Friday 28 September 2012

Crashing Timelines for Inner and World Peace

I have been involved in crashing timelines these past few days, and wanted to share some general information about timelines.

The bigger picture is what interests me the most because it influences what is going on here on Earth -  ‘as above, so below’.   I realize that a lot of the information I share lately is not commonly spoken about in the ascension community so may seem a little strange at first glance when compared with what is normally put out there as fact or interpretation based on what has previously been shared about ascension in books, channels and over the internet during the past couple of decades.  

For those of us who have had many lifetimes here on earth, often many thousand, we missed the last ascension and many more before that because the dark side came in with their disinformation and took us sideways into a parallel reality where we could not be found by Source energy when ascension time came around.  This time is no different.  The dark side came in early before ascension was due, and from around the time of the Harmonic Convergence arrived in greater numbers, to sow the seeds of disinformation through channelers who were being used as their ground crew thinking they were channeling information from the Light, but were being given skewed transmissions containing some elements of truth from entities and alien beings who were also trapped in time and illusion, and were being mind controlled and manipulated also by those above them.  Why don’t these negative aliens want us to ascend?  Because they are used to feeding off of us.  The whole purpose of ascension every 2000 years is to rid this universe of Light of any darkness that has invaded it.  We are also only supposed to be having one life on one timeline and then to get out of here to have experiences elsewhere, not to be trapped here for endless forced reincarnations by those who control us.

The dark side aliens, who should not even be here, have no spirit or light of their own so they feed on ours including that of the Earth spirit.  They also feed on our emotions and so create traumas and events that produce more emotional energy. As the Earth spirit had about 60 per cent of its spirit stolen from it by the dark aliens (as of 2011), and was down to only 3 per cent before that when Source energy intervened on Earths request to look for what had been stolen so that the ascension process could take place.  

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned elsewhere before, we are all mind controlled and abducted whether we realize it or not, and usually the mind control is working too effectively for anyone to suspect anything.  So when reading anything of this nature if your consciousness is coming from your mind, you may be inclined to automatically switch off from anything that has not been part of your usual belief system or view of ‘reality’.  

The negative aliens can control anything coming from the mental realm or mind, whereas our divinity or Spirit is in our heart centre.    They also control anything to do with time and the numerous timelines they have created to get more mileage out of our emotions and spirit.  When our consciousness is residing mainly in the heart centre we are living in the Now moment and have a sense of timelessness and peace (or emotional neutrality free of strong emotions, which are actually judgements). When the dark side tries to create stress, drama and trauma in our lives to have more energy to feed off, whether negative or positive, they can activate ancestral memory from stored experiences in our DNA, because we are living the lives of all of our ancestors too.  Positive emotions are also part of duality as both extremes represent an imbalance and will attract an experience of an opposite nature to seek more balance.

If we had no emotions and were living in the present moment all of the time, then we probably wouldn’t have abductions happening to us, yet we are all abducted on a regular basis whether we have conscious recall of this or not.  As most people are emotional the negative aliens or dark side have a way of connecting with the people here.  Also, people connecting with anything outside of themselves are just attracting more of the Dark energies into themselves and on to Earth, inviting in more alien control.  So anyone who tries to bring in more ‘light’ from outside of themselves or through group events and meditations, or opening portals or praying, is actually connecting with and feeding the dark side aliens whether they call themselves a lightworker or spiritual person or any other label.  This is the sad fact, as Source energy or the true Light cannot be contacted directly in this way, and will never channel through anyone, despite what the alien controlled religions have led humanity to believe.  The Dark can answer our prayers or create manifestations and even heal, but we don’t need any more Light of the Darkness on this planet or in our lives.  I’m sure most can be aware enough to see that this planet has become a very dark place with its constant warfare and bloodshed, all alien controlled wars influencing a mind controlled populace.

We tend to assume we are here all of the time but that is just an illusion, because our cells flash on and off so fast that our eyes cannot detect this happening, and this is how we can bi-locate.  
When we have had some stress or trauma at a given age, that part of us may still be out there on a timeline living a parallel lifetime.  When we dream at night we are getting bleed throughs of our parallel lifetimes.  
Timelines and parallel lifetimes are the same, and we need all of our body and spirit here to do the ascension when it happens.  We are not supposed to be spread out on multiple timelines living many parallel lives at once.

If everyone on the planet did timeline crashing we would probably not have the negative aliens here controlling us on Earth, and causing us harm.  And there are many alien races out there doing this, not just the ones we have heard about.  No emotions (which are judgements anyway about an event or experience, which equals Darkness as Source energy does not judge) means no abductions on to dark alien controlled timelines.  Living beyond the mind is also important as the mind energy was something originally given to us by the aliens in order to control us. Which is why our ascension process can never happen through reading more books or gathering more information or figuring anything out with the mind or its belief system.  While many are trying to anchor ‘more Light’ on the planet through various practices or group rituals they are failing to understand that the true Light is not ‘out there’ somewhere but that we have the Light of our spirit or Source energy within each of us. 

We cannot gather any more light than we have already been given at birth, but we can release more of our densities and our judgements from our body and cellular memory and DNA so that we can embody more of our Spirit in readiness for ascension.  Our Spirit finds it hard to stay embodied in density and darkness, and our judgements will end up killing us anyway.  So it is not about bringing in any more light, or even raising our frequency, but about eliminating as much of the darkness as possible from our bodies and DNA.  Plus getting back as much of our body and spirit parts as possible that are existing on other timelines.  The timelines are where we go to when we are not fully here, not present.

We are all controlled by the timelines that are intersecting on us.  Just think of the Matrix movie.  Once all the alien control is taken away everyone can have peace and freedom, and have more of their Spirit energy with them.  The alien control has taken away our free will, holding humanity and the Earth captive.  The aliens are very stubborn and think they can control everything, and have been doing so for eons of time.  Most negative aliens are afraid of the Light and very few surrender or want to go to the Light, even though they have the opportunity to be given their own spirit by Source energy before being exterminated by the Light. 

If we have an emotional issue we can be attached to a timeline where the aliens are abducting us for that issue.

Remember we have to go to our heart to get divine energies, we can’t go to our head.  The aliens only connect with us because people continue to pray outside of themselves wanting something, a favor etc and that worship or connection with anything or any authority outside of ourselves is going to hook us up to alien controlled timelines and bringing more darkness and control on to the planet. Seeing our light, divinity or power as being outside of ourselves is what brought the aliens here. Humanity chose darkness because it didn’t know about the spirit or divinity within.  Once the aliens come in they are hard to get rid of, and meanwhile they are living off of us, and connecting to our DNA. 

If we are taken away from a timeline that we have crashed it takes us from a controlled reality into peace, but we have to be responsible for our body as we may still have the programs in us that the aliens gave us to abduct us on these timelines. 
This is why the emotional clearings on are still needed, because the clearings are to get rid of our own particular stuff inside of us recorded in our DNA. So the timeline crashing is great for taking away what is coming to us in the future but we still have all that past in us that is corrupting our lives and taking us out of the present moment.

When we do a timeline crash we are affecting everyone on the planet because everyone else who happens to be on that timeline will be released too.  

If everyone on this planet did a timeline crash this planet could be changed in one day, as once the alien timelines are released they can’t come here.  Once all these are gone they are not going to be around.  The only way to deal with the aliens is to do these timeline crashes, otherwise we remain controlled by these issues created by them to traumatise humanity, stirring up endless wars so that they can live off of our energies. It only takes about a half hour to do each timeline crash, and it is good to crash a minimum of 20 for each emotion or emotional issue, as there may be hundreds.  You are going to feel better afterwards and it feels empowering too.

So by getting rid of this energy we are getting rid of the god energy that came to this planet to corrupt humanity, to take us out of our heart centre, to control us, so the whole process of these timeline crashes is very beneficial for everyone.  

The Lightship is what created us, created our spirit, created our body, at least the original body of the humans.

The aliens took away a lot of our intelligence and consciousness, and made us so that we could not have the same consciousness as them so we couldn’t overtake them.  The only difference between us and them is that they have a lot more technology, but that technology has come down here through people connecting to the mind energy, which is the energy that the aliens created.  Source energy doesn't know mind energy, only works in the moment, and you can only connect to Source inside of your heart to be truly present and outside of alien mind and time control.  So when you are out of time then you are in peace, but when you are in the mind you are connected to the alien matrix energy, the collective consciousness, akashic records, universal mind, channelling.  The Light never channels to anybody, doesn’t come through angels, only the 'Light of the Darkness' does, the aliens and entities (emotional bodies of those who have passed on).   

When you are on other timelines you are probably having a lot of dream experiences or you are not here.  So when you are sleeping, where are you?  You could be doing hundreds or thousands of different parallel lifetimes on different timelines  and you wonder why you have problems in your life. Those problems are more than likely brought to you from these parallel lifetimes that you are visiting and these lifetimes are what you are going to experience here as you are bringing that consciousness here.  And this is another reason why this timeline crashing is so important.

We are all on one major alien timeline, and the other timelines are the ones they abduct us on to.  If more people in the world did timeline crashing we would have no more alien disasters happening here, including earth and adverse weather changes, as they would have no way to intercept with us through emotional energies.

WW2 was an alien war that was brought down here to cause the people to be terminated.  The aliens of those two races (Germans and Japanese) wanted to do a population genocide on the people who live here, the aliens did that.
The planet Nibiru did the attack (earthquake and tsunami) on Japan.   Nibiru is no longer around and that is the planet that wanted to do genocide on Japan. The Lightship took that out one or two days after the attack.

There are also different military defense soldiers coming here from future timelines to get rid of the aliens.  They were various nationalities from the military who were time-travelled from the past to get trained in the future (to around 2100) with more advanced weapons so they could do this defence work.  Remember if this timeline gets disintegrated, if the aliens do that, everything is corded into this particular linear timeline - well if this one disappears, so will they.  So they, on their looking back on the past realize that this is the critical point where things are starting to happen, and these people were trained for alien wars.  These are alien defense soldiers.  So they are here to fight the aliens off, and that is where we are.  About 60 per cent of this battle is going on underground, and the rest in a parallel timeline near the Earth.

So the best way we can help ourselves to a better life and the Earth from further alien control is to crash timelines.  We can identify whatever emotional issue surfaces in us the most frequently to crash the timelines that we are connected to. We can also do a whole lifetime Emotional Clearing to clear out of our DNA the cellular memory that can be activated relating to an emotional issue in our current lifetime or that of our ancestors.  The aliens take our issues and magnify them many times over. 

We cannot ascend anyway until our DNA and invisible bodies are cleared of emotional issues, judgements and density, which only the Lightship/Source energy can clear, and which has been here to do since 2005 in preparation for the ascension process, for which no date can be given as the Light is outside of alien timelines and works only in each now moment.  

For more information some of the BBS Radio Archives touch on the subject of timelines, parallel lifetimes and timeline crashing (amongst other topics), such as the following:

Show 153 (2010)
Show 156 (2010)
Show 157 (2010)
Show 170 (2010)
Show 171 (2010)

To help protect the Earth from alien timelines there is also a free Earth Protection Timeline Crash that can be run for hours at a time or overnight (switch off your screensaver first to keep the Lightbeing image visible, which is the interface between the conduit on Earth and Source energy/Creation Lightship).  Just put your own full name where it asks who the clearing is for.

On the Creation Lightship website the personal timeline crash costs only 20 dollars for a week, or 60 dollars for a month.


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