Wednesday 26 May 2010

Ego Negotiation 101 by Bashar

Thought it was time for another video and I was impressed by the clarity of the following Bashar video that I listened to today. One of the most common topics I've seen on spiritual forums is the desire to follow one's passion or joy but feeling limited because of the need to earn a salary or having the fear to quit one's job. This is just one example of how we limit our expansion and joy, but it can apply to any area of life. There are many aspects to our Beingness and some of the conflicts that arise within us are due to the human self and the divine self, or the ego and the higher mind. The process of ascension involves the melding of our divinity and our human selves, so that we can be the divine human angels that we are, manifesting the life of our dreams whilst still on the earth plane. One of the polarities that tends to trip us up or sabotage us on this earthly journey is the ego (mind) versus the higher self (or higher mind).

I have loosely transcribed some (not all) of the following two Bashar videos, which gives some insight into how we can consciously allow all parts of our beingness to work in harmony with our desires and dreams. Our beliefs create our reality, and so if we wish to create a more joyful, abundant or harmonious reality, it is a good place to start by changing our belief structures, so that they can support the more expanded reality we wish to create and maintain.

Q. Ego can be helpful or destructive in allowing you to follow your excitement.

As an example, someone wishing to follow a new endeavour, quit their job and follow their passion in that way. But they have a lot of anxiety about the financial consequences of that.

How does it happen that the person can balance out the energy between the higher mind and the physical mind in order to have everybody able to do their job appropriately?

A. You must honor the belief system that is there to whatever capacity you feel is necessary to do so. In other words you give honor to the belief system that the ego has created and recognise that from the ego’s perspective (physical mind) it is valid. Therefore, you don't abandon it, you work with it.

In a sense, make a deal. “Ego I will work with say 90% of that belief system, but just give me about 10% to play around with, and I will show you that that 10% can actually work. Strike a deal with the ego to give you some latitude to move beyond. As you keep making those deals and doing it bit by bit you will train the ego to understand that as you ask for more and more latitude the ego will feel more supported and it will allow you more

and more latitude until such time that one day you will look around and realise that all the old belief systems are already gone, and that you allow yourself complete support with the new belief systems in whatever way actually supports you.

The second thing is while you are doing that and making those kinds of deals is to embark on an expedition of redefining the ideas you are using - for example “the only way you can be supported in life, where you can do the things you desire to do is with one particular format or representation of abundance".

Remember, our definition of abundance is ‘the ability to do whatever you need to do whenever you need to do it.’ Period.

Now if on your planet money is one of those things all well and good, but the idea is it’s simply required that you have the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it, and if money isn’t necessarily the way in which it’s best to do that thing, then your higher mind will actually bring you that thing that will allow you to do that with less effort. Sometimes if you insist that money is the only way that something can be accomplished, again that might simply be setting up an obstacle to bang your head against, when in fact your higher mind can bring it to you in a more easy way if you would only relax your definitions about what you think you need.

Q. So if the ego is frightened in that scenario, will it try to sabotage the person ?

A. Of course, that’s why you need to strike a deal. You need to find a negotiation that works, because the only time that the negative ego will sabotage you is if it feels it has not gotten a fair listen, a fair deal, if it feels you are avoiding it, attempting to go around it, circumvent it.

Q. Sounds like a business deal.

A. It IS a business deal, because the physical ego is all about physical business, the physical world. Therefore, one good way is to use it’s own language. Allow it to understand that you are willing to negotiate fairly. So if you negotiate a fair deal from the ego’s point of view and it allows you some latitude in that negotiation, then there is no reason why it would need to sabotage you.

It’s all about definitions, understanding them, and working with them.

Q. So which part is making the deal with the ego?

A. Good question. Because that’s where the cleverness comes in.

The one that is actually negotiating with the ego is the higher mind.

You have already brought the higher mind to the table by negotiating a fair deal, because higher mind is all about balance and fairness.

But you are using the physical mind’s language to get the idea across.

You are working out a deal for the whole being, for both polarities.

You have to give the physical personality the first ‘win’ in the negotiation. By recognising its belief systems are valid - it is only trying to protect you after all. It’s protecting itself but it is protecting you, because it thinks itself IS you. So no matter how detrimental it may seem, it is doing it out of love. Making the statement in the opening negotiation that you recognise it is doing it out of love is the way to begin the negotiation. Let it win the first point because the ego is all about winning. In a win/win it will start to relent and grant you some leeway.

Use your imagination to make that negotiation work in whatever way it works best, but what is important is full disclosure so that the ego doesn’t feel it is being tricked. And when the ego doesn’t feel that IT is being tricked, the ego will have no reason to trick and sabotage you.

All the lessons of what you call win/win business negotiation are applicable to negotiating with the ego structure.

If you propose a less aggressive agenda to the ego it will not feel threatened and survival issues will not arise. You may have proposed too much for the ego to handle. When you understand the ego’s motivations you can then deal with them in the negotiations. You cannot just bargain and run, and not understand where the other side is coming from, otherwise they will just pull the plug.

You need to relax and not be so eager to get where you think you need to go. You need to be nowhere more important than right here right now.

Related posts:

For more about ego from Bashar see my January post Give Ego a Break.


  1. Yeah I like this, it's good to know I'm not the only person. I think I gave my ego a pretty fair deal. I can play guitar and paint all I like but it will not be allowed to define me. I am not a artist, I'm a guy who creates art. I'm not a musician. I do however make music. I am not a writer but I do like writing a bit of fiction.

  2. "I was very pleased to find this site.I wanted to thank you for this great read!!
    I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post."

  3. I have made it to the gate a couple of times. Once, a guardian said "not until everyone is ready" Another time it showed me that I couldnt cross because I was not pure of heart and then showed me what was wrong, my negative karma. I am trying to cultivate a pure heart now.

  4. Something extra
