Sunday 19 August 2012

Aliens, Timelines and Healings by Ron Amitron

Recently found this website of Ron Amitron which is full of light healings we can do online to clear ourselves out prior to ascension.  I listened to some of his youtube videos, internet radio shows and the short free healing sessions on his website, and I actually did feel more calm, at peace and a lot lighter afterwards.  During one healing (can't recall which one now) I actually had the pain stop that had been bothering me in my little toe for weeks, if not months, (some corn that had been pressing on a nerve).  He does water re-charging too with light codes for a dollar on his website, and I found it to be a lot easier to drink, smoother and silky, just went down easily for someone who normally dislikes drinking water.  Same for oxygen, I was reluctant to fully breathe in the air because I sensed there was other stuff in there my body didn't want, and after the free 'Alien Oxygen Code Removal' I was breathing more fully with ease.

Oh yes, he talks about aliens, timelines, and the dark energies too.  So if you are a typical new ager his website may not necessarily be what you are used to.  I'm having a lot of fun on it and have already taken the Emotional Clearing.  This is what he says about it:

This Clearing releases the imprinted energy of your emotional traumas from this lifetime, from your present age all the way back to conception. It is by far the most important healing to do first! It clears the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies. The Light Being Doctors will eliminate the emotional blockages that you have accumulated throughout this lifetime. These negative energies (fears, anxieties, traumas, and judgments) imprint into your Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Bodies, and eventually manifest as imbalance or disease if not released.

This healing session only takes about 30 minutes, and I probably would not have paid for a session if there had been no positive results from the small free fragments I'd heard and experienced here and there.  I'll put the links at the bottom of the page.

I also took the time to type out some notes from his youtube videos, edited for space and not strictly in order or word perfect, but feel free to pass on the info, and a link back to here would be nice too.  For non-English speakers there is a translation you can click on in the right hand sidebar, but you don't need to do anything for the healings themselves other than watch an image on the screen for the duration of the session.  The notes below the video I have posted also help to remind me of what has been said, as videos are so fleeting I have problems recalling much, and it is useful for those from other countries as there is no text for the videos on the website.  (The sound does come on after the first few seconds).


When you are in your heart energy you have no judgement, so you are in Source energy with your heart centre, with your Spirit.

If you have things disappearing in your life (keys etc), that means you have been abducted.

The aliens are here mainly to do mind control patterns on you, to abduct you, to put you in a laboratory like a rat.  When they do their experimentations they can do anything to you, and they live off your emotional energy, your traumas.  This is why you want to be in the moment so that the traumas stored inside of you are not going to draw them to you, because they live off your emotional energy.  If you had no emotions they wouldn’t want you. 

They also want to experiment with your body or make hybrids of you, or something like that.  In my definition a hybrid would be part alien, part human.  The purpose is probably because they are attempting to make a better alien human specimen.  They go also into doing human cloning with people. 
There are a lot of clones walking around now and the clones will probably be here at the dark side ascension in 2012, which is what people are talking about.  Remember, you have the light of the darkness.  So when I talk about light it is true light, Source energy, and you cannot bring the source energy to you because you already have it with you.  So you can’t draw anything to your body that is of any type of light, it will be a light of the darkness energies. 
And that’s what the churches teach, the light of the darkness, they bring in the angels, the saints, Jesus etc into their teachings and those are the light of the darkness energies because the light does not promote itself, it can’t.

Light doesn’t channel, doesn’t come to anybody on its own, doesn’t talk to you inside of your head because that is mind energy.  Anything it talks to you that you may get contact with would be of darkness.  That’s why you have to go to the spirit inside of yourself.

The key is to have your lifetime erased of all the judgements that you carry which is the emotional baggage that you have stored inside of you.  Otherwise that’s your story line for the rest of your life and eventually at some point you will be in the hospital or some place dying of those judgements because the emotions will kill you.  And the emotions that you have inside of yourself, whether they are good or bad, the aliens love that because they live off of your emotional energy.  It’s a wonderful set up.  

Each time a body is born the judgements of the parents are passed on to the child and you have more stuff to get rid of, you have more traumas in your life, a greater pool of energy for the aliens to work on, and they traumatize you.  The aliens can come into other people, pop into a body as a shapeshifter, activate that person, pull out their judgements of someone else, and then they are on a roller coaster ride -  you are on one to hell and they are on one to get energy from you.

So I’m not in favour of the aliens whatsoever because they are taking away your free choice, free will, which is not light energy.

Remember I said the light is cloned, the true light only knows light, never created darkness, does not understand or even know darkness.
But the darkness created its light, which is what you go to when you go to church and pray outside of yourself, wanting to bring in more light, having attunements by practitioners to give yourself more light, I can go on and on and on.  

The are two words for pray - PRAY and PREY.  So in one way you are praying for something to attach to you, and then you become prey to that energy.
So this is why Jesus talked about never going outside of yourself, the kingdom is within.  It’s just that he didn’t say it strong enough to people [for them] to really get it.

Aliens can do whatever they want because they control the timeline.  You live in time, right?
Have a watch on?  Why is that?  Because they want to keep track of you.
And the easiest way to know that many people in here see consistent numbers?  Like you look at your clock and see 11:11 right?   Whatever it is, 10:10 and you go wow man, and you read some book and the book says your really spiritual you are seeing 11:11.  They are tracking you, so how is that working?  The implants inside of you are from the aliens and they have a robotic programme.  That’s their test.  So when you see consistent numbers again just go, oh well I guess they got me again. (laughs)


There should not be any aliens on this planet unless they are of light, like you were initially when you came in here, and your body was of light.  So even though your body was created by the aliens it still carries light frequencies, but they altered you.  That’s why you can have a healing, if you didn’t have light inside of your body you would never be able to get a healing from the light, only darkness could heal you.  

So what happens is when you use light it works through everything, and the light only is there to protect itself which is light so doesn’t want any kind of  corruption in light.  So light is light, there is no hierarchy in light, like what we have here from the Galactic Federation, the space people, the Great White Brotherhood that’s another one of darkness, all these things here that are alien energies to the planet here should not even be here.   Because we are here to experience light, in light there is no dimensions.  So the darkness came in here and brought in dimensions, brought in ways to separate you from your own divinity.  And they gave you mind energy in place of heart energy.  So everybody decided because they wanted to have an emotional charge on living life, then they brought in mind energy and duality so you can experience emotions.   

In true source energy it is just peace.  In peace you can still have a good life.
If you don’t go out of your body it is ok to meditate, but most people go out of their bodies to meditate.  It’s a way to escape life here, or they take drugs or something.

Mind chatter is the darkness approaching you.  Remember the light never approaches you, the light never channels through anybody, it doesn’t do that, it would be judging itself if it had to do any channelling because you already have it with you.  So there’s no rules in the light.  

The light allows you to choose darkness if you wish to, allows you to choose mind energy versus heart energy, and it’s up to you to decide where you want to go to.
Every 2000 years the light comes here, to all planets that it created of light,  and it does the ascension which is to regain itself, parts of itself, and start over again.

Why?  Because it has to get rid of the darkness out of light.  So your salvation, if you want to use that term, happens every 2000 years and it’s up to you to choose what side of the fence you are on and how much you want to get rid of the judgement out of your body to do the body ascension.


The light doesn’t want you or need you to figure out anything.  It’s up to you to choose light, but you have so much density in you now than in the time of Jesus to do clearings.  The clearings still work but you are so gunked up because your ancestors did not choose the light, that’s the problem.  

How do you clean 2000 years of gunk out of you?  Well, it should have been done already.    I should be here right now to teach ascension, how to do that process which is why I came here, to teach you probably in 10 hours and it’s done.  Instead I’m dealing with people now that don’t have a clue because they are stuck in mind energy.   


Dark side practitioners can read the energy that the darkness gave you.
The darkness can heal you actually faster and quicker than the light.  Is the dark side stronger than the light?  No.  But the light only works in the now, it doesn’t have a history.  The dark has a history of all of you.  But the light only works in the now, that’s the difference, once you understand that it’s much easier to understand how healings work. So you have to keep asking and asking and asking, which may seem kind of ridiculous, you say why doesn’t the light know what is wrong with me?  Well you only asked it for one thing. 

And you have to go back through each lifetime, this is why I said your ancestors should have healed themselves of their judgements before they had you.   Because you are carrying their stuff, whatever they dealt with you have inside of you.  You are living those lifetimes, their pain, their anguish, their traumas.


Your DNA carries all your crap.  The aliens gave you a light path and a road race that you can never win.  They put you on a treadmill, and you can’t get off the treadmill and your past keeps haunting you.    Remember, your physical body will kill itself to get well.  Because it wants to get rid of the gunk out of it so it brings forth more DNA from the past to cause you harm so that you’ll consciously understand what it is to get it released out of you.  

That’s why the emotional whole lifetime clearing is important to do, it will get rid of the DNA stuff in this lifetime, it won’t get all your past lives, but you are living all your experiences in this lifetime which is why emotional clearing is so important to do.  [see Emotional Clearing on]
There is nothing that I do that requires earthly processing. 


People talk about some aliens coming to save us.  So, that could be true right?  But where are they?  They gave us atomic bombs, is that good?  But they are coming tomorrow, so they are always in the future coming to us.  Why aren’t they here?  Well, the main reason that I could say is that they are living on timelines, ok?  Remember, a timeline controls you.  That’s a parallel lifetime, and all timelines are used for control so they are also in the same system of mind that you are in.  So something above them is controlling them, and they are controlling something below them - as above, so below.  

Remember the spiritual hierarchy that they brought forward in the teachings of the light, you have the spiritual hierarchy and different dimensions.  Well that’s the reason, so when people channel these beings are they giving you good information?  
They could, it could be all great, but you are hooking yourself up to one of them, or something that you know nothing about. 

When you go into it you are going into a tangent, going into the darkness and using mind energy to figure something out.  And the Source energy doesn’t care what you do.  

The teachings here and new age metaphysics is not in alignment with Source energy.

And there are books out about creating your own reality with the mind, the mind energy is the darkness.  Whenever you talk about mind, then that’s the consciousness of control.  Which is mind control, and that deals with implants and aliens and parallel lifetimes.


When your auric field is too far away from your body, then you start taking in other peoples’ stuff.  Like an empath.

Ascension time is coming at some point.  I’m not going to say it is 2012, but the dark side knows that every 2000 years something is going to happen.  They can’t pick the date.  So they have all these practitioners now talking about new age metaphysics, how to bring in energy from outside of yourself, which is non-light to connect you more to darkness to get you ready so that you can be taken out of here on a cloned fabricated lifetime.    

Aliens are doing everything here.  Aliens are not your friend.  

 Q. Is there anything we need to do to get ready for 2012?

Do your clearings.  Nobody can do anything for you but yourself.
The consensus here is in the mind energy, which is the land of the darkness.

Some people think that if one person does it [ascension] it’s like the hundredth monkey scenario, well that’s all darkness energy.  That’s mind control.  So you have to do the work on yourself for the ascension.  Nobody can do it for you, you have to clean out the gunk inside your body, which is your DNA.  All the judgements you have to clean out if you want to do the ascension process.  Will be talking about that tomorrow on the ascension panel.

Most ascension panels I’ve seen are woo woo stuff, you smile at people, you have really good thoughts, you are going to be ascending because everyone else wants to ascend, it’s a mass consciousness ascending.  The mass consciousness  here is the darkness, it’s going to be taking you away into parallel life times.


As far as the way your thoughts work and your intelligence, that all could be heart based.  Remember the darkness copied the light, and so most people think that the light doesn’t do anything.  You think, well gee how can you live life being in peace, right?


Each time you have a clearing your spirit can come back into your body that much more fully.
Ascension is not about having good thoughts, smiling at people, doing good deeds for other people.  No.  Thats’s deluding you, that’s the darkness talking to you to do service for other people.  You have to work on yourself, it’s your own personal journey to clean out your physical body temple.  Nobody can do it for you.

Good place to start is

and some free sample healings /talks on the home page at

Past radio shows:

BBS Radio Archives

TME Radio Archives

Ask1 Radio Archives

Even though we are not running our Ask1 Radio show anymore, you can still listen to the archived shows. The sample healings in the archived shows will work! Also, our BBS Radio Show is still running live 4 days a week so tune in for live healings and revelations!

For other blog posts mentioning Ron Amitron see:

Alien Manipulation and Intervention on Earth (27 AUGUST 2012)


  1. Interesting and enlightening reading

  2. I have personally worked with Ron for about 9 years. I can say that his clearings are 100% effective. No one has ever said they didn’t feel the emotional body clearing. Now days the energy on healings has been inceased in strength about 20 to 30 times. Everything in this article is correct and true, including the water activation which I did one today.
