implant from being used to suppress spiritual development.

Higher Sensory Perception is that which allows us to see, sense and experience multidimensionality, and the presence of spiritual forces and intelligences. Many times when we have a context for what we are “sensing” we develop much faster, as comprehension of facts removes the “fear” and the confusion it causes. We have been brainwashed to be very scared of what we do not understand, or that we will be punished by an angry god, and that blocks our positive spiritual experiences. There are more options being brought forward this year by Guardian Groups, however, our goal is to rid ourselves of mind control (free our mind) and their alien implants. There are many tools in the ES community now, to clear mind control, however, having context for how the ego/mind is being manipulated is as important. One cannot clear or heal what they do not “know”.

Guidelines to Positive Spiritual Contact

Be aware of the bigger picture to comprehend that Alien Agenda’s are influencing human events that we see every day in the material world. Behind the face of any major influential human figure, is an Alien Agenda. There is nothing that the Alien agenda does not influence in the human world today, as humanity has evolved from extraterrestrial sources, not apes. To not be aware of this fact does not serve any human being. Humanity cannot be free until made aware of this fact; that the Alien Agenda never left Planet Earth, and it has always been in existence and conflict here. This Alien Agenda has been concealed from humanity though mind control, frequency fences and the “half-truth’s knowledge” given through Mystery Schools (Religions). This knowledge was abused and distorted by Alien representatives to control and place fear in the human masses in order to create slaves.

As individuals learning to inherit the freedom of Cosmic Citizenship, one can be empowered to learn how to secure personal “spiritual identity” and then choose how to participate with the larger global impacts these Alien Agenda’s bring to the table. Understanding that Freedom is God, and Fear is Bondage, and making the choice of where one places their priorities, empowers the individual.

If one is willing to be open minded in order to be re-educated in the hidden human and planetary history as sourcing from Extraterrestial genetics and the Alien Agendas, through the progression of spiritual consciousness, humanity will be given access to heal damaged genetics and be immune to the possession, and mind control manipulation of these negative alien agendas. To be open to learn about this information without fear, using energetic discernment techniques, and by commanding dominion of one’s personal space in Gods Authority - allows Positive Contact to happen. Positive Contact will always interact with a human in the core principles of the Law of One or Law of Love - “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free”. Manipulation Agendas reject that statement as a Truth.

Humans that are contacted (or have been abducted) have been chosen for their genetic relationship (hybrids) to that Extraterrestial Family. Being clear about who is contacting you and making that choice – whether to live in freedom or fear based manipulation – is the individual’s responsibility. All damage from hybridized genetics can be healed through applied spiritual and consciousness development. Guardian or Krystal Hosts will help and support all sincere heart based requests for spiritual healing, although building your 12D shield to prepare for positive spiritual contact is mandatory. (Due to the frequency fences and mind control, Guardian (Krystal) Consciousness has difficulty connecting to this density unless one builds a frequency platform and requests for their contact and protection. Some Starseed’s have this built into their field automatically from their healed genetics, others need to build it with conscious participation. Every being has access to this 12D field - freely.)

The more a human dedicates their energy and devotes attention to inner spiritual development (and is willing to overcome the fear of what they may find out) the more knowledge and information will continue to be provided to expand and support that individual. It takes courage to leave human order and to listen to divine order. This does not mean blindly accepting information as the “absolute truth” by listening to a Guru. It means researching and compiling levels of information that one integrates and feels energetically resonant with. Test and verify your spiritual sources continually. God forces do not need to use ego to control or manipulate any human being. Only one’s inner spirit knows the real pathway to God and needs to follow that inner guidance. Sometimes that requires facing the darkness “head on” in order to know how to become fearless. The courage it takes is infinitely spiritually rewarded, as an investment is made in the permanent and its eternal consciousness, for its future direction. Mind control promotes values to be given to the impermanent structures of falsehood, rather than the permanent consciousness structures that hold the integrity of the inner spirit.

Become skilled at developing your inner spiritual identity by reclaiming your personal power and rediscovering your multidimensional spiritual anatomy. As you become skilled at focusing your mind and directing consciousness power, clearing fear based mind control, you will be empowered to heal your DNA, have Guardian positive contact and the incredible advantages of protection and consciousness expansion.

Being aware of the bigger picture happening now (during the Planetary Ascension cycle) and having the context and clarity for what appears so disturbing at the global level, brings one the peace of mind, and awareness, to make decisions to interact with the energies as one chooses. Empowered with information and an open mind, one can then shift consciousness to discern what agenda is running, and consciously shift the placement of inner authority; that where one places energies, attention and value. If you place your authority on impermanent or insane structures, the consciousness energy will direct its power to value its “impermanence” and insanity. This is exactly where the “Alien Conflict” tricks us into believing we have to be in terror for our physical safety in this insane world. If we give these sociopaths our power, it has a great consequence to whether one can embody their inner spirit (ascending vehicle) or not. Without our connected core spirit, the form and DNA degenerates and carries out the same life patterns never-ending, like a horror film based in a “ground hog” day.

In many ways this is happening in the macrocosm now, humans keep a war going in the Middle East, with the same conflicts, different Presidential Leaders, all repeating the same mistakes made in history to kill thousands of innocent people, over and over again. For what? A Negative Alien feeding frenzy designed to incite terror and collective compliance to the Megalomaniacs that humans have given over their power and resources. These Megalomaniac Human Leaders have been hand-picked by the Negative Alien’s themselves, some are aware, others are not.

The Alien Deception

Ancient Extraterrestial conflicts are manifesting on the physical earth plane, in every day Global Dramas, like the Middle East, in order to complete and end multiple cycles of warring based on genetic discrimination and dominance of territory. We are now living in 2012, the pinnacle of these heated conflicts, as humanity is at the crossroads of evolutionary change. The Krystal consciousness returning to the planet is mediating the unification of all genetic mutations to bring peace back to the people through the Guardian Host. Knowing there are Alien agendas operating on the planet gives the power back to the individual to consciously participate with their personal awakening. Without this awareness, you are a pawn in the game of a chessboard of manipulating forces used between these groups creating division by aggressively duking out their power conflicts. Their power conflicts are around which group is “ruling” humanity and continuing to use humanities resources, and the future governance of the planetary body. From this position, one’s life force is not your own and is being directed by forces that have been controlling the human body by suppressing the consciousness through fear brainwashing. Humanity has allowed this because we did not know it existed, and we have been told that humans have free will. Humans have a degree of free will if they stay here as slaves, playing the 3D program, quite the paradox. It is an incredible deception of trickery and is painful to face. Most of us do not want to wake up and face that this is the reality we live in. We are here to change this Alien Deception and evolve through this painful time. However, to liberate and free oneself, to feel one’s inner spirit, one has to stop this insidious lie from controlling and deceiving them. Humans are Free in the Authority of the Eternal Love of God. We can free others from living as that example on the Earth.

Massive Conflict in the Dove Grid

As the Enochian prophecies state for the end cycle, the Return of the Dove, the planet is entering a time of great conflict within a consciousness network called the Dove Grid. This grid has to do with all the Armageddon Software, including the Pale Horse and Jehovian/Annunaki Crucifixion timelines and their implants. When there is Inter-dimensional conflict and war memories coming into the planetary body through its consciousness grid networks, (through collapsing timelines) it will manifest as war dramas or threats as perceived in our physical world. (There is much posturing to incite a war or invasion at this time with the Middle East.)

This consciousness grid network in the planet’s body intersects between the 4D and 7D ley lines and impacts the multiple ways the planetary life force has been siphoned and used from the 4D (green) and 7D(violet) ley lines by the Negative Alien Agenda. So as a human is the individual nerve cell of the planet, many of us will have Ascension Symptoms reflecting these changes in our Astral Body ( 2D/4D/5D/6D), and the Crown (7D). The Guardians mention this Dove conflict and its activations have shifted the “Doradic Current” of the planetary body, which impacts the auric function of the same name in our personal light bodies.

The Heart Chords in the Planetary Doradic Current are changing from a multitude of events transpiring at this time. The planetary body is undergoing a change in its “Doradic Heart Body”, which is the horizontal shield body that exists to merge the 4D-5D-6D layers. As our bodies directly interface with the planetary body, many are experiencing changes in our light-body and its frequency accretion, especially in the 4D and 7D intersections. The pathway of the Doradic frequency cords run from your Heart Chakra to your Palms and may become activated and greatly sensitized. This pools the healing “current” into your palms and hands, and for some of us will give “palm /hand” frequency that can activate others when you “touch them”. (Soul reconnection)

Some of us that are new on the ascension pathway, will be experiencing activation in the lower Dan Tien points, and the fetal cells located on the tailbone. This is a 1-3rd level Kundalini activation which is the foundational “telluric or physical matter” current to build for the Doradic heart current. (One cannot activate Doradic Heart shields without the 1D-2D-3D horizontal shield in the perineum area as the foundational shield current in place to build upon. We have learned this is why so much 2D Orange Rod clean out has been necessary recently in order to activate the Heart Chords. See last month’s news.) When the Soul matrix embodies it starts building its trinity within a horizontal shield, which is known as the “Doradic Shield” and of which has its own “running light current”. The Doradic Heart Shield has a Life Force Current that is 4D Green, 7D Violet and 11/12D Silver and manifests at the Heart Chakra level.

There are some of us that have embodied this personal Doradic Shield already, however, what the distinction is here, is that this is a PLANETARY EVENT. That planetary interface changes the strength and increases the intensity of these frequencies in the collective human fields. For those unprepared albeit impacted by these frequencies, chaos, disruption and energetic pressure is extremely high.

Glamorizing of ET’s

This year there will be an increasing Alien Agenda to glamorize various E.T. groups to recruit and ensnare humans to play out their various agendas. The highest expression is to not align with any of them, as each E.T. group has its own purposes; our collective human purpose is to foster Liberation of all Human Beings as Divine and Sovereign. In this current Dove grid conflict, a major factor is that the different groups of intruders are warring with each other over territory. It is not our highest purpose to align with any one of them against others, but instead to strengthen in each individual our God, Sovereign and Free nature. Stand firm and know that YOU are in charge, by commanding your space within your personal shield.

Neurological Symptoms

On the surface, this event is impacting the brain and nervous system, of both the planet and of human beings. Cranium/head, Neck, Shoulders, Shoulder Wings and Flanks may feel like they are bruised or sore, there is a lot of popping noises and aching in the body for some of us. As usual an awareness to protect and focus on strengthening your nervous system is productive.

This situation creates weakness in the collective fields, this grid conflict, and the nervous system of our bodies is where it plays out in individual experience. The sensation can be one of feeling like a chemical burn, hot or cold flashes, with the bodies nerves flushing and tingling, with pressure on the heart and head, and with chaotic thinking interference.

Suggested Technique

Here is a suggested technique that will help if you are finding yourself impacted. The impacts are largely via the back of the neck and back of the heart as these are the areas that source into your nervous system and its controls.

Step One is to pay close attention to how those areas of your body feel and intend that your personal 12D shielding be concentrated there to repel intrusions.

Step Two is to speak to your body as a separate intelligence. It is you, but it is not you. It is like an intelligent space suit. Tell your body that you love it and appreciate all it is doing for you and that YOU ARE IN CHARGE.

Step Three is to program your brain and nervous system to accept only messages that are organic and in alignment with your higher good and Divine Being. Speak to and treat your body (and brain and nervous system in particular) as an Intelligence that is separate from your Self. Train your brain and nervous system to accept no messaging or impulse that is inorganic or artificial.

Step Four is to stay as calm and relaxed as you can. Do not permit the mind looping and adrenalizing to take hold, but keep as calm as possible. Unplug from stressful stimuli, take baths, do deep breathing and generally remember to stay as relaxed as possible.
To achieve this clarity, one has to stop allowing external programs and other people’s energies to run their life. When one learns to create the inner space to communicate clearly and embody one’s spiritual core, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.
Love Always, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee
Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com

Friday 9 March 2012

Sharing Tools for Healers by Jim Self

I didn't have the time to introduce this video properly when I first posted it, but I really liked the answer Jim gave to a question from a healer. I've made some rough notes from it, as I do from time to time, for those who can't watch videos because of a slow connection or whose language isn't English. This is not a complete or exact transcription.


The questioner/healer said that even though she has used all of Jim's 'tools' she still finds she still gets knocked off balance at times. But her clients don't even have a reference point on how to manage their energy, how to deal with the fear, the insecurity, the chaos and turmoil that is in their lives. They have none of the tools that she has. She asks how can she best start them off, what direction does she point them in?

Jim replies that a lot of people who are lightworkers, they hold energy, they have a sense of this spiritual shift, and have a role to play. At the same time they are a person with "stuff" in their space. They are learning specific skill sets, tools, abilities, one of which is to become masterful. It's about really beginning to live the life that we are learning about. Living that life means demonstrating that life.

He says the reason many people are coming to her (and to many other lightworkers) is because she is holding a level of Light in her space. Many people are also coming saying "I am broken , can you fix me?" It's quite a wonderful validation of her, except that they don't know how to manage her space. And so what happens is, they climb into her space, or into those little weak points that she doesn't know about, and that's where she gets knocked off balance.

All they are doing is finding that weak point in 'her' that reflects 'them'.
It's her picture first. All they are doing is showing her a part of her energy field that hasn't been cleared yet.

He says to her - stay in your own sense of wellbeing, and begin to realise that your job is not to 'fix', your job is simply to say 'hello'. And when I say 'hello' to you I say hello in a way that holds wellbeing, even though you feel you are broken, hurt etc.
So you don't 3rd dimension take pity, and you don't 3rd dimension try to 'heal' them, and you don't fix them, and you don't tell them what's wrong with them and what they 'should do'.

Jim goes on to say that you shift them to a state of wellbeing by changing the focus to something that IS more pleasing to them.

My thoughts - The idea, of course, is to raise ones vibration or frequency/consciousness, which is where all the healing, clarity, wellbeing etc can take place. As the solutions are never on the same vibration or wavelength as the problem. In 3D we tend to do the opposite, and wrestle our problems and challenges into the ground, struggle with it, focus on it exclusively (almost) rather than what IS working, use it as an excuse to lower our vibration, or get on the endless loop of processes by trying to figure it all out mentally.

I'm finding that it is more of an emotional journey than anything else, as that is how our inner being/divinity communicates. Not through language. Our outer 'reality' also speaks to us, because whatever we are experiencing we have attracted for some reason, otherwise it would not be in our experience. We can view it as an annoying problem or challenge we could well do without, or use it as the raw material (the contrast in life, which contains both what is 'wanted' and not wanted) to clear more of our stuck energy and emotional blockages. Resistance to it is what gets in the way. If we are emotional triggered by anything, it is ours. No matter how justified the feeling and no matter how it looks as though it is all coming from the 'outside' via people and circumstances.

This is good news, because we cannot control others anyway, nor manipulate external 'reality' through any action at all when we are not vibrationally aligned with our own source energy, inner being / higher frequency/ heart energy, or in emotional balance ourselves.
To get there, we actually have to take our minds OFF the perceived 'problem' to raise our frequency enough to a level where our actions are inspired ones, and not merely re-actions born out of learned habits, beliefs and feeling temporarily (heart/spirit) dis-connected from more of who we really are. We may judge others, their lives, our lives, and what we perceive as being 'wrong' or a 'mistake', but it is the mind that is doing the judging.

The heart doesn't judge, but somehow integrates the polarities into a more neutral (unattached, untriggered) observation mode, naturally. It is caring without the pity or judgement. Because these duality 'contrasts' are just opportunities in disguise. And it is often not until we have fully experienced everything we needed to in any situation to extract the 'gifts' (there is always a positive to every negative, there are always two sides of a coin) that we eventually come to appreciate that these were merely stepping stones to something much grander or more expansive in our experience.

Plleiadian Wake Up Call For The Family of Light

The Pleiadians, as channelled by Barbara Marciniak, was the main catalyst to my own awakening many years ago now. Her first two books I would especially recommend, but only if you are prepared to think outside of the 3D box.

I enjoyed this video!

The true history of the earth has been a constant interest and backdrop for me to everything else, probably because I feel it is connected to why I AM here. Although these days I don't view it so much as 'saving' or 'fixing' a world, but of making an alternative world view available, an alternative frequency or consciousness, which others can access should they so choose. Change comes from within before you can see it in the manifest world.
And we can't change anyone except ourselves.
It is through the ascension journey that we contribute the most, both for our own soul growth and for the collective of humanity. Ascension also involves clearing out all our fears, so it is not always an easy journey.
But the gifts and rewards are worth it with each shift to another layer or level.

I still feel I have a strong Pleiadian connection and that I AM 'on assignment' (voluntary/self-chosen), despite the fact that it is not fashionable in some spiritual circles to have 'assignments' any more. I AM also here to have fun, joy, love and laughter as well as freedom and creative expression. We ALL have different roles to play and different reasons for being here on earth at this time. We can compassionately make peace with whatever expressions of All That Is that is playing out, because we have no choice if we are to have peace within. When we reach a level of peace and balance within we are adding a frequency or vibration of consciousness to the earth also, and making that available to the collective of mass consciousness. Our human bodies are the vehicles (for everyone) to anchor those frequencies of light and higher consciousness. I prefer not to see it as a war between 'dark' forces and 'light' forces. What you resist persists. Those who would enslave humanity rely on the lower frequencies, such as fear and anger, to continue their existence here.
This video, although a bit dramatic and 'Star Wars' at times, is actually for me quite moving. Although I'm not interested in conflict or drama, I can appreciate that the old paradigm and matrix, and immensely long astrological cycle is coming to a close. And it will look messy at times. I believe one of the reasons I chose to be here (and we all did choose it) was to help anchor freedom for humanity. I am pretty much free in my own life right now, so have embodied at least this level or layer of freedom, although there is always room for more expansion.
We cannot offer anything to others that we have not yet given ourselves, or allowed ourselves to have.

These are exciting times to be here on Earth. For me, it just becomes more interesting and a lot easier as these new energies and the ascension process unfolds. And I feel positive as far as my own life is concerned, without owning any energies that are not mine to own.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Sound Vibrations, Earth Acceleration by Pepper Lewis

I thought of these photos of mine as I was listening to a video this morning - Gaia Speaks, channelled by Pepper Lewis. The sound of running water in the background of the channeling is a sound I have always found to be soothing.
The following images were taken on one of my favourite local walks, a cycle route that is traffic-free, where all you can hear is much bird song and running water.

And this is the Pepper Lewis channel, entitled "Sounds Vibration - Earth Acceleration". I do not have time to transcribe any of it for non-English speakers, so apologies for that.

X-5 Class Solar Flare today

The following information is from James Tyberonn, about the effects that solar flares (or CME's) have on our auric field, emotions, and electronics. Apologies about the text not formatting properly. The effects of the last big blast of solar energy should be making itself felt from today. I'm feeling quite good right now, if a little tired bodily. But I do get out in nature and walk a lot, which helps. And I love salt baths.

James also mentions Gregg Braden, and I have posted his videos 'Awakening to Zero Point' at the end of this blog post. Enjoy!

Photo Above - March 7 X-5+ Class Solar Flare (CME) the largest so far in 2012

Magnetic Effect of Solar Flares - Coronal Mass Ejections

The solar gas from CME's has its own magnetic field, and as it streams past our
planet, it stirs up massive turbulence in Earth's magnetic field. If this field
points in the opposite direction as Earth's, the two can link up, or reconnect-releasing
magnetic energy that accelerates particles and thereby creates bright auroras and
powerful electric currents. It also can be problemastic to electronics, air flights,
satellites. and the Human Aura. The CME's are mega-energy amplifiers, and also
can be used wisely for benevolent purpose.

X-5 Class Solar Flare Today ! -

In the Energy of the Full Moon and Mercury Retro

Fasten Your Seat Belt & Use this Energy Wisely ! CME activity is expected to increase and peak in early 2013. More are coming !

This energy can be optimally managed.


Space Weather News for March 7, 2012

SOLAR ACTIVITY: Big sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another major flare--an X5-class eruption on March 7th at 00:28 UT. As a result of the blast, a radiation storm is underway and a CME will likely hit Earth's magnetic field in a day or so. Geomagnetic storms are already in progress at high latitudes due to earlier eruptions from the active sunspot.


The CME is expected to reach Earth on the full moon of March 8th. Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares/solar winds are a major part of the upshift of energies and as such an integral part of the Planetary Ascension. As we have previously shared, CME's can and do disrupt the Human Auric Field. Emotions can be mal-effected if imbalance occurs. But preventive maintenance is possible. As we are entering a Mercury Retrograde those energies can be further amplified.

Miscommunications, travel issues can result. It is prudent to be aware of the astronomical waves, their dual attributes and take measures to prevent or minimize fissure-cracking of the Auric Field. Wear stabilizing gems and noble metals. Meditate and take salt mineral baths and saunas. Exercise.

Now, there is indeed a means to use this energy in a beneficial manner. Although this wave is tremendously powerful, there are other astrological influences that will allow for it to be utilized for positive effect. This particular Mercury Retro carries with it a unique field for higher dimensional access...if one can maintain stability. It is a superb energy for breaking through dimensional veils. It can be said that the 'veil is very thin' in this time frame. We also explain that the massive ionic influx can be used to harmonize with 'theta wave' thought and more rapidly transform thought to reality. This is indeed a double edge sword...good or not so good - depending entirely on what thoughts you focus on in very unique this intensity. Indeed the wise use can be very serendipitous.

This time period can go either way...depending on ones awareness & emotional stability. The CME amplification in this full moon, within retro-Mercury can also absolutely be optimally utilized for manifestation of higher vibrational goals as well as for achievement of extremely lucid visioning.

Triple Whammy of Mega Flares - Biggest Yet in 2012!

The sun unleashed a cosmic double whammy Tuesday (March 6 & March 7th ), erupting with two major mega-flares to cap a busy day of powerful solar storms. One of the flares is the most powerful solar eruption of the year, so far.

Both of the huge flares ranked as X-class super storms, the strongest type of solar flares the sun can have. They followed several weaker, but still powerful, sun storms on Tuesday and came just days after another major solar flare on Sunday night. Triple whammy !

The first big solar storm was the most powerful one, ranking as an X5.4-class flare after erupting at 7:02 p.m. EST (0002 March 7 GMT), according to an alert from the Space Weather Prediction Center operated by the National Weather Service. It is the strongest solar flare yet for 2012, in ayear that is proving to be extremely active with CME's. More to come!

- Coronal Mass Ejections -

The Impact of Solar Magnetic Winds

Dr Greg Braden was the first to speak of this activity in relation to planetary frequency increase.

Archangel Metatron has spoken on this topic. CME are one of the mechanisms of the energy increase into Crystalline Dimensions.

Although CME's, Solar Flares and Winds create havoc with electronics & communication instrumentation....they are not 'all-bad'. Quite the contrary, if the wise & prudent metaphysician keeps the auric field intact, this incredible energy can be used in myriad beneficial ways.

Yes - the Human Auric Field can be mal-effected. The magnetics & radiation can create fissure cracking , imbalance and ruptures in the Auric sheathe. But this can be avoided or minimized.

The magnetic waves, if disregarded, can create, 'Auric Fissuring that imbalance can lead to extreme emotional swings, anger bursts and a heightened sense of anxiety. Many of you may be sensing this now.

CME energy is relatively short term, and by optimally managing the Auric Field ruptures from CME's, the Aura can be quickly restored. Understanding the mechanics and utilizing preventive maintenance is required. .

The CME result is somewhat like a full moon X 10. However the X-Class is more like X-100 ! Take time to meditate, exercise, and guard against anxiety and untoward mood amplification. Take mineral baths and saunas !

CME's are not bad events, they are necessary for the up-shift. This one in particular can be used powerfully for manifestation. The 'life-force' in these extreme waves can be utilized for 'thought-creation'.


Solar Magnetics - Awakening to Zero Point - Dr Gregg Braden

Wednesday 7 March 2012

March 2012 Energy Forecast - Lee Harris

The latest energy forecast by Lee Harris is full of useful advice and tips about navigating more easily through the current energies during this time of transition and intensity. I have copied the text in full so that it translates easily into other languages by using the translator in the top margin of this blog. My aim for creating this blog was always to make these materials accessible to non-English speaking countries, and I always feel excited when a new flag from a country i haven't even heard of before pops up in the Live Feed box (towards bottom of right margin).

Anyway, here is the video. The text follows.

My aim for these energy forecasts is to publish them online by the 5th of each month. As I sat at my laptop over the last 3 days to see if it would come through me, “No. Rest” was the instruction I repeatedly heard. I was happy to follow that instruction, and yet another part of me noticed my awareness of those who might be waiting for this forecast, and felt a slight pull in your direction.

Hence one of the first big themes of March – Who comes first? You or those you are in relationship with and to? March will see you needing to ask yourself this question many times. Can you trust that what is right for you is also absolutely perfect for those around you?

March is about fostering self-leadership, self-love and self-nurture. The outcome of focusing on these areas in yourself will be offering better love, nurture and leadership to others. Can you allow yourself to lead, regardless of whether others follow?

We live as a tribe who are in response to each other as much as to our own inner impulses. We stop ourselves saying something because of fear of what others may feel in response to our words. We stop ourselves acting for fear our actions could cause upset, or draw the judgement of others.

So who is leading the transformation of our world if this is how we behave? Who is leading us into a new way of being if we and our friends are playing an old 'game of safety' in our relationships? This game of safety is quite different to having compassion for one another. You can still be in compassion for another even as you lead you and your partner out of this game and into new, more authentic words and actions. There are times when the 'game of safety' may work beautifully for you, and there are times where it will be too tight a fit for who you are becoming.

March is going to bring this 'game' strongly to your attention. March asks you to live and love boldly, rather than safely. The challenge will be to become aware of which mode you are in and when. This 'game of safety' works like a hidden script in us – it is strong within the human psyche, emotions and genetic body. We are being asked to now see and then let go of this programming, at deeper levels than before.

It takes energy to get used to first seeing, and then making these changes. It can bring shock when you have a revelation about yourself and/or your relationships. This shock then requires some emotional adjustment time before action can occur. This will be the dance of March, and as a result, a strong tiredness will come over you at times. This tiredness will have been a feature at times in recent weeks, like a sudden wave. This will continue to be a factor for many into early April, although with less of the viral and physical illnesses that have been a catalyst of that tiredness ('energy adjustment') these past 8 weeks.

These are demanding times energetically, even with all the highs and states of revelation you may be experiencing. So respect your needs to rest and if you suddenly feel tired, don't worry or try to speed yourself up, but instead listen to your body and slow down or stop in these moments. '2012 fatigue' will be mighty at times.

There are several other factors creating the tiredness – solar flare activity and our astrological position as a planet being a strong component. The Galactic alignment of 2012 only happens once every 26,000 years. So our bodies and their memory codes are going through a rapid shift, as it has been a long time on Earth since our ancestral genetic bodies have undergone such influences. The 'consciousness body' within each of us is waking up fast in order to greet the changes. This brings with it a collective lifting of denial and suppression in our world, and as a result, a great rise in power will follow, personally and collectively.

There are many aspects to this 'transformation of consciousness' (of which 2012 is the axis point), and we are being bombarded with information as a result. Where is your focus? Whether you have been focused on predictions around the end of the Mayan Calendar, alarmed by yet another war taking place, coming to terms with how many ecological crises there currently are, or dealing with the grief of your friend who has just lost her husband to cancer, the rising intensity can't be escaped by any of us.

Yet the truth is, the experience of such intensity can bring us back to greater peace, by rapidly waking us up, faster than ever before, and this is what is occurring now. We are reminded that all we truly have is the moment and this is the place our focus needs to be. This can be an annoying statement to those used to living in the mind or mostly in the past and the future, and a confusing concept to those of us who were trained not to live in the moment the older we became as children.

And yet the moment is the spine of life and the more you access it, the more it becomes the safest and truest place to be. How in the moment is your life allowing you to be right now? What would it take to stop you in your tracks and let you breathe the air, look at the trees, smile at a stranger, wonder at this physical body you have and this beautiful planet we are on? What would it take? If you have been running full speed for a while, expect it to take some weeks of gentle slowing down to ease you back into living more in the moment. But you will get there, if you start your journey now.

Whenever I speak about living in the moment, I often think of Mothers, and all that their daily lives involve. From my observation, mothers tend to be the busiest people on the planet. How do mothers live in the moment and take that time when they have so many dependants? (I’ve included some more detailed guidance for mothers at the end of the forecast)

Women and mothers are so important in this time of the emerging feminine on Earth. If our mothers are stressed and overtired, so too is our nurturing ability toward ourselves and the planet. We the people are a mirror of nature and currently, nature wants us to wake up and start treating her differently and nurturing her restoration. For she too is overworked, and straining for balance. She, our original mother.

We can address this imbalance in ourselves as humans, as well as directing our output toward positive solutions. Action and energetic focus combined are a beautiful combination and will give people the most 'alive' experience in the coming years. The grounded actions many of you will take in your work and your lives will move energy powerfully in our world, and create positive differences for people. The collective shift of the next 3- 4 years will be strong, fast, and it will feel good to be involved.

But there are many different human roles in this shift. There are those who will feel inclined to simply trust that 'all is well' and just to be in that space, meditating and holding that frequency for others and the planet purely through meditation and energy work. They have their role in the energy balancing, just as there are those of you who will have a more practical, action-based role to play. Trust where you find yourself to be on that spectrum and then work towards deepening and unfolding your strength and presence in that area.

After a period of lock down and an intense emotional clear out since mid January, the energy skies have opened up again for forward movement and calm, as of March 6th-8th. You will see experiences of 'charging ahead' and 'breaking loose' in the first 2 weeks, as a result of the space, so expect change to be happening, fast and more effortlessly than before. But a calm will be present, underlying the movement, felt by those of you attending to body balance.

Then after March 16th, a slowing down in changes will occur, in order for more intensity to be released from within, again creating space for change once more. This intensity will be emotionally felt within you, and many of you will go deep into your base chakra to clear out issues of either anger/frustration or primal fear. Power and dis-empowerment issues, and memory replay of dis-empowerment in relationships or power abuses will be a feature in this later part of the month.

Energy maintenance continues to be crucial for balance for all at these times - looking after your body with good nutrition and regular exercise/movement and getting regular alone/creative/meditative time. Tending to these needs will allow more joy and peace to be present for you than if you ignore these requirements of the soul and the body.

Regarding balance, a piece of advice I often give, is that if you are home and feeling off-centre but you don't know why, leave the house and take a brief walk around your block or surrounding areas. The illusion that the walls of our home create, is that we are 'alone' and disconnected from those living next door or around us. Yet this is not the truth, as energy is not held back by walls, so a lot of the time when off-centre, you are picking up on your neighbours and surrounding community energy. In these moments, taking a perimeter walk around your environment will give your body an 'energy sense' of what you are surrounded by. This can then alleviate the intensity you feel, through giving your senses the chance to walk through and thus better integrate the energy you are surrounded by.

Much love and peace to all of you


Affirmation for March:

I will love and nurture myself, body and soul.

I will honour and enjoy myself, body and soul.

I will love and remember those around me, for we are all brothers and sisters.

I will love and nurture my original mother, the Earth, just as she nurtures my life.

Message to Mothers:

Remember that as a mother, you can invite your kids to experience the moment with you. Do not separate your own spiritual awakening from them, even if they seem initially disinterested. Younger children will usually be keen to meditate, do yoga, sit in the garden, talk about feelings, intuition and the energy of things. Teenagers may seem less enthusiastic, but remember teenagers are also searching for deeper meaning, and dealing with the intensity of rising hormones. Offering them a chance to connect with these practises or discussions could seem initially less welcomed by them than by younger children, but you may be surprised how open they are.

So with your kids, let go of the usual routine for a while and look at life in a spiritual or intuitive way with them. Children are hungry for this right now and it will connect you more with them and yourself if you join with them in this.

I encourage you, as a possibly overworked mother, to find the balance for yourself amidst it all through delegation. If your family demands are too great for you to have space and time, then delegate and share the load with your partners, relatives, friends or your children. It need not all be on your shoulders, and if it is, then you need to allow more help.
