Thursday 27 January 2011

Lisa Renee Interview - Jan 2011

The following videos are of Lisa Renee ( being interviewed by Lisa Harrison. It is too long for me to transcribe for non-English readers, so I will just add a few notes. I resonate with a lot of what Lisa puts out, not necessarily everything, and some of her articles have been quite complex to read at times, but this interview is very easy to follow and she makes quite a few important points.

Lisa has merged with an aspect of herself from a future timeline and another planet that has Sirian genetics.
A starseed is a being that holds more genetic material from another star race that has come to this planet, incarnating in this timeline to bring that genetic material, that frequency and those qualities to the planet.
This planet is a living library of genetic material.
The term 'Indigo' is describing a certain energy wavelength that came through the portal of the 6th dimension (not necessarily originating from there), therefore these people have that wavelength and hue in their aura.
A starseed will have an amalgamation of different energy signatures that are coming from different planets.

LH: Is there a connection between all of these starseeds and indigos coming here and the explosion in the incidence and rates of autism, ADD etc ?

LR: Absolutely. The Guardians talk about the damage that has occurred in the neurological system of the human being, and because most of us down here have forgotten our connection and how to repair our DNA that is connected to neurological plexus in our body, we have all these nerve endings that are also etheric in our soul bodies. They are like 'energy receivers', which when physically manifest is our central nervous system. The human being in 3D has had a lot of neurological damage and because of this many humans cannot experience what it feels like to connect with their god source, to their soul bodies, because this is a sensory experience, not mental. Different gene pools and lineages have different neurological coding, and a lot of our new consciousness children have these very developed and advanced templates of neurological plexus. And because we don't understand the process of ascension and that our indigos and our new children are here to help us bridge the gap neurologically, we consider them impaired. It is serving a purpose to bridge the gap that allows more beings on the planet to connect with higher frequencies. And unfortunately with our medical system when we give synthetic chemical to an organic being it is an insult to the nervous system. This is definitely what I would call a Controller Agenda to suppress our children from actually activating their potentials.

LH: It has been my understanding that we have been caught in what I call a "rinse and repeat cycle" of life, going round and round between 3rd and 4th dimension, and it has only been rare, spiritually evolved beings that have been able to break out of that cycle. More recently I have come to understand that this cycle is artificially imposed upon us, that it is not actually the natural cycle of life. Can you tell me more?

LR: Yes. This was a revelation to me when I came into agreement to facilitate this body of work. I have personally gone through their training and viewing what is on the astral plane. Until you experience it you can only conceive of it from your mind. The Soul plane, which in the Guardian model would be considered the 4th, 5th and 6th dimension, the most primary extreme damage is in the 4th dimension (astral plane). The astral plane has been controlled by a consciousness that is not human, and these beings were a part of the original gatekeepers of dimensions. We share space with many beings, some in form and some not in form, who happen to have a lot of control over the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions - primarily the 4th dimension because access to that dimension happens to be connected to our planetary stargate, which is in Egypt. So Giza, Egypt, the pyramids, this area is actually an access into the astral or 4th dimension, and as we know there has been a lot of war and strife in the Middle East, and that's not an accident. When human beings are suffering or are killed in blood sacrifice such as war or "wars over god" these keep these beings/levels of consciousness in control of that dimension. Nothing is random when you see these things going on, these are power spots on the planet.

There is nothing to fear and there is nothing more powerful than your right relationship to your own higher power, and that is up to you personally. With that being said, we have had an invasion on the planet, and this invasion has happened by levels of consciousness we could say are anti-human. There are structures that have been put in place to enslave humanities potential. We are ending a 26,000 year cycle which is why we can choose something much different at this time and why our opportunity is greatest, and why there has been so much extra-terrestrial activity, and influx of our indigo and crystal kids. Astral plane was the plane of recycling or enslavement - what the Guardians call the 'false white light' or the 'false christ consciousness matrix'.

Those who have some psychic ability doesn't mean they are spiritually evolved or enlightened, so a lot of our material that is channelled is actually coming from beings who really are not who they say they are. So when we connect we don't actually understand the nature of our multidimensional universe, the cosmology of the dimensions and the frequency bands because we are not trained to understand that, we are not given that information which has been purposely withheld from the human race so we don't know what is going on, and that this information has been feeding us false information in many cases.
When we were invaded 5,000 years ago our memory and consciousness was erased. We are connected with the planet and it affects our brain and our processing. An elaborate architecture was put in place there (3rd/4th dimension) to suppress human souls from evolving and remembering their true birthright which is they are god, they are sovereign, they are free beings.

I am definitely a proponent of understanding and facing the shadow and the darkness, for if we do not look at what has happened to our planet and how we got here, who is benefiting from this? Ask yourself, who is benefiting from what is going on on this planet, for it certainly isn't the human race.

LH: Speaking of beings who may not be who they say they are, I am going to ask the controversial question of who the Galactic Federation of Light are, and what their purpose is ?

LR: That is a very broad term that is used at multiple levels, because we basically have something like that at multiple planes of reality (councils, federations etc), some that are working for the liberation of humanity and this is described to me as the signature of the Law of One. One of the things the Guardians have said to me is to boundary test with 3 frequencies, and that is - I am god, I am sovereign, I am free - and those frequencies together is really what the Law of One is. Where a lot of agendas are still at work both at human and at extra-terrestrial levels to promote their own personal thing.

There is a lot of fear that is created through the idea of either terrorism or cataclysm, and from the Guardian perspective this is a Reptilian agenda. We are obviously having a lot of magnetic changes and phenomena with our animals, plants and climate, however we will not have a catastrophic pole shift. The Armageddon fear is a fear that is planted by the Annunaki or Reptilian agenda.

LH: Is there anything you would like people to know about 2011?

LR: One of the things we didn't talk about was enslavement structures. The Logos is like the 'brain' of the planet, and it was infected by a false story around Jesus the Christ. And that story has to do with crucifixion. So I know it is very controversial, however I'm just going to put it out there, and that is that the Reptilian invasion is a metaphor for crucifixion. Christ was not crucified. We [humanity] are the Christ, herefore what that is is a symbol and an artefact in that if we look at a man crucified on a cross we will energise our own enslavement. And this particular programme of organised religion that promotes crucifixion and shame and guilt, and that we are sinful little worms and things like this, that comes through organised religion, this information is actually an architecture that was implanted in our Logos. So what this is called is either crucifixion implants or salvationistic thinking. It is the belief system that you have to be saved, that you are not good enough, that you need to be saved by some god. This is not true, this is a negative alien agenda that has been implanted in the architecture of our planet because the healing of the Logos and this part of the planet is going to begin to be aggressive, and there will be amplified polarities. So many of us who are lightworkers may have dreams or experiences of crucifixion, where we remember we were crucified or we had a past life where we were crucified. This is already happening, I'm getting a lot of emails, and they are scared because they don't know what it is. Do not fear this, understand that this is a memory that is coming to the surface of the planetary memory and therefore our memory. We are going to start to remember that it wasn't just Christ that was crucified, it was us, as a race, because all of us are Christ inside. Our inner Christ, our inner spirit was crucified. We are going to begin healing that this year, and in order heal heal it you have to feel it, you have to know it. So if this happens please don't fear this, bring in your 'observer/witness consciousness' and know that this is part of a massive healing that is happening this year.

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