Friday 13 July 2012

Message From the Pleiadians - James Gilliland

It has been a while since I've been on the air and people want to get an update.  We are in the days of change, we can't deny this any more it is scientific fact.  The earthquakes and volcanic activity is off the scale right now, the erratic weather, the severe thunder storms, hail storms, hurricanes.  All this stuff is just off the scale right now.  And there was a lot of tinkering being done with technology, and I want to talk a little bit about that now because we are entering the same epoch, the same time period as the ancient Lemurian and Atlantis times.  There is a difference though as this time there is more of a momentum for shifting into the ascension process.  

But we need to know our past so we don't recreate it in the future.   And what happened in the past is that the Sons of Belial, they went into technology, and they started using technology to control, monitor and manipulate and dominate - they even want to dominate nature with technology, which is insane.  And you can see that at every level, even down to the food production.  It's like dominating with nature rather than working with nature and asking the crops what they need and being in touch with the nature spirits and things like that.
It is a total shift away from natural law, or Universal Law which we are all under.  

Whenever we get out of balance, nature always restores the balance.  It might be a little slow to act but is very thorough when it does act.  So we are in those times again, we have the Sons of Belial and the ancient times where those who worship the intellect, science, they wanted to control and dominate, and use technology for their own means in a very self serving manner.   And we can see that throughout the system, even our political system - there are no two parties - it is a one party system controlled by the elite.  

In ancient times what happened is that the tyranny took hold, they overran those who were more loving and joyous and peaceful, and pretty much took over, and we are experiencing that right now.  But this time the Law of One, the people who are focused on love and joy and peace and service are stepping up to the plate.  And this is happening on a very mass scale.  So you are seeing this in all these Occupy Movements, these major movements where they are throwing out the tyrants, and this is happening on a global scale.  It's as if our own god selves are invading the planet right now.

So everybody is waiting for the landing , the big invasion, it has already happened.  It is the souls that have entered the bodies here on Earth.

The Pleiadians have a very strong message, basically they have more genetic stock on the planet than any other star nation, any other group, but are not alone in this project there are many other star nations that are helping with this transformation.  But because they have more genetic stock they have been passed the sceptre, they are more in charge.  The fact that they started the two colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria, that split apart and became warring factions on each other, because of that they have a bit of a karmic duty you might say, or ties to help us get through this transition.    They are working on very subtle levels, they are working on the consciousness grid, working with the energy grid, they are creating shifts on the highest levels, and it is up to us to be the hands and feet of those shifts. 

There are so many people who think that these Pleiadians are going to land, and they are going to disarm all of the military, and disarm the tyrants and put them in little cages and drop them off on some other planet with predators and parasites (which would be my idea, but unfortunately they don't work that way).  They are here not to create any dependencies, they don't want to disempower people.  If they do everything for us it creates an immense dependency, immense babysitting job, they are not here for that, they are here to assist us to help ourselves and to remove some of the other influences that have been at play - other unseen influences that have been guiding humanity for quite some time to take this downward spiral that we are currently on. 

Our main thing happening right now is that we are in alignment with the Pleiadian system, with Alcyone their central sun.  We are also coming into alignment with Galactic Plane where the earth and the solar system is going to be exposed to huge magnetic fluctuations and energy, that the sun is reacting to this.  And it has just thrown off in the past 78 hours some 19 or 20 M-class and some X-class flares hitting the planet.  And when these M-class flares and bursts of energy hit the planet through sympathetic resonance, everything has to rise, everything has to expand with this energy coming in.  And it brings up anything of a baser nature so all of our old wounds and traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience are coming up, and there is a lot of emotional outburst and a lot of social changes that are tied in with this.  Physical changes as well.  But we have to pay attention to this process and flow with it and tap into it, and allow it to do its work, and surrender our past, release the past.  Have the courage to heal, have the courage to cry if you need to.  Men need to get in touch with their emotional bodies and stop with this patriarchal separation game, it has been going on for so long it is coming to a close.

The Divine Feminine is coming in real strong right now, most of the Pleiadian energy is feminine energy.  So this energy coming in is just incredible, there is no man that can stop it.  They are playing around with all their toys, all of their surveillance toys and their disempowerment toys, and frequency toys and psychotronics and things like that.  That is gong to be a mute point because all of that technology is going to be rendered useless.  The grid eventually will go down, the bank cards aren't going to work, the internets, everything isn't going to work.   And I hate to bring this to you, it's just a reality.  The old system has to collapse before the new system comes in, and the new energies are just phenomenal, the new technologies, the energies are beyond your imagination but there is an interim process where there is going to be a lot of challenges, a lot of changes.  And these higher beings are there to support us through these changes.  They are like our elder brothers and sisters, they are here to help us.
But like a baby, if you keep holding a baby up it never learns to walk.
So anyway, they are here to assist us and help us help ourselves.  

So if you are on the path, and you have chosen to live a loving and joyous  abundant life of service, help is going to come to you and you will receive this help.  If you take the downward spiral into separation and control and domination and greed, that is going to be accelerated as well, that's going to collapse because it is not frequency specific to where the planet is going.
So the Pleiadians are here to assist us in this evolutionary jump and they don't have to do anything to tyranny because it is going to be doing it to itself.  It is going to take itself out.  It's not frequency specific, it can't even reincarnate on where the earth is going.  So it is very important to realise that.  So what we need to do is to stand on our own authority, focus on love and joy and peace, and know that you have a divine right to live a loving and joyous abundant life, and that is the consciousness that is coming to the planet.

So all I can say is buckle up, hang on, it's going to be a wild ride, and don't let anybody steal your love, your joy, your bliss, your power.  Know that the power is within.

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