Sunday 18 October 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

We are moving into unexplored new energy. In a way, it feels as though the journey has only just begun. This blog will be reflecting my own journey of ascension and expansion into the new energies or new consciousness. Consider it a magazine or a scrapbook, where I gather various bits of information, links and resources, book reviews, channellings, music, videos, photos and anything else that feels useful, relevant or inspiring.

I have no desire to regurgitate from the beginning a decade's worth of learning, experience, channellings and reading about ascension, for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this material, so have instead provided some useful links to recommended websites (see Links list in sidebar of blog) and some recommended books and CDs on Ascension, which will give a good introduction and overview. Some of my writing here may be my own channelled info, including both inspiration, venting and personal everyday things, and some will be the writings or channellings of others, it doesn't really matter to me - it is a historical record and scrapbook of a hugely important time both in my life and in the history of Earth. As everyone is at a different stage of the awakening or ascension process, not everything in this blog will necessarily resonate with everyone or even make sense, so just take what is useful for now and leave the rest perhaps for another time.

I am connected with a global affiliation of new consciousness teachers (who come from all walks of life) called the Crimson Circle. We are not a mainstream spiritual group, nor a sect, and not connected to any religion. There is also nothing much in common with what is called the 'new age' movement. We are pioneers on the leading edge of new energy or new consciousness. Being a teacher of new consciousness does not necessarily mean teaching in front of a classroom, but can be anything from writing books, blogs, making new energy art, music or just simply BE-ing (as all knowledge is in our energy field and is accessible to others as we are all inter-connected). Raising our vibration also acts like a tuning fork in that it can help raise the vibration of those we come into contact with. Even though I accept my divinity and know that 'I am god also', I am also very glad to be human on Earth at this very important time, and can accept my humanity. No planet has ever ascended to a higher dimension with human life on it before, so this is a first time experience for everyone. And even though it can feel extremely challenging at times, I feel honoured and excited to be here on Earth at this moment in history, as Earth is definitely the place to be right now, and all eyes are on us to see what we do and what we create next.

What our group is and is not can be summed up well in the Crimson Circle channel "User Accepts Full Responsibility" (Shoud 10 of Returning Series):

" Are you ready to be absolutely bold? Absolutely bold, as Adamus will take you into a different energy, and it's not for the faint of heart or the weak of spirit. It's not for the ones who are victims, who like complaining. Oh, it's for the rough and the hardy indeed. This is also not for the light and airy fairy. This is for the gritty angels that you are. Not for the ones who need sugar and syrup poured over them every day, because that's another group."


My ascension journey began around 2001 when I re-discovered the Crimson Council, my spiritual family. Before then I had been listening to various channelings on audio cassette, or reading channelled information in books from off planet non-physical beings such as Kryon, the Pleiadians, Abraham etc. One particular tape I listened to was to find my spiritual family, and it wasn't long after that I connected with the Crimson Circle on the internet.

I never grew up within a religious environment, and this felt fortunate to me as there was less to undo in terms of beliefs and conditioning. Nevertheless I spent many of my adult years seeking out various spiritual traditions (the only one in my family who was interested in such things) and eventually settled down with Tibetan Buddhism for a good many years, and doing a Buddhist trip to India, Nepal and Tibet on my own in the late eighties.

In the nineties I left all religion behind for good as it suddenly felt no longer appropriate for me, even though I had nothing yet to replace it with. The new age movement introduced me to various healing modalities and energy work, and I trained in some therapies and took clients for a while until that too began to feel old fashioned and no longer appropriate for where I was now.

Listening to audio channellings became one of my favourite pastimes, and one day I was introduced to the Pleiadians, which changed the way I viewed life and earth history forever. I feel I have a connection with the Pleiades, yet I gather whatever information I need from various sources, still. So after intensely involving myself with reading and listening to many different channellings for some years I discovered the Tobias channels from the Crimson Circle on the internet at a time when I was going through a bit of a rough patch. These channels seemed to be speaking to me personally, and I felt a distinct shift in my energies with each channel I read. I was amazed at the healing effect they were having on me, and so I read every single one, and was aware of a presence in my home as I was reading them. I was not alone. Tobias has often said 'you are never alone', and I remember those early days when I could actually feel his presence very much there with me in my home as I connected to his words on the computer.

He has since reincarnated back to Earth, in the summer of 2009. The first ascended master to actually do so. I wept and mourned his departure, which felt odd mourning a birth rather than a death. Adamus has taken over where Tobias left off, and I feel close to him also - these beings are not my gurus but feel like soul family who I have known and worked with before in other lifetimes too, such as in Atlantis. We are continuing with the work now, during this time of planetary shift from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. The following is a channel from Tobias given through Geoffrey Hoppe:

Mass consciousness acts as a template for the growth and development of a planet or a species. You are constantly being sent signals to keep you all moving along together. If your frequency resonance is below that of mass consciousness, the resonance of the collective will help to bring you up to speed. If your resonance is higher than that of mass consciousness you will place a beacon within the collective mind. You may think of it as writing your own computer program. Rather than tap into the template of mass consciousness programming you choose to run your own program until enough of you have rewritten the “operating system”.

(Wendy Kennedy, channel for the 9th dimensional Pleiadian Collective)

Finally, I rather liked this Alice in Wonderland music video 'What Are You Waiting For ' as it is a grand editing job of a Disney film clip to a song I hadn't heard before, but they go together so well. The song title also seemed appropriate for this post, because waiting for anything (ETs to land, a saviour, 2012 etc) will not serve you or your ascension process.


  1. Kryon energy 11:11

    Etwas möchte ich sagen dass KRYON ENERGY 11:11 ist eine wunderbare Sache, was wir jetzt haben in dieser Zeit und das dass uns gegeben ist, ich bin sehr dankbar das ich gerade jetzt hier auf dem planet bin bei diesem großem transformation project und das ich mitwirken darf ,ich bin sehr stolz weil gerade jetzt in dem moment mein herz mir die bestätigung gibt, den nur aus herzen heraus können wir das fühlen das wir auf dem richtigen weg sind, es ist bestimmt kein zufall dass gerade heute am 11.11 2012 ich öffentlich das erste mal mitteile und ich bin dankbar diese energy und mir selber das ich mitwirken darf und kann

    Biba aus Slovenien

    1. Thank you for your comments Biba, which I have translated online. This is an old post of mine, and I have since released some previous teachings and beliefs I had about the ascension process which I now realise are not supportive of ascension. The Light does not channel or approach anyone as voices in their head. External forces which are not of the Earth or the light but can mimic the Light can and do come in with false teachings at ascension time, which is why we missed the last ascension time 2000 years ago.

      Anything to do with time, predictions, the calendar, numbers, timeline prophesies etc is not of the Light because Source energy works outside of timelines in each now moment.
      Not saying channelled info is necessarily of bad intent, but that discarnate beings who bring through messages are also just as stuck here as we are.

      Treat everything outside of yourself as suspect and go within to your heart centre where your own spirit and source energy dwells and ask that. We are living in a mind matrix which is controlled by those who do not want us to ascend for they have their own agenda. We have been trapped here for thousands of years because of false teachings and were never meant to go outside of ourselves for the truth, or give our power away to those off planet.

      I used to believe all these channellings too (which have some truths mixed in with enough disinformation to be worthless). Just because something feels good and comforting doesn't make it true. Since around Aug 2012 I have been making up for lost time and am now preparing for ascension. See my more recent posts for more useful info, and I recommend doing the 2000 Year Darkness Barcode Removal at

      which will help remove the mind control energetic implants that is currently causing humanity to embrace the darkness and judge the Light.

