Monday 31 May 2010

Never Mind Reality

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

And the reason that you believe it is that you think it, and then things actualize around it to confirm the thought.

So, you know you are right, because you believe it.

When you focus slightly different then your point of attraction shifts, and the evidence shifts too.

I really liked this Abraham video that I ended up transcribing the whole thing.

We ask a lot of you when we ask you to never mind reality, because you have been taught to face reality every day of your life. You have been comparing your reality with other peoples’ realities, focusing on realities seems to be the order of the day. You have all kinds of piles of good and bad, and all kinds of laws to sort it all out. In other words the majority of the life that most people live is outside the vortex, just sorting out the details and trying to decide whose details are better than others. But you are all powerless in getting anyone to deal with their details in a different way than you would like them to deal with them. In other words, it’s not working out very well in terms of the satisfaction of life.

So when we say to you that you are vibration first and foremost, and that your reality as it exists now does not mean didley squat, that’s hard to hear when you have just had a financial decline that is evidenced by bank accounts, by your ability to purchase, by so many things. You are getting all this feedback from life that says “no Abraham, it’s THIS way”. And we say “your belief in your Now reality, your attention to your Now reality is THE only thing that keeps you from your vortex reality, your vibrational reality, which IS the reality that you want. “

Now think about it in terms of sickness. If you are sick, maybe you have got the flu, maybe you have got a bigger disease that they have given you a label that’s scary. So you are standing in a body that is sick and you don’t want to be, but it’s real, you get up and your head hurts, and you move your body and it feels weak. You try to eat and the food doesn’t taste good, it’s real, it’s real, it’s real.

And then here we come along, and are talking about the enhanced wellbeing that you have created as a result of you sifting through this sickness. And we are saying to you “you are so well, you are so frisky, you feel so good, you have so much vitality etc”, we get it that you want to say “Abraham, look at me, I’m sick”. We get it. And our only value to you is that we refuse to see your sickness, we will ONLY see your wellness, but us seeing it doesn’t do it for you. You’ve got to want to look over here too. You’ve got to want to believe in his vibrational reality with such fervour that you distract yourself from the sickness even though it hurts. That you distract yourself from the decline in your bank account even though you are afraid. You have to want to so much to tune into the wholeness that you have become that you are willing to ignore all of the reality details, and all of the evidence, and all of the people from the peanut gallery, and all of the people that are giving you the diagnosis, and all of the people that are giving you your credit have to ignore ‘reality’ if you are ever to move in the direction of vibrational reality, you cannot do both at the same time.

It is one or the other.

And the thing that keeps you from doing the one is the other.

Only a bit of effort at training myself into feeling it brings evidence, brings more evidence, brings more evidence. It’s not like we are asking you to just believe until you croak (die) and then get your reward in heaven. Others do that to you, but we do not. We say to you when you find reason to get into your vortex and hold vibrational alignment with what’s in the vortex, the evidence comes and it comes quickly, because you are deserving beings and you are beings of wellbeing.

You are beings who are creators, life is supposed to be good for you, and if you were not lazy about your thought, if you would not let reality...............................”oh, I can think of that easy because I can see it right there”. It’s easier to turn on the television and watch someone elses’ portrayal of life. And the terrible portrayal of life that they give you. They look all around the planet to try to find something wrong, they slant it even more negatively, dramatise it with music, and then they bring it right into your living room and they say “this is the picture of life on planet Earth”.

And we say “no it is not, it is not even an accurate picture of life on Earth, it is a distorted point of view .” So much of the world has discovered that you will give more of your attention to things

if it smacks of a problem than you will to something if it smacks of love and upliftment, you see. You must re-orient yourself, you must care.

You must care about the way you feel more than everything else put together. You must care with all that you are to be in alignment with who you are, and when you do will no longer speak about this issue, as speaking about this issue is the only thing that is keeping you from what Source has got you lined up with, and that Law of Attraction has gathered and lined up for you.

Makes you want to focus, doesn’t it ?

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