Monday 19 October 2009

9-9-9 Portal - Into the new reality

I have to admit that even though I knew the date of 9/9/09 was important numerologically, I didn't at the time have any idea about it's significance until I was well into October. I had obtained a copy of Karen Bishop's e-book Crossing Over, which also helped to make sense of a lot of what had been going on for me, as well as what the 9/9/09 had really been about. It also tied in with energy shifts that had happened around the time of the Summer Solstice, and why I felt so weepy on and off in addition to my mourning the departure, or rather re-birth, of someone I had felt very close to over the past ten years.

I cannot copy anything that Karen wrote for reasons of copyright, but you can easily obtain a copy of her e-book which is available from her website Emerging Earth Angels, for a donation.

Instead I'll sum up what I can recall from various sources. Basically, the ascension plan had changed. A few years ago there was some grief felt by some of us lightworkers over the realisation that the old and new earth would not now be merging. Not enough of humanity had awakened and it would be another 30 years before it looked like this could be possible. The Earth was ascending, or entering a higher dimension, whether humanity was going along or not, and we needed as many people as possible on board to awaken and ascend with the planet as a certain critical mass was important.

Those of us who were the wayshowers or pioneers were also more than ready to move forward with our own ascension process, but waited longer for more of humanity to awaken. The alternative was for the two worlds to split, vibrationally speaking, and those still residing in the old energy world would not be able to continue living on an ascending planet but would eventually have to continue their existence elsewhere, as we were leaving duality and the old energy paradigm behind. So our ascension process kind of stagnated for about two years while we waited for more of the population to wake up, until we could wait no longer. The ascension plan had always been risky, and needed a certain amount of flexibility as it is impossible to know what humans will do too far ahead in the future, although those in the non-physical realms have a way of measuring consciousness on the planet and seeing potential trends, even if only a few years ahead and based on choices being made today.

Most of us who are on the leading edge of the ascension process are also very sensitive to energies, and I for one was tapping in to the emotions of mass consciousness and experiencing the fears and anxieties in my own body as if they were my own. The summer before last was particularly intense, and I felt that if the volume was turned up any more I would pass out. This year was less intense but only I think because I was finally being relieved of my duties to be a conduit for the unprocessed and toxic emotions of the masses, which also get dumped into the Earth. No wonder my nervous system was starting to short circuit and feel delicate and burned out. It was exhausting having to remain in such dense energies when ascending, and living in a highly populated city like London didn't help much either.

So the energy shift at the solstice, and the final parting moment on 9 Sept 09 started the separation of the old and new energy worlds.

Different dimensions or frequencies can both exist in the same space, can overlap, at least for a while. But there is no longer any waiting, we are all going our separate ways depending on what choices we have made and where we currently are in our consciousness and evolution. All I know is that the chasm will be getting wider and wider now as time goes on. Those still residing in the old energy world will experience a world becoming more chaotic and challenging, although there is still assistance from the non-physical realms for those who seek it, and others will now be free to create a life of more joy, fun and ease on a very new gameboard, exploring new frontiers and new energy, which is very different from how old energy worked, so none of us really know what to expect - even those in the non-physical realms. Those who are not in embodiment on Earth do not necessarily know more than we do. And there are also those in the non-physical realms who are not interested in whether the Earth and humanity ascends, so it is important not to give our power away by believing others know more than we do because they don't have bodies or they are from other planets - it is us, after all, who are on the front line, the leading edge of the ascension process. And many of us came from other star systems originally, and had many lifetimes on Earth in preparation for this time in Earth's history.

All I know is that I have been on the ascension path for nearly a decade in this lifetime (and various other spiritual paths for much longer than that) during which time my life has been far from 'normal', resulting in most if not all of my old life being completely erased. But then again I didn't come to this planet to do 'normal'. The more of humanity who awaken to their own divinity and creator abilities, realising that they are god also, the easier it is for all of us to move forward, as on a higher level we are really all one.

Now, the old reality will seem very far away as the chasm becomes much wider, and the old duality world will hardly effect those who have chosen to move into a higher frequency on Earth.

We are currently living in two worlds - the new energy world of the new consciousness made up of those who have chosen to ascend, living alongside and interacting with the old energy world, which includes those who have chosen on some level not to evolve or ascend, and to continue living in the old 3D paradigm of duality.

"Two worlds, side-by-side. Two realities co-existing together. One not knowing that the other has changed. One not understanding that there are two worlds. The other world of the new energy blessed with great understanding, but yet great responsibility. Responsibility to guide those who seek your help to come through that tunnel, to release all that no longer serves them. To change their history books as well, in order to be in your reality.

This is the time of split, as we would call it. It is the time of becoming two earths. And this is appropriate, for in your future, after what is projected to be the year 2012, a time of quantum change, there will be two earths that exist, and they will no longer be side-by-side. They will not be in the same space together. They will be two after this date (2012). This date, as you know, is not fixed. It is simply a weigh point in the future. The final change could occur before this time, as early as the year 2007. But for now, we simply say we are at the midway point."

To read the full channel, Two Earths,
presented at the Crimson Circle, December 11, 1999, click here.

From my own experience and inner knowingness, this split into two worlds that will no longer be able to co-exist side-by-side has already started separating in 2009. How fast the chasm widens and how that will look remains to be seen. In the meantime we are still interacting with others in the old world at what Karen Bishop refers to as the 'dimensional border'.

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