Saturday 9 January 2010

2012, Hypnosis and Conspiracies

Thought I would write a post about my own views on 2012 and conspiracies, if only to get it over with so that I have at least addressed these topics, which tend to become offshoots or major branches on blogs about ascension, spirituality, metaphysics or the new age. It is already starting to feel slightly irritating hearing or reading constant speculation about 2012, along with the predictions about an impending E.T or UFO disclosure to the world by one of the governments. Then recently of course we had the blue spiral in the sky above Norway, which caused a stir along with various interpretations. I can't help thinking that these are all distractions, just like TV, 2012 and staged world events, while all the big stuff like ascension is going on unnoticed by the masses.

The parting of the worlds started in September 2009, and the dimensional separation will only become wider as time progresses, so by 2012 it will be too late to worry about what will happen in 2012 anyway. What will happen will depend on which Earth you are residing on.
As for the NWO and negative elite, I feel their time has come and that they will not be able to continue on the new earth anyway, as they are operating from too low a frequency. The dimensional shift or transition to a new earth and new consciousness, is actually in the process of happening now. We are in the thick of it and the energies are accelerating and getting higher. These energies are coming on to the planet as well as being anchored here by those humans on Earth who are able to act like a conduit for the energies. Our DNA is also being activated and our physical bodies will start to change over time. It does not depend so much on astrology but by our own abilities to evolve and expand into higher consciousness, to meld our human self with our divine self, our light with our dark, and so on. It is a personal journey that affects every living being on Earth right now.

This transition stage will cause some chaos for a while, but it is possible to be in the eye of the storm and not be blown about or affected by what is going on, regardless of what is happening to anyone else on the planet.
In the early days of my ascension process I was very fascinated with all the different conspiracies being discussed on the internet. I read all of David Icke's books, I researched in some very dark places on the web, and I wanted everyone to know about what was really going on. I was particularly interested in Planet X and started reading all the Sitchin books. DNA was another hot topic and how that had been re-arranged in humans in the ancient past from a 12-stranded to a 2-stranded helix, by extra-terrestrial geneticists who were viewed as gods by the inhabitants of Earth. I also transcribed Pleiadian channeled cassette tapes on 9/11 to send out to people I knew because I wanted the whole world to wake up beyond the official stories we were told about everything by the media. I see now that this is probably a necessary phase one goes through after ones own awakening, and there is nothing like a bit of darkness or fear or paradigm breaking revelations to break others out of their 3D slumber and hopefully launch them on their own ascension path (or not, as not everyone chooses spirituality or a higher consciousness path in response). Most people just stayed asleep though and carried on buying their newspapers.

After integrating the dark or hidden side of Earth's history and current manipulations, it was time to move on.
The trouble with conspiracies, is that they not only keep you on a very low frequency level, but you also end up giving your own energies and power away to them by feeding them with your constant attention. It seemed a shame to waste an article I wrote for a film magazine, which I never submitted in the end, about the Illuminati and Stanley Kubrick's film Eye Wide Shut, yet it all gave me something to get my imagination into for a while. Somehow it doesn't remain satisfying for long to get too bogged down with all these stories, especially as many of them felt disempowering, placing me and others in a possible victim mentality (having my 'reality' influenced by outside forces) when I could be creating something new and writing my own life script. Now I couldn't care less what anyone else believes about anything, and
being the creator that I am I prefer to create new consciousness, new energy, and the kind of new earth I prefer to live in. Nobody is at the mercy of a negative elite or a New World Order or a pandemic or a potential war, because by raising your consciousness (dimension) higher than where those events are capable of vibrating, you can ascend right out of any lower vibrating negative scenario.

I also do not feel I shall be living in the kind of world that will be dominated by those who are refusing to ascend and evolve beyond duality and the third dimension. So now it is irrelevant to me what Mr. Icke says (although he is doing a good job waking others up!) with his WW3 predictions for this year. It could be true for some, and it could be true for those who need to play in 3D fear and limitation for a while longer, but it isn't true for everyone because we don't have just one Earth - that is so 3D thinking. :-) Earth is ascending to the 5th dimension, along with those inhabitants who are doing the inner work to evolve and ascend along with the planet. When you change yourself, you change the kind of world you live in. You can't change the world anyone else lives in because you can't do the inner work for them. Which is why it is not appropriate to go out and try to 'save' the world or fix it. It is a mirror reflection of the inner world, and whatever is playing out on the world's stage is just a consensus 'reality' of the majority, an indicator of where mass consciousness is currently focused or vibrating their energies. What is not integrated within also gets projected out.

Ascension work can feel exhausting at times because it feels like swimming against the tide of mass consciousness. It requires maintaining that unwavering focus and trust in ones own guidance, overcoming lifetimes of habitual thought, beliefs and society's hypnotic overlays, releasing everything that no longer serves in the higher dimensions including previous identities, jobs, situations, friends, lifestyles and anything else that is not growing and evolving with you, but sucks you back down into the 3D dramas and lower frequencies. Once beyond a certain point on the ascension journey it gets so much easier.

Although 2009 started with the most free and lighthearted energy I'd ever experienced, it turned into a really challenging year only because of having waited an extra two years for more people to get on board the ascension train before we could finally all move on with our individual own ascension process. So the timing of anything is often collectively decided or revised as we go along, and we are actually ahead of time despite the delays. It is all happening now. The energy cord to the old world has now been severed, and although the rest of me can't wait to race ahead to make up for those 2 years, my body is drained and some recuperation time is necessary. I currently feel a bit like Robinson Crusoe washed up on the shore after the shipwreck - exhausted, on new dry land at least, and unsure how many are inhabiting this island.

My personal take on the significance of 2012 is that it depends on which Earth you will be living on by then. And by that time it may be a little late to change the Earth you are experiencing if you don't like where you are currently residing, because the chasm is continuously getting wider. No lightworkers or ascension wayshowers are wanting to remain tethered to the old earth, although some may be focusing their work at the dimensional border. The year 2012 represents the end of a long galactic cycle according to the Mayan calendar, and I am aware of various probable realities that could play out. But when talking about probabilities or predictions it is also influenced by many other factors such as personal choice, synchronicities, timelines and dimensions, so that nothing is really laid out or set in stone in terms of a single destiny for everyone. I do feel that the Earth will no longer be in quarantine so that we will have the opportunity to meet our galactic neighbours in 2012, although this choice will not be imposed on us and will only happen when humanity feels ready.

Bashar, channeled in the following video, gives some explanation about parallel Earths. He states that the only thing that is real is experience.
There is no 'out there' - that is the illusion. It is all here, it is all now.

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