Thursday 17 March 2011

Kryon channel on disasters in Japan

Lee Carroll is currently in Spain, and gives this message to all from KRYON

March 15, 2011

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic service. There is much fear in the air at this time, and I wish to give you this message of hope. In January I told you that the numerology of this year was a four (4). This is the GAIA number… all things dealing with the earth. I also reminded you that the weight of the water is being redistributed from the ice on the polar caps to the oceans as the ice continues to melt. This would result in more earthquakes and volcanoes.

Here is also a quotation from that channeling:
“Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need …” []

Now, suddenly the month of the three (March) it is upon you. The three represents the catalyst. A catalyst is something that occurs, which can changes something else. Anyone dealing in numerology would have expected Gaia to move in this month, as well as the month of the 5 (May) coming later. Those in the sweet country [Japan] who received this disaster are not the target of God. They simply sit in a place that has always been ripe with GAIA change and are volcanic and earthquake sensitive. Just like their counterparts in South America, this is where they chose to live. The compassion generated by this event is considerable, and I have also channeled recently that it is compassion that creates significant change on the planet, and you are starting to see it.

1. Let us take a moment to also remind you that Spirit does not know when these events are coming any more than you do. All we have is the potentials based on Human consciousness and the energetic signs around them. We knew that the South American earthquake was coming soon, and told those in Chile one year before the event. The Japan earthquake was similar, in that the potentials were there, and also the numerology. But details are absolutely not known by Spirit in these things, and it could have been years before it happened in this way, or not at all. This is because we have given Humanity the tool of consciousness over matter. Your shift determines everything.
Dear ones, send energy of compassion to those on this island nation, and give them the strength and resolve to bring forward a greater nation due to this. Help unite them in love and family as they cope with the loss and the separation. “BE” their family in this time. Be aware that each one who passed over in these last few days absolutely knew at the Akashic level that there was a potential they would not last past 2011. We have spoken of this many times before. At the wind of birth, potentials are known about what the Humans might do on the earth. This is not fortune telling, but rather potential measuring. Since this was the strongest potential, these beautiful aspects of God [Humans] came into this planet anyway as spiritual family, ready to participate in one of the largest disaster events of your decade. They knew it would change much, and it will. Celebrate their lives and know that they are ALL home. Now, send energy to those left behind that they might find peace in the fact that those who were lost did something amazing for the planet. They increased the compassion level of the crystalline grid. They have done their part, and left you to do yours.

2. Are you now aware of what I have been telling you for more than ten years about the alternate ways of creating electricity? This single event will shut down your nuclear programs for years. So now is the time to review what we have said: Spirit does not judge humanity. Humans are free to do whatever they choose based on the consciousness that is developed by their own vibrations. For years, however, we have told you of very viable alternative ways to create power for all your cities. We have done it over and over, and you can find these channellings all through my work. Now perhaps you know why we have concentrated on this issue, for this one earthquake shows you the danger you face world-wide by continuing on the nuclear path. Listen: You do NOT need this technology any longer. It will not serve you well. Nuclear power is a very expensive and dangerous way to create a steam engine. That’s all a nuclear plant is… a way to create steam. Again we tell you that you can use the funds that would create one nuclear power plant to research far better ways to make electricity that are not dangerous and have almost no environmental impact.

A. Geo thermal energy: Heat is underneath your feet in abundance. You can create as much steam as you want forever. Remember, there are some new exotic fluids that will boil far faster than water, so the heat does not have to be what you think. If this disaster had occurred at a geo thermal plant, the worst it would have done would have ruined it. Then you build another.

B. Thousands of tons of push pull energy per hour, on a constant fixed time line [the tides] are available on your coast lines. This island nation is perfect for tide and wave generated power. Again, the worst thing that would have happened to these plants would have been the necessity to rebuild them. No danger to those living around them. Are you going to take this world-changing event to finally see these options as real, and viable? The nuclear disaster was created for you to stop and change direction. Only time will tell if it was worth it. But quite often disaster must occur before Humanity sees what has always been before them… the promise of something better. The largest cities on earth sit on the ocean, perfect for this power generated option. But it has not been seen this way, nor are the potentials being realized. Think large! Take the finest minds and create new scenarios to harness what GAIA has given you… the power of the tides and oceans forever, right where you need it the most. The time is upon you to create the next step…

Given in love… always,



Sunday 13 March 2011

Gaia Speaks - Earthquake in Japan

The following video on the earthquake in Japan is channelled by Pepper Lewis who channels Gaia (earth).

A few brief notes:

The earth, like you, is a living being. The earth has now entered , like humanity, a time in which change is at an accelerated pace.

There will be more earthquakes, in both hemispheres, and they will move from east to west.
This earthquake was not caused by those who would consider causing the earth harm in order to control the earth or its population. It is one of the theories that is put forth at this time, as it always has, be it those make their way on planet or off planet. It is a natural event with a beneficial cause and effect regardless of what it would look like.

To predict future earthquakes is difficult. It is difficult to predict which way energy travels, it moves in all directions. It is difficult to say when a change has been enacted in the core of the earth where it will erupt exactly on the earth. Or whether it will come through a volcano or an earthquake. I tell you that this year, your 2011 year will have more earthquakes in both hemispheres. It is likely that on the northern and western hemisphere, that is the next likely place.

The earth is not now or ever in wrath or in angst regarding humanity. Earthquakes are not the result of what resources you have used, taken, given, usurped or mismanaged. These are readily available for humanity, and you will move and shift and change, and the earth, as you already know, can remake these, can remove these, or restore these.

It is time for walls or barriers or boundaries to come down. Where you can do this within your own being, whether it is your thoughts or your feelings or your life's direction, so much the better.
You are prepared for this and for this time, as you always have been. Be most present in your lives, your bodies and your day. Do not imagine that others will prepare FOR you. But imagine, know, that you already are prepared. And that you are prepared to be of assistance to others.

It is an accelerated time. Use that to your advantage. Look to your own resources, to your own truths to what ways you can decelerate aspects of your life that do not serve you. And accelerate others that are of benefit to you. You are rounding the curve now, rounding the curve headed for the next Age.

The earth has many different ways to change itself. One of these ways allows just underneath the crust and the mantle to liquify, liquification just a bit so that energy can slide from one point to another without needing to create the abrupt edges, where it must in fact conflict. See where in your life you can do the same, where can you allow energies thoughts and feelings to soften so they can gloss over one another, rather than bumping up against conflict.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Next Wave (Mar 9 to Oct 28) by Allison Rae

How will you spend the end of time? Silently, this week, a new wave of consciousness is forming. Off in the distance, the mother drum sounds, heartbeat of creation. In rhythmic overtones, she heralds a new beginning.

Beating......beating...... The drum builds to a crescendo through the Equinox in March, on though a volatile mid-year eclipse series and beyond, toward an infinite moment of divine splendor.

The end begins now.

A radical and profound interpretation of the sacred Mayan calendar pinpoints March 9 through October 28, 2011, as the ninth and final wave of consciousness expansion in the current evolutionary cycle that began 16.4 billion years ago.

The interpretation is offered by Mayan scholar Carl Johan Calleman, who's been tracking this ancient timekeeping system for several decades. His research diverges from the commonly held belief that the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012.

In Carl's view, a cosmic, evolutionary process is encoded in the Mayan system. Through a simultaneous series of nine underworlds, the drama of life unfolds, each phase building on the last and accelerating by a factor of 20 until we reach the highest plateau. Because of the acceleration encoded in the pyramid structure, the ninth underworld is the shortest, lasting only from March 9 through October 28.

This is a time of awakening and rapid evolution, the seeding of a new paradigm we're creating together with every breath.

A deeper, felt experience of time is emerging as we align with the rhythms of creation. Within this phase, our concept of linear time collapses and we become more aware of the cyclical nature of time.

On this wave, we have a new and rare opportunity to merge with the quantum field of infinite possibility, the realm of God(dess) and, ultimately, the conscious manifestation of reality. We begin to experience true time, the eternal now that encompasses past, present and future.

All that's needed to attain this next evolutionary level is the intent to ascend in consciousness.

Rhythms of creation

Throughout the ninth underworld, cosmic energies pulse in 18-day waves made up of nine ascending days of light and nine descending days of darkness. This 18-day rhythm builds throughout the cycle, culminating near the end of October, according to Carl's calculation.

Waves of creation flow in increasing intensity as the evolution of consciousness accelerates. Structures, forms and beliefs collapse, and time seems to speed up. Individually and collectively, we'll experience an acceleration of the chaotic energies that have already become familiar in recent years. The revolutionary wave spreading through the Mid-east will travel around the world.

I've been sitting with this concept since I learned about it in 2001, journeying with the rhythms Carl has discovered. It feels right and real to me, although I don't perceive that the truth of Carl's interpretation negates the truth of other day counts or interpretations, or other timekeeping systems. Carl doesn't have all the answers, but I do believe he's discovered something important that helps us make our way through a tumultuous transition.

Turning into one

In Carl's interpretation, the ninth and final phase that begins this week is called the Universal Underworld. We're completing the Galactic Underworld, which began in 1999. Think of the transformation you've experienced since then, and you'll get an idea of how much change will be packed into the next six months or so. Wow, right?

Through the galactic portal, we access the universal. "Universe" means, literally, "turned into one." And unity consciousness is what the Ninth Wave is about. This idea of "oneness" isn't just an awareness that we're all brothers and sisters and need to live in harmony with each other and the Earth. It's the attainment of divine consciousness. You might call it God consciousness or enlightenment, Christhood or Buddhahood, yoga or union with Source.

As I wrote in my book, Cosmic Time, the Mayan calendar tells of the possibility of a direct, personal experience of the divine, the awakening of humanity to its unlimited evolutionary potential.

We've been assimilating the galactic energies pulsing through the eighth wave, and this week we begin the climb toward our evolutionary destiny as divine souls embodied on Earth. This is a journey that lasts through late October, on through 2012 and beyond.

What to expect

Reality as we've known it is dissolving in this end of time.

In my 2011 Astro Forecast, published back in December, I wrote: "As we all know by now, the game has changed on Earth. Economies, governments, businesses, education, social systems, the arts, sciences, technology and medicine all look radically different than they did just a few years ago. Incoming cosmic frequencies are speeding up the changes. In 2011, ramped-up evolutionary forces shift into overdrive. The reconfiguration is just beginning."

We’ve reached a tipping point. By focusing on love and abundance and holding a higher vision for the future, we can seize the moment and become empowered co-creators manifesting a compelling destiny aligned with our true purpose.

If you're going the empowered route, don't trust anyone who tells you what's going to happen during this highly volatile, highly creative time. The whole point of the next evolutionary wave is for each of us to take responsibility for creating the future. We incarnated to grow through this experience. Why give your power away to channels and psychics who make predictions?


You and I and everyone else have an opportunity to directly access - even merge with - the consciousness of all creation in this next level of evolutionary expansion.

There are many ways to attune to the natural rhythms pulsing through this wave. Among my favorites are silence, unplugging from technology, spending time in nature, drumming, chanting, sacred movement, gardening, aromatherapy and other integrative body-mind-spirit practices.

Pretend you know nothing. Be like a child, no conditioning, no expectations. Allow yourself to be surprised and delighted by the miracle that is life.

Stillness is a necessity. Periodically throughout the day, and in preparation for sleep, I like to center, close my eyes and breathe with the forces of creation.

In these moments, I'm brought back to a simple awareness, the remembrance of love. Love is the organizing principle of the universe. Through love we conceive. Through love we create. Love is all. And it's all, now, as we awaken beyond time.

On March 9, you may enjoy breathing with others around the world who are consciously choosing to actualize the potential of the Mayan Ninth Wave. You're invited to join in the Universal Breathing Room from your location (details below).

Other potent alignments include:

Equinox - March 20
Spring Lunar Festivals - April 17, May 17 and June 15 (which is a total lunar eclipse)
Eclipses - June 1 and 15, July 1
Solstice - June 21
Equinox - September 22/23
Eclipses - November 24 and December 10
Solstice - December 21

These and others are detailed in my 2011 Astro Forecast mp3 audio recording and PDF document (links below). I'm also putting together a special global teleconference for March 20 to explore, play and create with the energies of 2011-2012 and beyond. Details will be announced shortly.

2011 Astro Forecast mp3 ($15.00 US) audio

Astro Forecast pdf (free) text