Monday 23 November 2009

Video - Circumstances Don't Matter

Bashar channelled by Darryl Ankar.

Play with everything that happens in your reality. Allow it to be that much more flexible and creative.
Change is the only constant.

The physical mind will assume that something has failed (what you put out is what you get back) if the first manifestation or situation is usually looking the same as it used to. Gives you the opportunity to respond to the circumstances that look the same, differently than before.

The first reflection will usually be an echo - you must not respond to the echo, but the new response will solidify the vibration of your preferred state of being.
If you respond to the echo in the same way as before then YOU are not different. It's like you are testing yourself to see if you respond to the same circumstances differently.
So don't be fooled by the echo by labelling it in the same way you used to, or assume that you have done something wrong.

All belief systems are self-reinforcing. When you change your vibrational state, you define it and label it differently. Use that mechanism to your advantage.

Circumstances do not determine state of being, state of being determines circumstances.
Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters (materialises experience).

And then choose the state of being you prefer.
And then redefine the circumstances from that state of being, so that you can erase the echo.
And allow the true reflection to then take form from your state of being.

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