Thursday 25 February 2010

Electrical Nutrition - book review

I was impressed by this book 'Electrical Nutrition' by Denie and Shelley Hiestand, which is probably the closest anyone I've ever read has come to describing nutrition and natural health in a way that truly resonates with my inner knowing. Even during the days when I was a holistic therapist and taking a course on nutrition, I did not complete the course nor take the exam because I felt that much of what was being taught was incorrect, and I couldn't truly operate from a place of integrity accepting such BS as part of my working practice, even if it would have meant yet another certificate to put on my wall.

According to the Pleiadians, as long ago as the late eighties, I recall them saying in a channel that the field of nutrition is really very 'backward' (my words not theirs) and that there is to be a huge leap in this area of healthcare in the future. Now this book Electrical Nutrition is not the whole of the leap, yet it does seem to represent a departure from much of what is written on this subject, with a chapter giving a fascinating description of how digestion and nutrition works from an electrical perspective.

A fairly general book covering a lot of topics, some of which I was already familiar with such as the toxicity of aspartame (often found in diet drinks) and food combining for greater digestibility and assimilation (which I hadn't tried until now, but I'm experiencing less bloating).
Vegetarians will not like this book because the writer recommends the eating of meat as part of a high protein diet and recommends cutting out grains and grain-based foods, which encourages joint degeneration and drains the system, lowering our vitality as well as increasing weight. There is a blogtalk radio link in the sidebar of this blog called Electrical Nutrition, which Shala Mata talks on regarding her guidance (and reluctance) about eating steak after years on a vegetarian diet.

The writer is not in favour of immunizations either, especially on babies, and I would agree with him on that one, having had a near death experience myself as a young child after being routinely vaccinated. On the positive side of that, I at least know from experience that the death process is easy and so do not fear it, even if I did obviously decide to come back and not go the whole way on that occasion.

Denie has the ability to tune into and become aware of the electrical functions of the body at a deep level, both cellular and electrical, seeing the electrical malfunctions and ascertaining the causes of dis-ease states developing. He also addresses the contributing emotional, spiritual, nutritional and lifestyle factors.

I think everyone, whether healthcare practitioner or not, would gain something of benefit from reading this book, which is easy to read and in my opinion should form the basis of replacing the current paradigm of health and nutrition.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Chilling Out for the New Reality

It has been over two weeks since I last blogged, and meanwhile have read many interesting channels during that time so considered doing a combined summary of all of them, but in the end felt too exhausted to blog or do anything much at all.
I suppose I shouldn't complain about sleeping too much these days because I spent many years during phase one of my ascension process unable to sleep at all, at least not until around 5.00am or 6.00am - which is why I still have the note on my street door that says "no calls before midday". I am quite used to being out of sync with time, and yet now it is speeding up at a ridiculous rate. My body needs rest like it has never needed it before, whereas my mind wants to race ahead and manifest all my plans and desires, so is feeling quite frustrated with all this down time. I do feel that since last autumn equinox the physical body is still catching up with the new energy template, blueprint, grid, DNA etc, and so this re-calibration time is causing more fatigue than usual and requiring additional rest however inconvenient this may seem to me right now.

I just wish I could move house now and rest there instead of here, yet I can barely drag my body to view another selection of houses although I shall attempt to make another effort soon to book a trip and hotel accommodation. I am still shocked that the estate agent arranged a viewing for me for last Saturday without my knowledge or permission - not even having the courtesy to check to see whether that date and time was convenient. I mean it's not as if I live just around the corner. They still haven't replied to my email asking why.

I confess that I don't really understand nor can relate to much of what is going on 'out there' in the 3D world, and my resting or hibernation period has made me even more out of practice and lowered my tolerance level to certain behaviours of a lower vibrational nature.

The 3D matrix programmes are still running, even for the squirrels. I went to the park the other day with a bag full of brazil nuts, recalling the summer when they ate out of my hand. In the dead of winter when food is more scarce, they wouldn't come anywhere near me. I wasn't going to go to them by walking through the tangled undergrowth, yet when I threw a nut the pigeons would get to it first. Finally a squirrel caught a nut and ran up a tree, chased by another squirrel who looked like it was wllling to kill if necessary to get to the nut. Meanwhile I'm standing there with a whole bagful of nuts, wondering why the squirrels are thinking they need to compete or fight over 'scarce' resources when they are not willing or brave enough to come to the feast and share in the abundance, where there is plenty for everyone. I gave up in the end as it was too cold to hang about in the park, and too much like hard work to get them fed.

Talking of abundance, I've noticed how easy it has been recently to increase my abundance simply by FEELING abundant when spending money. It tends to work best when paying what feels like a lot or just a little too much for something, compared with a lifetime habit of unconsciously determining the sort of price I 'should' be paying for any one thing. A couple of examples:

1) I had my hair cut at the salon and chose the more expensive hairdresser, the director instead of one of the level 1 or level 2 staff. Inwardly squirming a little over not economising enough, I decided to intend this as an expression and affirmation of my abundance (rather than remain feeling slightly uncomfortable or guilty), and so enjoyed the whole process so much more than if I'd remained in my previous hesitant and cautious emotional state. On leaving the hairdressers I just happened upon a clothes shop that was closing down - they had only just put the sign in the window an hour earlier, which was when the staff first heard that this branch was closing - and everything in the shop was going for 10 pounds each. I bought two tops that I'd had my eye on previously, plus a jacket for the Spring, asking "are you sure this jacket is only 10 pounds too?" "Yes, everything".

So I was able to prolong my feelings of abundance to enjoy it some more, and what I saved on the retail price of the clothes came to almost the same as I paid at the hairdressers, making the haircut seem almost free.

2) I ordered online a £99 pound face cream that I'd nearly run out of, which I usually have shipped from the USA. Again, I was feeling slightly extravagant over not buying some natural over the counter face cream locally, but this stuff is worth it and wakes my face up in the morning. Again, I changed that feeling state from slight (ever so slight) hesitation and discomfort to one of enjoying having the abundance to buy something that I felt was better quality (after all, I'm worth it aren't I?). I also mentioned the fact that it was hard to get the cream out of the pump bottle, in the hopes that they would eventually consider changing the packaging. They thanked me for my feedback and the fact that I ordered from them again, and said they would be enclosing an extra free bottle of cream for me!

So what I'm noticing is, attending to my feeling state before spending, or doing anything for that matter, certainly creates interesting and unexpected results. Now, if I could apply that to buying a house...................................
(I wonder if they would throw in a second one for free? lol)

Anyway, I'm using this resting and non-action time to attend to my vibrational alignment. So although it looks as though I'm not up to much externally or in terms of action these days, I feel I'm being far from lazy and any action I may take in the weeks ahead will only be enhanced by having listened to and honoured my body's need for rest, and for any inner work or physical re-calibration to have the chance to be completed. I'm actually not feeling capable of doing any more than I'm doing anyway. Just as we have seasons of the year, we need to respect the changing seasons of our own ascension process rather than to 'push against' or try to paddle upstream. Lulls or downtimes are just as important, and there have been strange experiences going on in my dreamtime lately. All the same, I feel I am soon to be coming out of this phase, and Karen Bishop's latest post is very positive concerning the new energies. I quote some of it below:

Not only have we been removed from much of late, or rather “sequestered,” but there is an emptiness present as well. Feeling blank, hollow, singular, or even experiencing a loss of identity, are common sensations of this new emptiness.

We are preparing to receive an immense wave of light. This light will wash over the planet and create many changes…all in relation to creating a planet that is more in alignment with the light, or a higher level way of living and being. Feeling empty, then, is part of the preparation…a precursor to being filled up with the beginnings of a new reality.

We may arrive home and suddenly feel that our house is too empty. We may suddenly dislike being alone. We may find ourselves eating for no particular reason, as an attempt to “fill up.” We may find ourselves feeling unusually edgy, perhaps tense, or at best, restless. We may find it difficult to start a new project or to finish an old one. We may even feel that we are waiting for a bomb to drop, and we are not sure why. We may also find ourselves sleeping more with a new fatigue as we prepare to receive this light in all ways.

This new wave of light that is soon to fall over us, will bring with it, much more of the new blueprint. It will wash over the planet, moving things this way and that, all the while clearing out the old so that the new can now settle here. This new wave of light will change things forever more.

This means that we are on the cusp of living in a new reality that we may have only dreamed about. We may be feeling that we are somehow “done” with something, but we may not consciously know what that is. What is “done” then, is the old world reality. We have left it behind now, and thus, may feel that we have suddenly gone somewhere else. For many of us, we need no longer have those old experiences ever again.

Feeling empty, hollow, strange, restless, alone, or dis-connected, are feelings that accompany one who is at the door to the new. Yes, waiting for that door to open, standing before it wondering with anticipation what may lie behind it, or even waiting breathlessly in a strange and isolated position while a massive wave of light prepares to wash over us, is a space that is temporary at best, but here none-the-less.

These are strange yet exciting, unusual yet unprecedented, and long awaited times indeed.


So feeling happy and calm, even if a little strange, out of sync, tired, and rather isolated of late, I look forward to experiencing whatever awaits me behind the door that leads into the new energy reality. The past months of being 'worked on', or so it feels, will have been worth having slowed down for, and the preparation time felt/feels as though whatever we are being prepared for is going to be something that is quite a shift from where we have recently been vibrationally residing.

And so, I leave you with an Abraham video, because I like to drop these in amongst the posts from time to time.

Have been listening to many of them lately, so it's hard to choose which one is most relevant to this post, but as I referred to abundance and vibrational alignment earlier (which is consciously choosing a better feeling thought and emotional state) the following video seems appropriate enough.