The latest Kryon channel about 2011 covers subjects such as global warming and the water cycle, earth changes, weather, and birds falling out of the sky. Much of what I heard has also been given in some earlier Kryon channels, so I wanted to include some extracts from those channels too, as background and also if anyone wants to read the whole channel. So in this blog post I have snipped bits from 2007 and 2010, before putting my own rough notes on what was said in the latest channel for 2011 (for which I could only find an audio file and no text).
I hope environmentalists will read this also, as I've always disliked the phrase 'carbon footprint' probably because it is over-used and partly because the science behind it is incorrect. To sum up, Kryon is saying that we are in for global cooling (for quite a long time), not warming (which is just a brief prelude to that), and that the climate changes are not caused by humanity in terms of carbon dioxide emissions (although cleaner air is welcome too) but are part of a natural water cycle of the Earth which spans many hundreds of years, so the bigger picture is not being seen by scientists.
This live channelling extracted from 8th Annual Kryon Cruise, August / September, 2007
The water cycle is one of the most important contributors to changes of weather on the planet. The second is volcanic activity. The third are impacts from space. And you've had them all in recent history. What you have right now you have named global warming. It shocks and worries the scientists. Part of the reason is because these cycles take longer than one Human lifetime to develop, therefore nobody in modern history has seen the big picture. You had this before and here it is again. It is the change in a water cycle and it happens naturally and normally. It is the way the earth works and balances itself. You have large water cycle changes and small ones. You'll have many small ones between the large ones. That's the way the earth works. The last small little ice age you had was in the 1200s to 1400s, as you indicate time. Humans were here, and they survived. Right now you have the beginning of another one. But the scientists are not calling it the beginning of a mini-ice age. Instead, they're calling it warming! It's because they do not understand the water cycle. They're seeing it in what we would call a microcosm instead of a macrocosm.
It may seem odd to you that a cold time starts with the warming, but if you know the dynamics of the water cycle, it makes total sense. None of you in this room will see the whole cycle, for it will be slower than your lifetime. You'll have to wait until the next time around. For the water cycles vary in length. The little ones can last as short as 150 years, and as long as 400 years and you are at the beginning of a medium one. Do not fear it, for it's part of the earth, and the way it balances itself. Now there are those who said, "Well, what about the thought that Humans have created this? Does that mean they're wrong?" Here is the truth, and you will know this someday: Humans are not responsible for the water cycle. However, what Humans have done is advanced the timing of this one so it is a little earlier than it was going to be. Yes, you have affected it, but you didn't cause it.
There are so many who want to know more about earthquakes, so I'll reveal another function. Like the water cycle, they are part of a shifting planet. They are actually related to the water cycle. Indeed, you had an event recently which caused a tsunami, which increased Human compassion on the planet. This was one of the greatest earthquakes in the history of your lifetime. Occurring under the ocean, it was so large that it actually slowed the rotation of the planet a small amount. And this one event will not settle down for some years. What I'm going to tell you may go against geological logic, but it's the way the earth works. The slowing of the rotation of the planet has caused a slightly different ratio of speed between the molten core of the earth and its crust. So the earth will continue to adjust until those speeds are back to what it was used to.
The places where the earth will reverberate the most for a few years is around the equatorial marks, for they are the furthest from the core of the planet, and the most volatile. As the planet spins, they are the ones that will tend to bulge out the most. Therefore, they will be affected due to the fact that they are the most unsettled. I've just said to look for more earthquakes at the equator. None of these things will create doom and gloom on this planet. Instead, it is simply part of Earth shifting. Lightworker, do not worry about these things, for the system says you'll be at the right place at the right time. Then, do not assume what right place means. You are dearly loved and all things are appropriate when you are in control of your life.
"Needed Science for the Times"
This extract from a live Kryon channelling was given in Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 14, 2010
Reassurance about Global Warming: what is happening?
This message is not necessarily a long one, but one which you have to hear. It's about the environment and science. So let us start with some assurance and positive news. Let us review one more time that what you are seeing in weather changes on this planet have not been created by Humans. What you have called global warming is not global warming at all, and I say it again: It is part of the cycle that always was. This information is not new, and we told you these things some years ago when the idea of warming first was presented, and fear was the result. We also called out the weather changes you are seeing now, back in 1989 when my partner began this journey with me. Long before the idea of warming was popular, I was telling you to expect this cycle.
The North Pole has melted several times and come back several times. It is waxing and waning. The water evaporation cycle [what Kryon called the water cycle] is the way Gaia works. However, this time it appears to be here sooner than expected, and that is alarming to many. If you were to ask Gaia right now to come in to this place, Gaia would give this message: "Humans have not caused this." Could it be any clearer? I give you this information so there would be no alarm sounded regarding it or actions taken that might be in response to a false idea.
However, at the same time I tell you that there is a mandate to change how you create your energy. What you put into the air is significant, for it is a hazard to your health. What you put into the air hurts Humanity, not necessarily Gaia. Gaia is far more resilient than you think. Gaia adjusts in ways you don't expect, and faster than you expect. Your contribution to pollution is insignificant compared to just a few natural volcanic eruptions of the past. Gaia takes care of Gaia, and the process is not new, or a surprise. However, for humanity we say, "Clean up the air and you will live longer." It's not about stopping a weather cycle that you have created. Hardly! It's about common sense for life.
It's going to get colder. That's one of the subjects of today. You're going to need more energy to combat the cold, and we have given you advice in the past regarding this, and one of them we wish to revisit today. For it is time for you to think out of the box of three dimensions when it comes to some of the things that we have discussed with you.
There is tremendous energy available to you directly from the earth, and it's free. It is not what you call free energy, for you have to build an extractor to get it. But it's everywhere; its forever (you don't use it up) and it's called geothermal energy.
New ways to obtain geothermal heat
It's all below your feet, not really that far away and its natural heat. It's hot enough for you to drill down and create steam. If you can create steam through natural process of thermal energy, then you can drive steam turbines and create electricity. That will create the power you need to survive some harsher winters and to heat your homes.
(to read rest of channelling go to
So here is a channelling that invites you to reestablish your connection to the energy of the earth. This will rebuild a bridge of consciousness of the Human Being with Gaia. For Gaia is in service to humanity and changes itself as your consciousness changes. Remember the premise we gave to you long ago? The consciousness of humanity on Earth actually goes into the ground [The Crystalline Grid]. This is stored and the earth responds. Dirt does not respond, but Gaia does. So you might say that Humans are actually in charge and responsible for Earth's changes and shifts.
If you can realize this, then you are going to have substantial control over what is going on Earth-wise. But you must again start by having a relationship. Right now, Humans only look at it in fear and say, "What is happening? I'm afraid of these changes that are outside of the normal I am used to." The Human is not understanding that much of what is happening, he has caused! It isn't a causation through anything humanity has done in an environmental way, but as humanity in an awakening, consciousness way.
You Are Shifting Time
So to put this in context, let us again review what we have said about the weather. Twenty-one years ago, I had my partner write in a little white book, the potentials of your future. That future is happening today. The reason we were able to give you this prophecy back then is because we saw the very strong potential of a consciousness shift taking place on this planet that would be so great it would affect Gaia. And it has.
It's such a profound shift that you have actually manifested a change in the time frame of humanity and, therefore, the perception of your reality – warning: science coming [Kryon smile]. Now, this is something we don't expect all to understand, but time is all relative. It does not move at a constant pace. Although your 3D clocks move at a constant pace, time can be altered by speed, as well as some quantum attributes that we will not speak of. It may seem that things are speeding up, but this is relative to your time frame, not your higher vibration. They are seemingly opposed to each other.
A train that leaves the station at near the speed of light and travels in a circle will arrive back at the station with a different age than the station. It will be younger, and the station will be older. By going faster, it slowed down time for itself, but not for the track it was on, or the station it had left.
The reason is that it is the Lightworker who is vibrating far faster than 20 years ago. Your "consciousness speed" is very much like some of the quantum attributes you study, and it is creating a split between humanity and the old energy it used to "sit within." You are in the middle of the great shift, and the beginning of the 2012 enlightenment time fractal. Gaia shifts accordingly, but Gaia is not Human. Gaia shifts in other ways to accommodate your new Human vibratory rate increase. But as you look at things around you, they appear to be going faster. For some, this is irritating, and even causes loss of sleep and anxiety. Many are feeling it.
So although confusing, the truth is that the Lightworkers of this planet have created a shift of consciousness in the last 23 years that has changed the actual vibratory speed of Human consciousness. This has changed the time frame for humans, and given the perception of an earth speeding up. The perception is that you have sped up time. The reality is that your consciousness time frame is moving slower, more like that of Spirit. Have you ever noticed that God moves slow and Humans are an impatient lot? This is because God's time is not in your time frame. This is starting to change as you evolve spiritually. Did you know that Earth was created in seven days? They were "God days." Getting the point?
Global Warming – Not Long Term
The weather you have today, and all the alarming attributes of it, is a scenario of what was scheduled to happen on Earth anyway. I review again that the weather changes you are seeing prophesied by myself, 21 years ago, are not a surprise. The changes are not caused by the pollutants you put in the air. You call it global warming and that's a nice phrase, and perhaps that will get you to put less pollutants in the air – a very good thing. But what you are seeing in the weather shift today was not caused by Humans putting things into the air. It would have happened anyway in about 300 years.
We've called this process the water cycle, since it's all about water, not about air. The water is the predominant attribute of Gaia and of the weather cycle you're seeing. More predominant is the temperature of it. The cycle is ice to water and water to ice, and has been repeated on this planet over and over and over. It is not new. It is not exceptional. It is not frightening. But it's a cycle that modern humanity has not seen before, and it's a long cycle that is beyond the life span of a Human Being. Therefore, it tends to be overlooked or not seen at all!
In the days of the Lemurians, the water level of the Pacific Ocean was almost 400 feet lower, and that's only 50,000 years ago. [Kryon invites science to check this out – the water level at that time.] That was a water cycle working, and the reason it was lower was due to so much of the water being stored as ice. Today you're going through another water cycle that will eventually lead to cooling. The last one was in the 1400s; science sees that at about 1650. As mentioned, they are so slow there is no remembrance that a Human has of them except in past writings and in the rings of the trees. The time span of the changes is so great that environmental record keeping does not exist in the form that it does today. But you can still look at the rings of the trees and at the striations of the rocks and can generally figure out that a few hundred years ago, you had a mini-ice age. Now you're going to have another one.
It's not an emergency, and there is nothing to fear. You've gone through it before. Humanity, even without technology, has gone through it before and survived. All you have to do is recognize it and make arrangements to get out of the way – and learn to perfect the desalinization of sea water so you will not be left thirsty [a channelling of the past addressed this]. It's a 400- to 600-year cycle. But the turning points of it are obvious, and it will last only about 50 years (the transition).
Twenty-one years ago, we told you there would be a time when you would have places that could grow crops where crops would never grow before. Also, there would be places where no crops would grow that used to be fertile [Kryon, Book One]. It's the water cycle. So I bring to you this: Do not be alarmed. Do not be afraid of what you are seeing today. It's changing in front of you, but because you have never seen if before, it is frightening and it seems unexplainable; therefore, you look for the logic of it and assign the reason to something Humans did. It isn't anything Humans did. It's the Gaia water cycle.
The first thing we wish to bring to you is this. The ice is melting. You knew that. As the ice at the poles melt, there is an incredible shift in weight in those areas where it used to be. It's a tremendous shift in the weight of ice, some of it on land, and some of it suspended in the water, but the weight of ice is concentrated at the poles. As it turns to water, the weight is then distributed all over the globe. Therefore, think: the weight which is on the poles of the planet is redistributing itself in a liquid form around the crust. As the ice melts, you're going to have a tremendous weight shift to a very thin crust. Therefore, the crust is going to adjust accordingly, creating earthquakes and volcanoes. Look at where the volcanoes are exploding–close to the poles. We again say to you what we have said before: Chile has not seen the end of it either, for there's a volcano or two there that really want to erupt. Whether it does or not is the potential of what this lesson's about.
Do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? Can you give instructions for Gaia to shake less in areas that are populated? Do you believe you have that power? This is the Human Being: Consciousness over matter. It has a relationship with the planet that wants to hear from you. As the crust adjusts, you're going to have more shaking. There's going to be more volcanic activity.
Lightworker, listening to this in the room or reading this, thousands of you need to re-establish the relationship. Then watch what takes place: Earthquakes in unpopulated areas, an under-the-ocean earthquake without a tsunami event, volcanoes that affect no one. It's possible. It's do-able. This is what is happening at the moment with Gaia, so don't be alarmed at the sudden increase in activity. What we're saying is it is normal. It has happened every single time the ice has melted and reformed.
Now, here's something you should know. Science knows it and it does not follow the global warming environmental theory. The ice is melting from underneath. Take a look. It has nothing to do with pollutants in the air. This is a natural occurring cycle as the water becomes warmer. It also increases the potential of storms. Now, do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? What would you like to tell Gaia about where the storms should be? Do they follow the old track as they always have? That is linear information. Or, can you tell Gaia you prefer the storms to follow a track that is not with Humans in the way?
Magnetics: Always a Player in The Shift
Many things are happening with the planet at the moment. The magnetics are changing as well. The magnetics of the solar system and the sun in particular, have an influence on your weather. How many sun spots have you seen lately? What do you think about the correlation of a sun that has very few, with your earth climate? When can you remember that in your lifetime? What does it mean? I will tell you, dear Human Beings, that it's all related to what's happening on the earth. You may not understand the correlation, but I will tell you there is a profound one. What if [astronomy hint coming next], what if sun spots were created by gravitational and other interdimensional forces caused by the orbiting planets? Has there even been a correlation made between sun spots and the positions of the planets? Too weird? The invitation is there to see the correlations.
So here you sit, Human Being, feeling that you are a victim of what happens with Mother Nature. But we are telling you this: the message of today is to reawaken the relationship with Mother Nature, the Gaia source. Once you are able to do that, you will understand that you are in control of all of it. No matter what the instruction sets for the water cycle, for the seasons, for that which you think is uncontrollable, you are more powerful than you can imagine. The intensity and locations of volcanic activity and earthquakes are alterable with this relationship to Gaia and the indigenous knew it! They could make rain when none was in the forecast. You called it ignorance! They could grow crops in places where they shouldn't grow. You called it lucky. They honored the land and gave gifts to it, and they received from it. This is absolutely real and is everywhere in your history.
Humans tend to feel they are so modern in their thinking. The elders of old would look at you and shake their heads. You have figured out how to make machines and artificial brains and even life! But you have left the real power in the dust.
There is very little understanding to this day that even the rules of physics evolve. As the planet vibrates higher, the rules change, the formulas change. This is the quantum attribute of physics in general, and it's very much the way of esoterics as well. You have evolving galaxies, evolving solar systems, evolving planets, and evolving consciousness. This is all because there is no such thing as a static set of laws for everything. You just changed them.
(for full channelling go to live channelling extracted from 8th Annual Kryon Cruise, August / September, 2007

It may seem odd to you that a cold time starts with the warming, but if you know the dynamics of the water cycle, it makes total sense. None of you in this room will see the whole cycle, for it will be slower than your lifetime. You'll have to wait until the next time around. For the water cycles vary in length. The little ones can last as short as 150 years, and as long as 400 years and you are at the beginning of a medium one. Do not fear it, for it's part of the earth, and the way it balances itself. Now there are those who said, "Well, what about the thought that Humans have created this? Does that mean they're wrong?" Here is the truth, and you will know this someday: Humans are not responsible for the water cycle. However, what Humans have done is advanced the timing of this one so it is a little earlier than it was going to be. Yes, you have affected it, but you didn't cause it.
There are so many who want to know more about earthquakes, so I'll reveal another function. Like the water cycle, they are part of a shifting planet. They are actually related to the water cycle. Indeed, you had an event recently which caused a tsunami, which increased Human compassion on the planet. This was one of the greatest earthquakes in the history of your lifetime. Occurring under the ocean, it was so large that it actually slowed the rotation of the planet a small amount. And this one event will not settle down for some years. What I'm going to tell you may go against geological logic, but it's the way the earth works. The slowing of the rotation of the planet has caused a slightly different ratio of speed between the molten core of the earth and its crust. So the earth will continue to adjust until those speeds are back to what it was used to.
The places where the earth will reverberate the most for a few years is around the equatorial marks, for they are the furthest from the core of the planet, and the most volatile. As the planet spins, they are the ones that will tend to bulge out the most. Therefore, they will be affected due to the fact that they are the most unsettled. I've just said to look for more earthquakes at the equator. None of these things will create doom and gloom on this planet. Instead, it is simply part of Earth shifting. Lightworker, do not worry about these things, for the system says you'll be at the right place at the right time. Then, do not assume what right place means. You are dearly loved and all things are appropriate when you are in control of your life.
"Needed Science for the Times"
This extract from a live Kryon channelling was given in Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 14, 2010
Reassurance about Global Warming: what is happening?
This message is not necessarily a long one, but one which you have to hear. It's about the environment and science. So let us start with some assurance and positive news. Let us review one more time that what you are seeing in weather changes on this planet have not been created by Humans. What you have called global warming is not global warming at all, and I say it again: It is part of the cycle that always was. This information is not new, and we told you these things some years ago when the idea of warming first was presented, and fear was the result. We also called out the weather changes you are seeing now, back in 1989 when my partner began this journey with me. Long before the idea of warming was popular, I was telling you to expect this cycle.
The North Pole has melted several times and come back several times. It is waxing and waning. The water evaporation cycle [what Kryon called the water cycle] is the way Gaia works. However, this time it appears to be here sooner than expected, and that is alarming to many. If you were to ask Gaia right now to come in to this place, Gaia would give this message: "Humans have not caused this." Could it be any clearer? I give you this information so there would be no alarm sounded regarding it or actions taken that might be in response to a false idea.
However, at the same time I tell you that there is a mandate to change how you create your energy. What you put into the air is significant, for it is a hazard to your health. What you put into the air hurts Humanity, not necessarily Gaia. Gaia is far more resilient than you think. Gaia adjusts in ways you don't expect, and faster than you expect. Your contribution to pollution is insignificant compared to just a few natural volcanic eruptions of the past. Gaia takes care of Gaia, and the process is not new, or a surprise. However, for humanity we say, "Clean up the air and you will live longer." It's not about stopping a weather cycle that you have created. Hardly! It's about common sense for life.
It's going to get colder. That's one of the subjects of today. You're going to need more energy to combat the cold, and we have given you advice in the past regarding this, and one of them we wish to revisit today. For it is time for you to think out of the box of three dimensions when it comes to some of the things that we have discussed with you.
There is tremendous energy available to you directly from the earth, and it's free. It is not what you call free energy, for you have to build an extractor to get it. But it's everywhere; its forever (you don't use it up) and it's called geothermal energy.
New ways to obtain geothermal heat
It's all below your feet, not really that far away and its natural heat. It's hot enough for you to drill down and create steam. If you can create steam through natural process of thermal energy, then you can drive steam turbines and create electricity. That will create the power you need to survive some harsher winters and to heat your homes.
(to read rest of channelling go to
The following is extracted from the live Kryon channel " The Relationship To Gaia" (Mt. Shasta, 24 April 2010), channelled by Lee Carroll.So here is a channelling that invites you to reestablish your connection to the energy of the earth. This will rebuild a bridge of consciousness of the Human Being with Gaia. For Gaia is in service to humanity and changes itself as your consciousness changes. Remember the premise we gave to you long ago? The consciousness of humanity on Earth actually goes into the ground [The Crystalline Grid]. This is stored and the earth responds. Dirt does not respond, but Gaia does. So you might say that Humans are actually in charge and responsible for Earth's changes and shifts.
If you can realize this, then you are going to have substantial control over what is going on Earth-wise. But you must again start by having a relationship. Right now, Humans only look at it in fear and say, "What is happening? I'm afraid of these changes that are outside of the normal I am used to." The Human is not understanding that much of what is happening, he has caused! It isn't a causation through anything humanity has done in an environmental way, but as humanity in an awakening, consciousness way.
You Are Shifting Time
So to put this in context, let us again review what we have said about the weather. Twenty-one years ago, I had my partner write in a little white book, the potentials of your future. That future is happening today. The reason we were able to give you this prophecy back then is because we saw the very strong potential of a consciousness shift taking place on this planet that would be so great it would affect Gaia. And it has.
It's such a profound shift that you have actually manifested a change in the time frame of humanity and, therefore, the perception of your reality – warning: science coming [Kryon smile]. Now, this is something we don't expect all to understand, but time is all relative. It does not move at a constant pace. Although your 3D clocks move at a constant pace, time can be altered by speed, as well as some quantum attributes that we will not speak of. It may seem that things are speeding up, but this is relative to your time frame, not your higher vibration. They are seemingly opposed to each other.
A train that leaves the station at near the speed of light and travels in a circle will arrive back at the station with a different age than the station. It will be younger, and the station will be older. By going faster, it slowed down time for itself, but not for the track it was on, or the station it had left.
The reason is that it is the Lightworker who is vibrating far faster than 20 years ago. Your "consciousness speed" is very much like some of the quantum attributes you study, and it is creating a split between humanity and the old energy it used to "sit within." You are in the middle of the great shift, and the beginning of the 2012 enlightenment time fractal. Gaia shifts accordingly, but Gaia is not Human. Gaia shifts in other ways to accommodate your new Human vibratory rate increase. But as you look at things around you, they appear to be going faster. For some, this is irritating, and even causes loss of sleep and anxiety. Many are feeling it.
So although confusing, the truth is that the Lightworkers of this planet have created a shift of consciousness in the last 23 years that has changed the actual vibratory speed of Human consciousness. This has changed the time frame for humans, and given the perception of an earth speeding up. The perception is that you have sped up time. The reality is that your consciousness time frame is moving slower, more like that of Spirit. Have you ever noticed that God moves slow and Humans are an impatient lot? This is because God's time is not in your time frame. This is starting to change as you evolve spiritually. Did you know that Earth was created in seven days? They were "God days." Getting the point?
Global Warming – Not Long Term
The weather you have today, and all the alarming attributes of it, is a scenario of what was scheduled to happen on Earth anyway. I review again that the weather changes you are seeing prophesied by myself, 21 years ago, are not a surprise. The changes are not caused by the pollutants you put in the air. You call it global warming and that's a nice phrase, and perhaps that will get you to put less pollutants in the air – a very good thing. But what you are seeing in the weather shift today was not caused by Humans putting things into the air. It would have happened anyway in about 300 years.
We've called this process the water cycle, since it's all about water, not about air. The water is the predominant attribute of Gaia and of the weather cycle you're seeing. More predominant is the temperature of it. The cycle is ice to water and water to ice, and has been repeated on this planet over and over and over. It is not new. It is not exceptional. It is not frightening. But it's a cycle that modern humanity has not seen before, and it's a long cycle that is beyond the life span of a Human Being. Therefore, it tends to be overlooked or not seen at all!
In the days of the Lemurians, the water level of the Pacific Ocean was almost 400 feet lower, and that's only 50,000 years ago. [Kryon invites science to check this out – the water level at that time.] That was a water cycle working, and the reason it was lower was due to so much of the water being stored as ice. Today you're going through another water cycle that will eventually lead to cooling. The last one was in the 1400s; science sees that at about 1650. As mentioned, they are so slow there is no remembrance that a Human has of them except in past writings and in the rings of the trees. The time span of the changes is so great that environmental record keeping does not exist in the form that it does today. But you can still look at the rings of the trees and at the striations of the rocks and can generally figure out that a few hundred years ago, you had a mini-ice age. Now you're going to have another one.
It's not an emergency, and there is nothing to fear. You've gone through it before. Humanity, even without technology, has gone through it before and survived. All you have to do is recognize it and make arrangements to get out of the way – and learn to perfect the desalinization of sea water so you will not be left thirsty [a channelling of the past addressed this]. It's a 400- to 600-year cycle. But the turning points of it are obvious, and it will last only about 50 years (the transition).

The first thing we wish to bring to you is this. The ice is melting. You knew that. As the ice at the poles melt, there is an incredible shift in weight in those areas where it used to be. It's a tremendous shift in the weight of ice, some of it on land, and some of it suspended in the water, but the weight of ice is concentrated at the poles. As it turns to water, the weight is then distributed all over the globe. Therefore, think: the weight which is on the poles of the planet is redistributing itself in a liquid form around the crust. As the ice melts, you're going to have a tremendous weight shift to a very thin crust. Therefore, the crust is going to adjust accordingly, creating earthquakes and volcanoes. Look at where the volcanoes are exploding–close to the poles. We again say to you what we have said before: Chile has not seen the end of it either, for there's a volcano or two there that really want to erupt. Whether it does or not is the potential of what this lesson's about.
Do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? Can you give instructions for Gaia to shake less in areas that are populated? Do you believe you have that power? This is the Human Being: Consciousness over matter. It has a relationship with the planet that wants to hear from you. As the crust adjusts, you're going to have more shaking. There's going to be more volcanic activity.
Lightworker, listening to this in the room or reading this, thousands of you need to re-establish the relationship. Then watch what takes place: Earthquakes in unpopulated areas, an under-the-ocean earthquake without a tsunami event, volcanoes that affect no one. It's possible. It's do-able. This is what is happening at the moment with Gaia, so don't be alarmed at the sudden increase in activity. What we're saying is it is normal. It has happened every single time the ice has melted and reformed.
Now, here's something you should know. Science knows it and it does not follow the global warming environmental theory. The ice is melting from underneath. Take a look. It has nothing to do with pollutants in the air. This is a natural occurring cycle as the water becomes warmer. It also increases the potential of storms. Now, do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? What would you like to tell Gaia about where the storms should be? Do they follow the old track as they always have? That is linear information. Or, can you tell Gaia you prefer the storms to follow a track that is not with Humans in the way?
Magnetics: Always a Player in The Shift

So here you sit, Human Being, feeling that you are a victim of what happens with Mother Nature. But we are telling you this: the message of today is to reawaken the relationship with Mother Nature, the Gaia source. Once you are able to do that, you will understand that you are in control of all of it. No matter what the instruction sets for the water cycle, for the seasons, for that which you think is uncontrollable, you are more powerful than you can imagine. The intensity and locations of volcanic activity and earthquakes are alterable with this relationship to Gaia and the indigenous knew it! They could make rain when none was in the forecast. You called it ignorance! They could grow crops in places where they shouldn't grow. You called it lucky. They honored the land and gave gifts to it, and they received from it. This is absolutely real and is everywhere in your history.
Humans tend to feel they are so modern in their thinking. The elders of old would look at you and shake their heads. You have figured out how to make machines and artificial brains and even life! But you have left the real power in the dust.
There is very little understanding to this day that even the rules of physics evolve. As the planet vibrates higher, the rules change, the formulas change. This is the quantum attribute of physics in general, and it's very much the way of esoterics as well. You have evolving galaxies, evolving solar systems, evolving planets, and evolving consciousness. This is all because there is no such thing as a static set of laws for everything. You just changed them.
(for full channelling go to
Kryon's latest channelling 2011 and Beyond can be listened to or downloaded free as an audio file.
At the time of writing this I found no text for the channel, so I made a few notes (not word perfect and not in correct order and edited much out that was not directly about the weather related subjects). So this is not a transcript, but primarily for those who cannot listen to English language audio channels.
Reality of what is happening on the planet has given you a 3D perspective of fear, when all that is happening is indeed what I have said was the potential of an awakening Earth.
All numerology helps to understand the energy that you sit in, and is one of the oldest sciences on the planet, originally developed in Tibet.
2010 is a 3 (only master numbers are not added). 3 = catalyst. That which changes something else because of its presence. What was started in 2010 could be a catalysat for what is to follow in your life. Think about what took place in 2010, ideas you had, events that happened to you.
2011 - lets look at the 2 = duality. That which you fight every day, between the old and the new, the linear and the quantum, understanding the difficulties and the challenge. Compare it with the 11 (master number) = illumination. Many of you continue to see the 11:11 on the clock. It is meaningful because it is illumination: illumination, 2 master numbers next to each other, a wink from spirit that says you are dearly loved, we are with you, keep on keeping on. A wink of love every time you see it. Your eyes are drawn to it on purpose.
The 2 and the 11 together = an illumination of duality. It's going to be an interesting year! You can take that to darkness if you wish but it's not a dark number. It says the Shift continues and it continues to the Light.
More struggle and more challenging times before you, before it changes to the positive. Why would change be so difficult when it is moving to illumination? Because it has been in the Dark for so long. And that which is human nature will resist that which is new, even those things that are better.
The 2 + 1+ 1 = 4, the number of Gaia. It's going to be a Gaia year. All about the Earth, the shift of the Earth and the weather.
The Shift before you is a shift of human consciousness. And if you were to assign an attribute to it, it would be a speed up of vibration. Your DNA is vibrating faster. Can't you feel that of time speeding up?
Meanwhile it just looks like bad weather. It'a about water, and it always has been. You are in the middle of a cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, it's a cooling cycle. But it starts with a short heat cycle. It is a long cycle - one generation plus five years, that is how long it is going to be cold. It starts with the melting of the ice caps to a certain degree that are far more than have been seen in your lifetime or that of your ancestors. A cycle that is thousands of years long that has not been recorded in books, its has definitely been recorded in the ice and rings of trees, but not in books. The melting of the ice caps has a profound effect on the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia change. What happens when you take what is heavy on the poles, which you call ice, and then melt it? You have a redsitribultion of weight on the crust of the earth and that makes cracks, earthquakes and volcanic activity. Earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have earthquakes. Volcanos that are coming to life that you have not seen before on a regular basis. There will be more - expect them. Is it too much to ask of a human being that if you live by a volcano that you know can erupt, maybe you ought to move? And yet there will be those who say it hasn't erupted in my lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime, therefore it won't. You have a surprise, for all things are changing. This is not punshment to humanity.
What is happening? and why would it involve weather change? It is slow, it is slow and you can get out of the way. It will show itself, there will be signs of trouble. And it's not an anomaly. It has happened before when humanity was here, and they got out of the way. Things which are happening on the planet are not meant as the final step of Gaia to kill out the civilization of humanity, as that has been on the lips of those who want to startle and scare and give you fear. That's not what is happening. What is happening is a shift that will create a planet that will last a long time to give you what you need - more food in the ocean than you have ever seen before.
The birds and the fish - fish have been washing up dead and birds falling from the sky. All of it can be traced to the water cycle. Do you remember a few years ago when whales were beaching themselves? Did you notice it has stopped? But while they were beaching themselves there were many who were, so many that some said it was the end of the world and the whales were committing suicide. Humans always navigate to the Dark first.
Because that is human nature in an old energy.
The whales beached themselves because the Earth's magnetics shifted so greatly that their navigational system in the magnetite in their biology which always steered them in the right direction to migrate north and south, migrated them right into the land. The land didn't move, the magnetics did - therefore you could say their map was flawed. And the reason it is not happening now is because the calves, that is the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out. Nature at its best. This it what Gaia does. And so the next generation would not repeat it, it realigned itself to the migratory ley lines and now they don't beach themselves.
Magnetics continues to shift on the planet and the birds are unaware. With the coldness that is beginning to happen, many of the birds have migrated themselves right into that which is a high place in the atmosphere and are pummelled to death by freezing rain and hail, and they fall from the sky. It's the weather cycle. They will continue to for a while, and then they won't. Because they will have figured it out and re-calibrated. Because that is what nature does.

I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science tell you this, not me. They have something in common, they are all juveniles. The layers of water are changing in temperature, and that is going to change the life cycle. The juvenile fish are the most susceptiable by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the kind that washed up. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle. Will it continue? For a while, until they acclimate, until they re-design how to take care of it so that they can survive.
That which has been normal on this planet for all these thousands of years is about to shift. And it is going to present more anomalies than birds falling out of the sky. Or fish washing up on the shore. Or melting ice caps.
I'll tell you what to look for. When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the Earth things start to change. For the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest - the plankton on the planet survives in certain temperatures for certain ways and that is changing.
Let us speak of the ocean for a moment. Have you heard about the salmon? What has your science warned against? The sea is dying. The reefs are going away. You are over fishing. Quotas have been set up to keep it from happening. Did you hear about the salmon? There are too many of them. (laughs) In the very place that quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they are jumping into the boat. There's too many. Against all odds, against any projections in 3D from any scientist, from any biologist. They are overunning the ocean in Alaska.
Way too many. What does that tell you? That Gaia takes care of itself. Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if Gaia was in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised the vibration of you has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity, to do things that you would never ever have thought of in 3D and it's here and it's working. The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature of the ocean, and all the things you have studied and the things that were, are going away. A new system of life, and the way it works, how it's being altered, is upon you.
And in the process there will be extinction of certains plants, animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts that on the planet to serve the planet, and when it no longer serves the planet it takes it away. The extinction of life through certain attributes such as weather is normal, it is honoured, it is appropriate. It is normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save them all. They are supposed to go away. And don't assign it to something you did. The Earth is becoming more sacred than it has ever been before, Gaia is co-operating in ways you never thought it could. And the ways biologists said it could not. You think you are killing it? Well it is giving birth. To another system.
Reality of what is happening on the planet has given you a 3D perspective of fear, when all that is happening is indeed what I have said was the potential of an awakening Earth.
All numerology helps to understand the energy that you sit in, and is one of the oldest sciences on the planet, originally developed in Tibet.
2010 is a 3 (only master numbers are not added). 3 = catalyst. That which changes something else because of its presence. What was started in 2010 could be a catalysat for what is to follow in your life. Think about what took place in 2010, ideas you had, events that happened to you.
2011 - lets look at the 2 = duality. That which you fight every day, between the old and the new, the linear and the quantum, understanding the difficulties and the challenge. Compare it with the 11 (master number) = illumination. Many of you continue to see the 11:11 on the clock. It is meaningful because it is illumination: illumination, 2 master numbers next to each other, a wink from spirit that says you are dearly loved, we are with you, keep on keeping on. A wink of love every time you see it. Your eyes are drawn to it on purpose.
The 2 and the 11 together = an illumination of duality. It's going to be an interesting year! You can take that to darkness if you wish but it's not a dark number. It says the Shift continues and it continues to the Light.
More struggle and more challenging times before you, before it changes to the positive. Why would change be so difficult when it is moving to illumination? Because it has been in the Dark for so long. And that which is human nature will resist that which is new, even those things that are better.
The 2 + 1+ 1 = 4, the number of Gaia. It's going to be a Gaia year. All about the Earth, the shift of the Earth and the weather.

Meanwhile it just looks like bad weather. It'a about water, and it always has been. You are in the middle of a cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, it's a cooling cycle. But it starts with a short heat cycle. It is a long cycle - one generation plus five years, that is how long it is going to be cold. It starts with the melting of the ice caps to a certain degree that are far more than have been seen in your lifetime or that of your ancestors. A cycle that is thousands of years long that has not been recorded in books, its has definitely been recorded in the ice and rings of trees, but not in books. The melting of the ice caps has a profound effect on the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia change. What happens when you take what is heavy on the poles, which you call ice, and then melt it? You have a redsitribultion of weight on the crust of the earth and that makes cracks, earthquakes and volcanic activity. Earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have earthquakes. Volcanos that are coming to life that you have not seen before on a regular basis. There will be more - expect them. Is it too much to ask of a human being that if you live by a volcano that you know can erupt, maybe you ought to move? And yet there will be those who say it hasn't erupted in my lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime, therefore it won't. You have a surprise, for all things are changing. This is not punshment to humanity.
What is happening? and why would it involve weather change? It is slow, it is slow and you can get out of the way. It will show itself, there will be signs of trouble. And it's not an anomaly. It has happened before when humanity was here, and they got out of the way. Things which are happening on the planet are not meant as the final step of Gaia to kill out the civilization of humanity, as that has been on the lips of those who want to startle and scare and give you fear. That's not what is happening. What is happening is a shift that will create a planet that will last a long time to give you what you need - more food in the ocean than you have ever seen before.

Because that is human nature in an old energy.
The whales beached themselves because the Earth's magnetics shifted so greatly that their navigational system in the magnetite in their biology which always steered them in the right direction to migrate north and south, migrated them right into the land. The land didn't move, the magnetics did - therefore you could say their map was flawed. And the reason it is not happening now is because the calves, that is the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out. Nature at its best. This it what Gaia does. And so the next generation would not repeat it, it realigned itself to the migratory ley lines and now they don't beach themselves.
Magnetics continues to shift on the planet and the birds are unaware. With the coldness that is beginning to happen, many of the birds have migrated themselves right into that which is a high place in the atmosphere and are pummelled to death by freezing rain and hail, and they fall from the sky. It's the weather cycle. They will continue to for a while, and then they won't. Because they will have figured it out and re-calibrated. Because that is what nature does.

I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science tell you this, not me. They have something in common, they are all juveniles. The layers of water are changing in temperature, and that is going to change the life cycle. The juvenile fish are the most susceptiable by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the kind that washed up. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle. Will it continue? For a while, until they acclimate, until they re-design how to take care of it so that they can survive.
That which has been normal on this planet for all these thousands of years is about to shift. And it is going to present more anomalies than birds falling out of the sky. Or fish washing up on the shore. Or melting ice caps.
I'll tell you what to look for. When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the Earth things start to change. For the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest - the plankton on the planet survives in certain temperatures for certain ways and that is changing.
Let us speak of the ocean for a moment. Have you heard about the salmon? What has your science warned against? The sea is dying. The reefs are going away. You are over fishing. Quotas have been set up to keep it from happening. Did you hear about the salmon? There are too many of them. (laughs) In the very place that quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they are jumping into the boat. There's too many. Against all odds, against any projections in 3D from any scientist, from any biologist. They are overunning the ocean in Alaska.
Way too many. What does that tell you? That Gaia takes care of itself. Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if Gaia was in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised the vibration of you has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity, to do things that you would never ever have thought of in 3D and it's here and it's working. The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature of the ocean, and all the things you have studied and the things that were, are going away. A new system of life, and the way it works, how it's being altered, is upon you.
And in the process there will be extinction of certains plants, animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts that on the planet to serve the planet, and when it no longer serves the planet it takes it away. The extinction of life through certain attributes such as weather is normal, it is honoured, it is appropriate. It is normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save them all. They are supposed to go away. And don't assign it to something you did. The Earth is becoming more sacred than it has ever been before, Gaia is co-operating in ways you never thought it could. And the ways biologists said it could not. You think you are killing it? Well it is giving birth. To another system.
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