Friday 29 January 2010

Give Ego a Break

The ego's job is to focus you in physical reality. It reinforces the beliefs that are part of your consciousness personality template, so that beliefs can be experienced as fully as possible. That is why every single belief is self-reinforcing, because the ego's job is to add energy and focus to that belief to make it seem as if no other belief is possible in order for you to have the physical manifestation of that belief.

But when there is a degree of forgetting, that exists to the extent that it has in your reality, very often because of that sense of disconnection (not that you are ever really disconnected, for that cannot be) you can create the experience of disconnection to such a degree that the ego/personality structure can forget that it is not actually the one in charge. It can forget that it has a helpmate in the template reality called the higher mind, can forget that it is not doing this alone, and in suddenly finding itself in the experience of being alone it starts to build up the idea of fear.

It starts to reinforce belief systems in a way that perpetuates its existence beyond the necessary level that it is actually required to generate for its continued existence. It starts to think that if IT is all there is, then it is in charge of everything, the burden and the weight of the world is on its shoulders. It starts to take on that job when it is not built for that job. It starts to burden itself, stress itself, and in that way it starts to break down. It starts to do wildly incongruous, wildly irrational things to strengthen itself, under the feeling that it is crumbling under the weight. And by reinforcing itself it can become extremely dense, extremely crystalized, and very difficult then to expand back out in its more relaxed state, its more relaxed focus.

When it gets that concentrated, the amount of energy the ego puts into belief systems, which are generally fear based, are almost always going to be overwhelming. It is going to choose those things based on survival mode. Let's all give the poor little ego a break, before the ego breaks down. Even in that murky darkness you were still capable of sensing somewhere there must be some kind of higher vibration that calls to you, that tugs at you, that pulls at your heart, that allows you to feel, to know there is some level of reality wherein ego is free, the personality is free to be what it was designed originally to be, and that there is no need for the stress and strife and struggle and dire consequences, and dire experiences that the ego has for thousands of years on your planet sought to perpetuate in generation after generation after generation.

Now is the timing where the light is bright enough, for enough of you are seeking that light within yourselves , that you are adding that to the collective reality and giving each other better opportunities and collective momentum to know there is a level of reality, a level of your whole being, that is more than capable of reconnecting with you, that you deserve to reconnect with and deserve to lighten your load , drop the baggage and get on your way through life in an easy and effortless creative manner.
And this is the time and age on your planet now realising that, so congratulations!

I've typed out (above) the essence of what was said on this video (not word perfect) for those on dial-up internet, who may have problems watching videos. From my current understanding and experience, the main challenge and 'work' we need to be doing right now is to not rely on the lower mind/intellect/ego in interpreting or guiding our reality, especially as we are leaving that particular power centre behind and tapping into more of who we really are, which includes trust in our non-physical guidance (rather than merely logic or reason). I have eliminated most fears from my life these days and find that staying heart-centred with a trust in ALL of who I am (plus staying in the Now moment) is key to navigating these times ahead.

The subtitle of this blog 'explorations beyond the mind' is there for a reason (excuse the pun!). The following extract from a Saint Germain channel (Farewell to Power) by Geoffrey Hoppe says a bit more about the mind as power centre needing to go:

One that many of you still struggle with today, but will get through it, is the power center in your mind. You lost the sexual power, the financial power, so you put everything right up here. “At least I still have my sense, my mind. At least I can still be rational.” And that is going too. (some laughter)

You see, the mind has been a very tricky, a very stubborn power center. You have placed all of your power, your value for yourself, everything that you think you can create and think you can be, right here. And we have seen that that too is going away, because power is an illusion.

Power is old vibration energy. Power – anything to do with power – consists of having to have opposing energies. We’ve gone through this before – the positive/negative, masculine/feminine, light/dark – any of these. But you have focused this power center in the mind, and it’s perhaps the last true power center that you have, and that’s going. And when it is gone, you will open up yourself to an inner and outer universe of who you really are. When that illusion of this last remnant of power is gone, you’ll understand the mind was a limitation. There is so much more to you.

Related posts:

For more on ego by Bashar see my May post Ego Negotiation 101

A New Paradigm of Love Partnership

I came across this well-written article about love partnerships in the new era while looking at a blog about astrology, and thought it was worth repeating most of it here. Having pondered this issue in the past, and not felt drawn to either of the two main paradigms existent in the old energy relationship structures, there just had to be a third way of taking the best qualities of both in their most positive manifestations whilst maintaining some semblance of a structure that can still be called a partnership in which unconditional love, self-expression, growth and expansion can flourish. Much more can be said about the growth (I prefer not to use the word 'work') that occurs within relationships and which will be the subject of future posts, but the framework itself is also important as it provides the safe and nurturing space for that inner alchemy to take place.

Of course, there are no rules to coupledom, and I have no desire to look for a consensus opinion about how the ideal partnership should look like, as that is down to personal preference. I do however feel that it is important to move beyond the current ways of thinking about partnerships and relationships, which seem to require so much more freedom and expansion in the new energies yet with enough commitment and bonding to still be considered a partnership rather than just going solo. I was interested in what the following article said about the shadow side of the second and opposite paradigm of free love and open relationships.


There is a new paradigm of partnership that is being birthed right now and there are many who are being called to step up and midwife it by bringing it into their conscious experience and living it by example. These are the way showers for others who feel called down the road to do this inner and outer Union work, and it truly is work- of the Soul/Spirit variety. For those who have been conditioned to believe that relationship is based on security, ownership and fusion- this kind of relationship will necessarily shatter the foundations upon which they have built much of their understanding of love and partnership. Yet there are many who have been feeling the pull to explore this, to understand this, and to experience this. This comes from an inner yearning and resonance that there is something else that is True that has not yet been fully embodied (or at least not by many). This intuition is coming from a deep place that is sacred- and for those who are ready to honor it, the call has been put forth.

What is this new paradigm of partnership? Well it is based on two old paradigms, but it is the fusion of the conscious aspects of both, while bringing light to the unconscious aspects of both as well. The first paradigm is an ancient one- that of partnership as a means of security, solidity, and unwavering commitment. The conscious aspect of this paradigm is the desire to think of another in equal measure to the degree that one thinks of his or herself. The institution of marriage in western society (and actually eastern as well when you think of arranged marriages) is based on this premise. You take two people's resources/energy/lives and you join them, two become one and the individuals then operate as an entity. This is a lesson in Unity and Union. There is a need to think about more than yourself. This type of partnership challenges those of us who are very self-focused and individuated to think of the Other. This kind of partnership in it's highest expression involves service to another as well as service to the third entity that is created when two join to become one.

Unfortunately the shadow side of this kind of relationship paradigm is massively rampant. Many people get married and then sign away their individual lives. Either that or they think that is what they are supposed to do and then get resentful along the way after they have done so. The shadow of this kind of partnership leads to codependency, possessiveness, power/control dynamics, and imbalanced partnership equations in which one person plays the savior/teacher/parent/provider and the other plays the victim/student/child/beneficiary. This does not have to play out in stereotypical ways of the man or masculine partner being the former and the woman or feminine partner playing the latter, it can be interchanged, but it is role-oriented. It is based on the notion that we each have roles to play in our relationships and that those roles are static, you are the breadwinner and I am the housekeeper/child-raiser, you are the active/dynamic one in the partnership and I am the passive/receptive one. This is based on yin and yang- where you are that which i am not, and you live for me that which I have yet to integrate or make conscious in my own lived experience. This is wonderful in one sense as it is the beginning of integration- being attracted to our opposite. But if we stop there and just stay in our prescribed roles we will get stuck, and stasis is the precursor to infection and eventually death- both scientifically (in the body for example) but also spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and relationally. When we are focused on security and stability we will violently react against change and even growth- as growth needs movement and change in order to unfold. So this paradigm of partnership that has been established for eons has at its core a Truth but is obscured by much and twisted in a way that is unhealthy and unsupportive of real Love.

The other paradigm of partnership which has been in large part a reactionary stance to the one mentioned above is based on freedom, independence, and individuality. Think back to the 60's and 70's and the Love revolution that ensued - make love, not war. Free love! Love everyone! We are all one- the one I love is everywhere. This is the kind of Love rumi harkens to in his poems. In it's core is the essence of Divine Love, the kind of Love that knows no boundaries and sees the Divine in everyone and everything. This Love is beautiful, open and free. It is the kind of Love that helps us dissolve attachments that are based on fears, wounding and a belief in lack. The first paradigm of partnership is all about attachment and ownership (in its most unhealthy expression). This second paradigm of partnership is the opposite. The highest expression of this Love gives us the ability to see the other as Other and to allow them their experience. We don't want to control the other or dominate the other, we want the best for the other. We love them unconditionally from a place of Soul/Spirit, not from a place of lack or need.

Of course this type of partnership also has a massive shadow. Many people who gravitate towards this kind of connecting are actually coming from a very wounded place where commitment, stability and security scare them. For those of us who are afraid of form and prefer formlessness, this kind of partnership allows us to ‘think’ we are engaging in evolved relationship- allowing others to be free (which is a covert means to ensure our own freedom)- but we are actually acting from a place of fear and pain. For some of us it seems better/safer to never get too deep into connection because that is where the vulnerability is, and that will bring up our own shadow. It is better to be light and free- connect with everyone, feel the Love! Or alternatively, avoid relationship completely and just be solo, independent and self-possessed. Either way the point is to never connect too deeply- to never get 'attached'. Attachment for people who are into this kind of partnership is a scary thing and so a judgment has been built around it- a belief that attachment is a lower vibration/unevolved/unhealthy, or that relationship takes away their independence.

This paradigm of partnership is very self-focused and at its worst it is incredibly selfish. It is about my needs, my desires- and my lack of interest in making space for another in my life. It is a covert way of escaping shadow work as well. It is in deep connection that the worst of us comes up and out, but also the best! 'Love brings up everything unlike itself.' For those who are afraid of what they might see within- escaping connection and the attachment that comes with it is a means to keep the dragons at bay. A lot of people will even go so far as to sabotage connections so that they never get to a place where they can get deeper. It's interesting what the human psyche will do when confronted with the ability to transform!

Of course attachment to an extreme is unhealthy! But so is non-attachment. As long as we are in the body we have an earthly existence - let's not try to become pure and angelic before our time, we will go back to that realm one day. For now we are in the body and we have desires, passions, needs and wants. These things are not things to eschew, they are things to consciously embrace and work with. The point is not to obliterate them. The point is to move beyond judgement of them. We contain both the sacred and the profane within us. Finding the sacred that lies concealed in the profane and the profane that lies concealed in the sacred is what embracing our light and shadow is all about. 'Both light and shadow are the dance of love' says rumi. To negate one or the other is to clip one of the wings of the bird off, and with only one wing the bird cannot fly.

So there you have the two old paradigms of partnership, and what is the the third? Well the third takes both kinds of relationship and marries them to each other. This new paradigm of partnership asks that we take the courageous leap of commitment and service to the sacred Other, while also embracing independence, individuality and freedom in our connection. This is not about ownership but it is also not about formlessness. It is a creative kind of love that is in constant movement, constant flow. It is free in the sense that constraints are not put on it, but it is contained in the sense that there is commitment by both parties to do the sacred dance of Love in both the light and the dark aspects. This kind of partnership requires radical honesty, radical integrity, and radical respect of the Other.

This kind of partnership is organic, it has no guarantees, and it requires risk. It is much like jumping into an abyss. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into, but you just know in your heart of hearts that there is something in that abyss for you. This kind of partnership doesn't live in form and it doesn't live in formlessness. It lives in liminal space- that in-between place between fusion and separateness, between self and other. Ultimately what this kind of partnership does is confront you with yourself. It provides a container in which all your stuff gets brought up and set on the table and you have to just sit with it. You can't grab at it (form) and you can't run from it (formless). You have to look at it, assess it, become conscious of it, work with it. Whatever comes up for you is your work, and moving beyond attachment AND non-attachment to a place of being able to just be with it is the goal.

This kind of partnership is so rare that I am considering it to be a new paradigm that is coming into existence. Yes there are those who are living it, but they are few and far between. And even they may often find that society's lack of understanding of this kind of partnership creates insufficient support for them as they do their deep work with each other, so often the best of these kinds of Unions can fall apart due to an absence of understanding in the collective. Yet there are some who are doing this work and are shining examples of an organic, fluid partnership that embraces both form and formlessness, light and shadow, interdependence and independence. and there are those being called to pave the path of this new paradigm of partnership today. These are the way showers, and they show the way by making their way through the experience themselves. This is hard work, but it is also deeply fulfilling.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Physical Upgrades and Year of Indigo

For most of January I have felt like I've been in hibernation mode, with very little energy or motivation to do anything much at all except rest a lot. I'm lucky if I even manage to cross off one item on my 'to do' list each day.
Fortunately I am able to do whatever I please right now, although there is some frustration at not having the outer forward progress via action, and at a pace I would prefer. Last night I asked why I was feeling so tired and lethargic (more so than usual, even in winter) and channelled the answer that I was undergoing some kind of upgrade to my physical and etheric bodies.

My birthday came and went without fuss, and I told anyone who asked me if I wanted to meet up that I was still in hibernation. I had no desire to do much blogging and it felt appropriate to stay out of being too much in my head. It seems as though right now my heart needs soothing or nourishment, and I 'accidentally' hit on the right formula tonight via a Youtube video of Enya singing 'Water Shows The Hidden Heart'. So I'll post it here for anyone else who may benefit from hearing it too.

So after easing a weary and heavy heart, I then re-read a channel by Lisa Renee, which I hadn't fully absorbed the first time around as it was very long and had a lot of information, and I wasn't in that receptive a state for any more channels at the time. It filled me in on what had been happening and why I had been so tired , and felt so accurate, especially the bit about having been in hibernation like a bear since Christmas. To keep it short and simple, I will just highlight some of the bits that really resonated with me and that felt important to know. Of course everyone is at various stages of their ascension process, so do not worry if none of this seems to fit you.
The whole channel - The Year of Indigo - can be read on her website. These highlights are also for the benefit of those who need to use the language translator in the side-bar, and to keep things simple for my own weary mind.

This year will be the first cycle of which this planet will begin to build and house the energy architecture that supports the Indigo Race consciousness and its group ascension mission.

On December 9th we were actually able to see what a Stargate with a pulsing Blue Ray projecting outwards from its black hole center actually looks like in photograph and video captured over Norway. This Norway Spiral was hastily blamed on a failed Russian missile test, however my personal experience with the Turquoise Ray or “Blue Light” is of a completely different nature. (For details be sure to listen to the BBS Radio show "As You Wish " on 12/19/09 where James Gilliland and myself shared our direct personal experience and Guardian perspective on the Norway Spiral - 1- Day Archive Pass ($1.95 for one day)).

These Stargates are access points (like wormholes) in the time space fields and they have never been opened as they are now. This is a part of the sequences of activation during the Galactic Consciousness Cycle that make available to this plane - frequency, dimensions, and entities that are beyond the seven solar planes of our 3D planet Earth.

Additionally, this last shift brought another powerful crank forward in the “frequency dial” which has drastically changed our relationship to the space/time field. This last cycle radically collapsed a series of decrepit or obsolete timeline architectures which gives us a real sense of “losing” time, or existing in some strange “in- between” time state.

This brings us to the realization that the next series of these incredibly high octaves of “galactic” frequency are being sequentially downloaded to our planet and into our bodies. It is changing our brain wave state and its related neurochemistry functions. It is changing our DNA Structure. We are feeling this energetic impact as a deep foundational cellular shift in our bodies. Everything we thought we are is moving away rapidly. We are beginning to “see” the patterns of the matrix and the structures that define its architecture. Who Are We without the Matrix to define us? We are about to find out…..

During the last few weeks similar to an old computer system being updated, we are undergoing a process similar to a “system restore to the factory reset”. This is akin to the reformatting of our hard drive (wiping away all data archives) and the total replacement of our “motherboard” circuitry. The hard drive is the storage space of all of our data (i.e. cellular memories and brain file storing) while the motherboard is the centralized circuit board of which distinguishes all the memory and its impulses be routed and checked against the appropriate “belief system program” or installed software. This installed software is likened to the “personality program” and the autonomic functions of the body. (i.e. breathing, sleeping, eating, hormonal distribution, energy management functions, etc) Those electrical impulses are powered and managed by the multiple instruction sets received and directed into functioning by the motherboard. Needless to say, if the foundational structure of which manages our every bodily function and its “personality program” is being replaced, we are going to feel very odd, disoriented, and at times, in a state of total nervous system exhaustion. This will be a recurring theme in the ascension waves all throughout this year, as more and more people undergo this “factory reset”.

For many of us the ability to have an “average” accepted functioning that is generally required of our 3D physical body and the personality attached to it has been severely compromised. We have had to slow down our movement tremendously.This means we cannot continue in whatever foundational lifestyle pattern we had (old energy patterns) and must find new creative resolutions in supplying our (newly soul infused) body what it needs to be nourished. Additionally the energetic platforms that supported our old lifestyle are officially now nonexistent, so if we persist in the old way we will find ourselves suffering greatly. Many times it just requires letting go of what it appears to be on the surface, such as an “insurmountable problem” and the mental “analysis paralysis” that comes with our old way of “strategic problem solving”.

Strategic problem solving has flown out of the window and only the “now moment” presence remains. (Anyone still working with a mental pre-planning strategy in micro-managing their life will continually run into obstacle after obstacle, like two steps backward and no steps forward.) We have been given a new control panel for our life and we are now learning how to use it by giving up control!

In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have neglected or abused within ourselves. Every last vulnerability, limitation belief, sore spot, emotionally hurt areas, physical issues are blaring to the surface, demanding our attention. Many times we have been physically leveled to make sure we sit “inside” it and do not run away from it by creating distraction. There is no running away from what we have to face inside ourselves at this time. It has been incredibly uncomfortable for many. We are truly walking the path of forced “self mastery” these days.

This self mastery requires another applied level of a multidimensional lifestyle approach. (How do I serve my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves in an integrated and balanced way?) Many of these intense recent changes are occurring within our foundational life structures which have included: radical dietary changes, changes in biorythym and biochemistry, sleeping and napping patterns, physical or emotional distress, changed working and social interaction patterns, radical turnstile of abrupt changes moving within relationships, residence and jobs. It’s very surreal every day, everything happening in the exact now moment (at the 11.9999 hour) with only the flow of synchronicities to direct the way we move throughout our life.

Flatlining or Freaking Out

Some of us undergoing this recent upgrade or have been a part of the recent planetary grid healing have been in a state similar to “hibernation” since the week of Christmas. Like a bear sleeping in the winter, a conservation of personal energy has been directly enforced. There is no energy leakage or forays into external fields allowed that compromise this new lightbody upgrade, along with the recovery and rest it requires to integrate. This hibernation state has a similar quality of “flatlining” where you are almost ready to check your pulse to make sure your system is still online.

Generally during this hibernation phase, there is no available energy for intense brain focus, conversation exchanges or initiating new projects. The physical body has needed to be very still while its coordinates are being moved through the time space fields to a platform of “no time”. The calm and depth is so vast it is almost a “flatline” of non existence and emptiness. It is a space way beyond any self introspection. We are being moved (our space/time coordinates, which is also includes our astrological configuration imprints) into a completely new energy platform architecture, a space of no-time.

The other camp undergoing this shift is having a deep contrast in experience. Those not able to release the mental body enough to relax through this planetary transformation are having bouts of extreme anxiety, obsessive worry or old addiction patterns rearing. During the last sixty days I have observed people experiencing panic and anxiety like never before. These negative thought patterns are being largely impulsed from the mental body and are a part of the required discipline and healing of that body in order to relax it into submission to trust the higher source intelligence. The internal “Armageddon” experience happens when the mental body of the personality program (ego) is undergoing a threat of submission or perceived annihilation, as enforced naturally when the higher soul bodies ( source intelligence) starts to take over the flesh. At this point there is nothing but trust to surrender to this process, however many people undergoing their spiritual awakening do not have the tools or context to understand what is happening to them. When we are uninformed and confused it creates much more fear and resistance. As we know resistance makes the process much more difficult and the person undergoes a lot of suffering, otherwise known as the “dark night of the soul”. We continually go through the layers of the “dark night” until we have disciplined our ego mind from thinking and being in control of the bodies.

Since we are going to see many more people confused in this awakening process of the “dark night”, understanding this so you can hold the light that comforts and supports them is of paramount service to them and our planet. Once we have mastered the negative ego (i.e. fear), inner peace is achieved in all circumstances. Some skill in this area will be imperative to maintain psycho-spiritual integration in the current and forthcoming changes. We have been given a target date to be fully removed from the 3D collective mental body within the next two years. Set your intention now to serve your soul and to be freed of the 3D mind control programming.

Negative ego clearing and staying in the now moment is a simple and effective tool.

Clearing of toxicity [in the astral planes] is happening now and has resulted in a multitude of bizarre symptomologies such as allergic type responses from the body. This is coming from an “overload” so resting and detoxing yourself is mandatory. Remember energetic parasites create physical ones and the microorganisms in our physical self have reflected this change. Allergic symptoms are from inflammation which is caused by infection or injury to the body. If you feel heat, swollen, bloated or allergic, anti-inflammation therapies, staying alkaline, possibly fasting or eating very little with proteolytic enzymes ( i.e. pancreatin, bromelain, digestive enzymes, wobenzyme) helps the body a lot. When the body is this overloaded there is not enough resources for complex digestion and the load is placed on the liver and kidneys. Be aware to care for your detoxification organs now.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Global Warming Fallacy

Global Warming 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective
August, 2007

Greetings dears. We are very happy to have the opportunity to speak with you again.

“Global Warming” has been discussed for approximately the past 25 to 30 years because you have seen a shift in your weather patterns, a shift
in the temperature of your global climate. But to tell you that this is caused solely by man’s use of carbon dioxide is erroneous. It is a fallacy. 

“Global Warming” is one of the largest illusions, one of the largest lies, that is being perpetrated at this time. For those of you who are new to our communications, let us start at the beginning.

Earth is beginning her transition from the third into the fourth and eventually the fifth dimension. The fourth dimension is more of a transitory space for Earth and humans to adjust to the new higher frequencies. It is not unusual for a planet to ascend. Just as humans realize they’ve learned about all they can from an experience and must move forward, so do celestial bodies. But what is unique is that the celestial body Earth will be making that transition along with her inhabitants. As we always like to say, we don’t know exactly how this will play itself out because it’s never been done before. You are taking your emotional body from the third to the fourth dimension, bringing with you all unresolved issues to clear and process. We are very excited to see how you do with the challenge.
Climate changes are not all that uncommon with the transition of a planet. As it transitions, it receives instructions from its central star. 
Each star is like a metronome, keeping the rhythm and pace for celestial bodies as they move through grand cycles of development. But the Sun herself is going through many changes, preparing to shift her frequency as well. And with the chaotic flow of new frequencies entering and old patterns passing, there is a disbursement of energy. As more energy is disbursed from the Sun, more heat is directed to Earth, which in turn affects her balance. Along with this comes increased overall temperature. It is a signal to mother Earth that it is time to move forward.

While we tell you that many of the changes are caused by the increased solar activity, please note it is not the only cause. There have been numerous experiments by your governments which have caused major imbalances and created dramatic displays of nature’s force as Mother Earth attempted to re-established balance. From our higher perspective, we see these experiments too as part of the learning process which allows Earth and her inhabitants the opportunity to grow. With the ever changing and shifting of your foundation, comes the ability for you to release the old and build anew.

As we have spoken to you before there are other beings who are manipulating many of the global events to meet their own agenda. We are speaking of the Anunnaki. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Anunnaki let us say that they too are playing their part in Earth’s ascension process. They have donned the role of the darkest of dark and you have agreed to assist them on their journey back to source. It is not our intention to create fear in you. We only wish to awaken you to the game in which you are playing, unaware of its existence. For once you know the game and understand the rules, you can have a bit of fun.

As with all games played by the Anunnaki there is a thin line being walked. While they highlight “Global Warming”, they also highlight the need for you to be more mindful of your connection to the Earth. Knowing this, they play upon solutions that do not reconnect you to the planet energetically. Their solutions play on your fear and provide you with a false sense of action. A perfect example of this would be compact fluorescent light bulbs. Fluorescent lighting is very hard on the human body. It impacts your higher brain functions. The disruptive wave of the light is not in harmony with the frequencies of your bodies and creates disruption in your central nervous system and blocks proper neural functions. While presenting you with a “solution” to “Global Warming” they are able to further their own agenda and disrupt your connection to Source and planet.

You are currently existing in a perceived world of lack, and it is a mindset that is being perpetuated. We want to make you aware of this. We want to get you familiar with these patterns that are blatantly presented to you, to the point where they are becoming transparent. The ultimate goal here of global warming and the notion of eliminating CO2 levels is to expand your nuclear programs, to build more nuclear reactors which will be touted as an alternative energy source. This is the agenda that is going to be pushed. We want to make you aware of that as well because nuclear reaction is not the answer. Every world that has ever utilized this technology has found that it is destructive. The use of this technology, this knowledge, in the 3rd dimension is not healthy, not in harmony with the human species.

Nuclear power will be pushed because it is a strong energy source, one that the Anunnaki have been able to refine (such as it can be).
They still have not learned to live in balance with a celestial body. This is a lesson you, humanity, will teach them. Remember what you learn here in this process of clearing and ascension will be etched in the history books of the universe so others may learn from your experience. As we have said before much of this universe in not a “free will” zone and with the end of this grand cycle and the mastery of balancing duality in 3d, many worlds will learn and grow in ways that are not normally available to them because they are “closed” systems. These master lessons are transmitted holographically.

The Anunnaki work with nuclear reaction to generate enough energy to create energetic portals. 

This allows them the ability to access other worlds and to communicate with other systems. Remember, they have become so entrenched in the dark energy of separation that they cannot access information as you can when you open to light and love. They only have access therefore to lower level information. Levels of information are restricted by emotional bodies. The frequency of the emotional body can unlock the “vaults” as it were to the Hall of Records. The accessible information is appropriate to their spiritual development. Think of it this way. They are not tall enough to reach the books on the top shelf and there is no ladder. They must grow first, and then they may get it off the shelf. It is all part of the universal game. Rules and regulations are set up for each “playing arena” and certain skills must be acquired before you get to move on to an advanced game. It is all illusion and all set up to learn about variations of experience, to learn of self.

It is important at this time that you begin to look at your connection to all living things and how you utilize the natural resources of the planet. Are your habits in harmony with Mother Earth? Consumption of natural resources is not the cause of a toxic world. The toxicity is created when you are not consuming in balance with other living creatures.

We tell you from our multidimensional perspective that there are unlimited resources of abundance. But your current perception of reality says there is limitation and lack. As you begin to enter into the multidimensional perspective you will begin to see that the most toxic “chemicals” you subject the Earth to are your emotions. The war you create is absolutely devastating. The more anger, fear, and hatred, the more limitation and lack you create. That is far more damaging to the Earth than any chemical you could pump into the air.

As you question the best method to heal your planet, know that perceiving your world as toxic and working externally keeps you in the 3rd dimensional mindset. Until you begin to see the situation from a multidimensional perspective, you will remain on the treadmill forever striving for a goal that is unachievable. And it is unachievable until you can shift your perspective and see that the Earth is a reflection of you and you begin to heal yourself. When you understand that Earth is simply a reflection of your inner emotional state as a group, as a mass consciousness, you can change the toxicity of the Earth by changing the toxicity of your own body. Currently, there are many beings on your planet who are quite ill and Earth is a reflection of that. You are holographic in nature. What happens to the microcosm happens to the macrocosm. Or simply put – as above, so below.
It is also important that you begin to see your world as flourishing. She is teeming with new life and opportunity. It is vital that you see her as healthy and in a state of growth rather than something that is ill that must be fixed. This notion of illness can be very detrimental to the psyche of the planet. The more you think of Earth as a toxic world, the more toxic a world you will create. You create that which you are focused on.

For those of you who stubbornly defend what you are being sold, let us suggest this. Investigate what other scientists are finding. Research the story you are being told and see who prospers from your deception. We tell you, you are being controlled and manipulated as a group. You plainly see what is happening with your Earth, but because you have yet to fully embrace your power as a species and have forgotten your ability to create, you look to traditional answers and for someone to solve the problem for you .

You think you are just one being and how can your opinion matter? Well it matters. It matters a great deal. Once you understand that it is you who have created a toxic world from your inner emotions you can heal it by working internally. If 144,000 out of the 6 billion of you can see this and make a change, you can create a new template for others to follow and will begin to see a change in the planet.
Yes, each of you matters a great deal…
Many well wishes, dears.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Snippets from old books I liked - Pt.1

A new feature on this blog, different from book reviews, is to print extracts and quotes from books that I loved from the past. Book reviews, which I still haven't started, is about the new books and channeled CDs that come out, whereas Snippets from old books is to pay homage to those books that changed me, or made me laugh, or just those I feel rather nostalgic about and am remembering the good times - a bit like playing those hit records or oldies from when you were at high school. It feels good to hear them again, they were so new and radical in their time, and they became part of my journey in this lifetime.

The extracts or Snippets won't necessarily be in the order they were printed in the book, and may be taken from an assortment of chapters just to give you a flavour of what the book was about - a bit like playing favourite tracks on an album, except I haven't gone to the trouble of reading the whole book again mainly because I read these books many times already when they were first published, and this post will never get posted if I am too thorough or too linear about it.

So, to kick off this section are two books that I can't believe are about 20 years old now, as much of what I am quoting seems still (even more?) relevant and just goes to show how avant guard they were back then. The first book of Pleiadian channelings was published in book form called Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians

by Barbara Marciniak, although my first exposure to these channels was via audio cassette, which were eventually printed and included in the book. The audio cassettes gave me the energies along with the information transmissions and so felt more powerful as an experience having the sound. These cassettes were my first exposure to this sort of information, and the material struck a deep chord within me, changing my view of 'reality' forever. I only had about 5 of the cassette tapes as the metaphysical shop in London stopped stocking them, plus I was fairly broke in those days, so I listened to these same tapes over and over for many years, extracting deeper layers of meaning and experience each time. Their second book 'Earth' was also good, but I didn't resonate with any of the later books as it felt like a darker energy had infiltrated the Pleiadian collective, so I can only recommend (from my personal viewpoint) the first two.

The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison.

Earth is going through an initiation at this time. You are going through an initiation because you are part of Earth, and you cannot separate yourself from this system. Earth is transforming itself and intending to act as a domino for your solar system. It is intending to merge multiple worlds into one, to be grounded enough to allow all those worlds to exist, and to translate the experience. This is what Earth is up to. So, of course, you all must be up to the same thing.

The 3-D world is headed for a collision of dimensions - not a collision of worlds, a collision of dimensions.

Light is information, so the Family of Light is the family of information.

We define light as promoting, dispensing, and sharing of information. Dark is the controlling and withholding of information. Have you ever thought that there are portions of yourself that are in the dark that don't know how to find the light except through you? They want the light as well. They want solutions and answers.

The battle between dark and light doesn't really serve you. It is part of the separation story that keeps you confused. In actuality, there are simply aspects of individual souls taking different guises in conflict with themselves. You are battling yourself.

Not everyone wants to be free. You, as members of the Family of Light, are going to create a New Earth that is going to be free. Those who do not wish to be free will have their Earth as well. There will be a splitting and a time of separation. Members of the Family of Light know that there is no need to force anything. You are simply to work together in harmony, to support one another, and to seek one another out so that you feel comfort in what you do because some of the things that you do will be very outrageous.

We have stressed with you this idea of multi-dimensionality - the concept that you can be in many places and can shift your consciousness. We have shared with you the idea that there will be a number of worlds created out of this Earth. At one time or another, you will come to doubt everything we have shared with you. Your system will be shocked and you will not want to believe the extent to which you have been uninformed, so you will deny the validity of our information for a time. We can only offer you information based on your own acceleration. You must evolve yourselves and have your wits about you to ask for information, because there is a divine law concerning interference. This is a free-will universe and a free-will zone so that, of course, the underlying theme is that all is allowed.

It is time for you to rise out of the pettiness of day-to-day dramas and events, and begin to connect on a cosmic level with the higher drama that is occurring.

Reach out with your feeling centre and feel the confusion that is spreading around this world about what is going on. This planet has operated on a very low frequency, a frequency based on survival, and a frequency based on disempowerment. Your identity has been based on what you could gather outside of yourself.

Feel the fear an uncertainty running through the lives of humans as they begin to realize that the way their lives have been defined is now crumbling. Realize that light is the culprit of this crumbling and that you, as members of the Family of Light and Keepers of Frequency, are causing this crumbling to take place because you carry the electromagnetic charge onto the planet that broadcasts the new frequency. You help create this chaos of new consciousness.

The global grasp of reality is going, going, gone. The foundation is sliding away, and there are those who cannot see the slide at this time. The most significant reason for this slide is that there is new information accessible that makes the old information archaic and decrepit, and you are responsible for this. So you are responsible to a certain extent for evolving yourselves through this and for being your own forms of inspiration - for being living examples for others.

Light carries information, and information expands systems so that old systems can no longer exist. So, as light moves to destroy, it also births new systems by what it leaves behind. A new order is formed.

Who's going to bail you out when the going gets rough? Where is the rescue team? You are it. In order to have this transformation take place, you must use what you have to bring it about. There is incredible assistance from all kinds of realms; however, it all depends on you, not us. You are going to change the frequency simply by commitment, determination, and willpower.

Prime Creator is the dark team as well as the Family of Light. Prime Creator is all things.

The Keepers of Frequency are going to be called upon to create a certain stability upon this planet , for they know 100 per cent of the time that they create their reality. They learn how to defy the laws of humanity by conscious direction of their awareness and energy. That is the depth of impeccability and commitment we are speaking of.

The way you can best operate at this time is to be keepers of your own frequency and not go around "saving" everyone else. Do everything in your power to keep yourself consistently aware and understanding of what is going on. Be consistent with the frequency of light that brings you information, and with the frequency of love, which is the frequency of creation.

Human beings have been tucked away, hidden, and forgotten in the antiquities of time ever since their DNA was rearranged, because it is in the distant past of the chronicles of time when the species was alive and vibrating very differently. That time has been forgotten or shelved by some. As we have said, you have been in quarantine, almost as if you have been in the dungeons of time for so long that as the new eras have come forward they have forgotten that you have been here.

There are those, however, who have not forgotten. They have sent you on assignment to change all of this: to bring memory forward and to bring the value of human existence back to the forefront of creation. You are needed because you carry something that many other species have no idea of: emotion. And just as you need to work together to bring your own selves into a wholeness and richness of multidimensional being, there are those who are striving to catapult the entire universe into a new octave - a reach toward and creation of new territory.

We want to communicate to you that there is a drastic change going on. We cannot emphasize this enough. Earth is in for a big shake-up. The shake-up involves humanity processing and conceiving of data that is totally out of the current paradigm. This means that your nervous system will be assaulted with data and must be able to unlock itself from how it believes it controls or perceives reality.

The task for you members of the Family of Light who have desired to take this information inside of yourselves is to anchor a new frequency on the planet by anchoring it impeccably inside yourselves. This is not easy. It was not meant to be easy. You did not come here to have an easy assignment. You are renegades, and you have been renegades.

You, as members of the Family of Light, are having an awakening. You need your emotions. You must become friends with your emotions because, through feelings, you can climb the ladder to the multidimensional self and the twelve-chakra system, and explore what you discover. Through feelings, you can tell if something is going on or not. The logical mind will disinvolve itself when something is going on if the body is not plugged into feeling. Feeling registers frequency change. Logical mind does not register frequency change.

You are experiencing an awakening of frequency change. You are being led to change many portions of your life and to give up many things. Don't resist the changes and feel out of control because you don't know what's coming, and it appears that your emotions are getting in your way. Your emotions are simply wanting to show you something; you don't like it because you think your emotions are interfering or will embarrass you.

Many realities exist without emotion, but in this reality they are your greatest gift. If you are not going to be part of your emotional self, then you are never going to make the game we are talking about. You will simply be one of the masses who watches television and feels like a victim over and over again.

Another book, which I wish now I hadn't sold (but I did get a good price for it) was E.T.101, which became a bit of a cult classic and I thought was hilarious when I first read it. Much truth in the humour though, and way ahead of its time, I get warm fuzzy feelings every time I remember it.


The Mission

The mission to Planet Earth was initiated by request of the planet herself. Earth has asked and the stellar councils have granted an evolutionary leap. Over the last millennium Earth has been preparing for our advent. It is now time to enter the Earth plane to reclaim this planet in the name of the Forces of Light and to open her doors to the cosmic community in which she resides.We congratulate and salute those of you throughout the universes who have volunteered for this assignment. Go with our blessing. And remember, read the manual before you get there. Although you are veterans of countless successful missions to numerous dysfunctional life support systems, watch out for this one.This edition of the manual is specifically designed for this planetary system—a system which defies all true rationality and has raised dysfunctionality to an art form. It is also one of the few systems where telling the truth is covertly considered a creative act. Because of the inherent hazards of this planet, Mission Control will not be responsible for any members of this mission who do not thoroughly acquaint themselves with the material contained in this special edition.—Mission Control

Special Note from the Publisher

Although you were warned to acquaint yourselves with the original manual before departing, a great number of you did not. “If you’ve seen one manual, you’ve seen them all” has proved to be a cavalier attitude that many of you have lived to regret, even though most of you are too stunned and dazed by the process to remember just exactly what it is you are regretting. Being four hundred light years from home and suddenly wondering “Did I forget my toothbrush?” is both annoying to Mission Control as well as useless to the mission.So, for those of you who left your galaxy without it, an unprecedented reprinting of the manual has been authorized by the mission’s governing councils. This is the remedial version of the original manual because you couldn’t possibly handle the unexpurgated version at this time. This edition is the official American and Canadian translation, written in the vernacular and made current to your circumstances. It is the strong recommendation of the Councils, now that you have yourselves totally disassembled, why not take a moment to read the instructions? It is, after all, at your request that we had them written.


The manual is not a rule book, nor does it tell you how many angels are on the head of a pin and which dimension that pin is in. It also offers no street maps of the dimensions to satisfy your linear thinking minds. This manual is a tool to awaken you to what you already know. It is an aid in accessing the real inside information, not an outside authority with the latest “ism” in which you should believe. Because we do not wish this manual to be misused, we have deliberately left out some information. If you find yourself wanting more answers than this manual offers, don’t just stand there like a jerk; go inside and ask for those answers. Whatever is appropriate for you to know will be given. Mission Control would like you to be aware that we not only stand behind our product, but we also stand beside you as you read it.

We would also like to make it clear that although you may consider this manual a “new age” publication, we do not. That is because what you are calling “new age” is just the final manifestation of the old age. Since the “new age” is still about religious belief systems as asserted by outside authorities, we find it neither new nor much better than anything else you believe in. We prefer to think of ourselves as sacred cowpokes on a sacred cowherd, and our manual as a sacred cowpunching device. We believe that would make this publication more “post-new age” than anything. How you end up classifying this manual is less important than how you end up using it. It is our suggestion that you use it as a tool to awaken yourself, not as a new doctrine to continue to snooze by.

The Intergalactic New Collegiate Dictionary

Because human languages are not designed to grasp many concepts outside the current fixated, fear-ridden, and toxic consciousness, and also because we do not use spoken language, this manual presents us with some interesting problems. Dealing in the currency of your linguistic systems is doubly difficult because the inversion of your energy has twisted all logical meaning. For instance, the people of this planet stand in total arrogance, adamantly denying their omnipresence. They declare their separation from themselves, each other, and all life while passing this off as an act of humility. Humility is not denial; separation is denial. And maintaining that separation is the ultimate act of pride.

Your institutions operate in the same backward manner; thus, you have a national security system that is actively engaged in killing everybody, a federal drug administration that has all but recommended motor oil for dietary use because it is low in polyunsaturates, and an economic system that has convinced everyone that life is bad for the economy. As you see, it may be difficult to use your language and still hope to express the truth. Certain terms need new definitions before you begin this reading. They follow.


This is a difficult word to define because there really isn’t any such thing. What we mean by that is that there is no single reality, here or anywhere else. There are as many different realities on this planet as there are people alive to create them all. And what passes for global reality is merely a group consensus on a few minor points. From there on out, it’s every man and woman for him or herself.

The reality that you live is nothing more than an audio-visual demonstration of where your attention is. The universe presumes your attention is on what you want and graciously provides you with more of the same. If this dynamic were understood, you would never do anything so foolish as to declare a war on drugs—unless, of course, your objective were to create more of them. There is no better way to increase drug traffic than to have everyone’s attention focused on it. This same principle applies to increasing everything you think you oppose, and it is also the reason a war cannot be won. If you were serious about stopping drugs, the best course would be to stop being fascinated with them via your perceived opposition. Become fascinated with freedom instead, and your addictions will disappear naturally to satisfy your new preoccupation.

Because you have yet to understand your power of creation and who you really are, you perpetually put your attention on denial instead of affirmation. This results in the universe serving up an extra helping of what you thought you didn’t want.


As you are awakening, there are some pitfalls we would like you to avoid. The most important one is the dreaded Messiah Complex. Before mission members are completely on their multidimensional feet, this complex tends to have some appeal. Mission Control would like to take a moment to make it a little less appealing.

Being Christ and thinking you are Christ are two different matters. If you only think you are Christ, you will then act like you think Christ would act, which usually entails trying to save someone.

Let us make one think very clear: This mission is not about “saving” anyone. All inhabitants of this planet are masters. Even the aliens are masters who are here doing a brilliant job of mastering being aliens. Everyone on the planet knows the game, and everyone has made their decision. If a person has chosen to continue as a master of limitation, that is his or her inalienable right. Saving people from their rights is not the intention of this planetary mission. And having our ground crew members running around with messianic fervor trying to rescue people from their free will is not through any request of Mission Control nor by any mandate of the Councils.

The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; however, anyone who opts to explore that process further is free to do so—just not on this planet. Such people will be allowed to continue their experiments with limitation on some other piece of planetary property that is at a less advanced stage in its evolution.

The members of this mission have chosen to master divine expression instead of limitation, and are being asked to do so on this planet at this time. It is critical that you remember that one choice is not better than the other. Do not, in your half-awakened state and out of misdirected zeal, attempt to “convert” anyone to the choice you have made. Instead, be the choice you have made.

Mission Control expects our members to respect everyone’s sovereignty and decisions. We also expect you to stand in your full presence and emanate your divine essence. In this manner and in no other, you will have the power to effect another’s choice to do the same. Your embodiment of Spirit is the only act that will assist the mission in unfolding smoothly and efficiently to its destined conclusion.


The biggest handicap that you suffer stems from the fact that this mission demands total integrity, while the cultures you represent demand little or none.

The reason for this is that Earth cultures have one basic thing in common: They are all dysfunctional. Once a culture has decided which dysfunctional aspects it wishes to represent, it raises a flag to declare its position, packages its preferred brand of dysfunctionality for consumption at home and abroad, and passes it off as a national heritage to be proud of and protected at all costs. Because you have to claim some nationality in order to get in here, none of you has been spared an identity that is at least a million light years and exactly 180 degrees off from the truth.

The temptation to remain dysfunctional arises from the fact that it has been such a thorough and arduous journey getting there; somehow, it feels wasteful to just chuck it. Because of this illusion of waste, you may find yourself clinging to false identities or co-dependent relationships that prolong the recovery act. These double-dealing relationships, whether with yourself or others, are based on a dysfunctional complicity that thrives on an unstated request. That request can best be expressed as, “Please don’t disturb my sense of limitation. It may be Auschwitz, but it’s home.”The problem with maintaining this “pact” is that you cannot pass through the doors of the fifth dimension lugging dysfunctional baggage, and there is no handicapped parking nor any wheelchair access. All false identity must be relinquished at customs where your belongings will be rifled for contraband states of consciousness. These contraband states include dishonesty, manipulation, any and all feigned limping, refusing to relinquish your survival identity, and every hidden, unholy agreement that was made out of fear and denial.

Mission Control is aware of the courage that realignment with the truth requires, but we are also aware that no one will be successful in any attempt to smuggle a lack of integrity across the frontier of the new incoming civilization. Be gentle with yourself and with others during the time of your rehabilitation, but also be scrupulous in this matter because there is no room for deception. And remember, giving up your crutches willingly now is far preferable to being busted at the border.


At this time of transition, be very careful about who and what you are following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is the first indication that you are off track. For those of you who are still the students of gurus, we recommend discernment.

This is no longer the time of great spiritual teachers. It is now the time of great spirits instead. This shift from master/student to just plain master may cause a temporary unemployment problem in India and elsewhere, but do not be alarmed. The true masters of light will make the shift with ease and will welcome your upcoming graduation with the same relief that they welcome their much-deserved retirement.


The best cure for battle fatigue is not to battle. Although you may find it difficult not to inject a little sanity into the lemminglike rush toward death you see all around you, do not intercede. The old world is dying. It must and will come down. The best you can do is allow it to die as gracefully as possible.

Whatever you put your attention on increases. For the sake of the ecosystem and the new emerging civilization, remove your attention from the death process and place it on the process of birth instead. Misplaced attention will just act to prolong the ending’s agony and delay your inevitable, exalted future.