Friday 11 May 2012

Pleiadians on Compassion, Solar Flares and Contact

The following is extracted from an internet radio show on Journeys with Rebecca, where Wendy Kennedy channels the 9th dimensional Pleiadian collective.  There was a lot of good information here, and I was interested in what she had to say about compassion, especially as that word seems to mean so many things to different people in the spiritual ascension community.

Please be aware that this is not an exact transcription, just my rough notes.  You can hear the whole radio show or download it (link at end of post), these notes are really for the benefit of those who need to use the online translator, and also because it is easier for me to review it in written form rather than listen to the whole show again.  It is also not possible to rewind it once it starts, so don’t be surprised if much was omitted.  I actually tried pausing it at one point and the show started all over again, so I may return to it later to add a bit more as I've been up all night with it already.


This year 2012 is important in staying open without pre-conceived ideas about what something ought to look like, and not locking in to any one prediction or any one outcome, and keep re-setting and aligning yourself with what you want to create personally and  collectively.  And observing what is being shown to you, what is happening in your relationships with strangers, with loved ones, with intimate partners.  Observe what is going on, so you can see what patterns you are holding that you can integrate.  

2012 is about integration.  What do we mean by that?  This is a process of letting go of any judgement that you are holding, regardless of whether it is Light judging Dark or Dark judging Light, because it happens both ways.    They (the Dark) are of service to the grand Game.  This is very much a game, and many of you get upset when we say that.

You are Universals being of Light, you are part of Source energy.  And you have partitioned off from your awareness that this is who you are so you could have this experience in density.  So that you could play in an arena in which you thought you were separate from Source.    You know it wouldn’t be possible to actually BE separate, so you set up a construct or a mindset, told yourself a story that you were somehow separate.
And by doing so you allowed yourself to have a vastly different experience than one you would have if you knew you were connected to every single thing that existed, and that you were creating 100 per cent of the time your reality.  And that you didn’t see multiple realities going on.  This is the construct of 3D and is why you came.  It’s quite remarkable.


One of the things we wanted to talk about is the importance and value of compassion.

Things are heating up as you move through this year.  Most of you are getting good strong reflections of your issues, and it is very important for you to have compassion for others but also for yourself.  To not berate yourself, especially those of you who have been playing at this Game for a while, that are aware that this is a game and that there are higher options available to you, but you may not be making that choice in the moment, and then you berate yourself.  So have compassion to know that this has been going on lifetime after lifetime, not only on this planet but throughout the entire galaxy.   

Earth is a grand experiment where there have been issues taken from different parts of the galaxy and they are being played out on a small scale here.  And it is a result of all the genetic material that has been taken from different planets and different species throughout the galaxy.  Along with that came the emotional components so you have a HUGE range of emotion, more than any other world in the entire Universe, plus you are playing in the densest dimension so in essence this is THE most challenging game there is in the entire universe.

One of the things you gain is the understanding of compassion, because if you have been one who has felt the difficulty, the challenge of this frequency and the illusion, you have a lot of compassion for others who are suffering because you understand the difficulty of that illusion and frequency and can make change.   In the higher realm all is not a utopia.
There are many challenges, there are still disagreements.  They are not necessarily blowing each other up over it in the higher realms, but we still disagree.  And as you move higher in frequency, as you integrate and find compassion you will create a new Universal Game.  Because what you learn here as a by-product of ascension, you will teach the rest of the Universe.  It is something you needed and all wanted to seek, so you set up this Game, so that you could learn and bring it up to the higher realms.

So as a result you will create a brand new universe.  You will also create a new 5th dimensional structure.  The 5th dimension as it is now will not be the 5th dimension you will move into.  You will in essence create a brand new game, a brand new dimensional structure.   It is important to understand that others are struggling, put yourself in their shoes, know there were times when you had difficulty letting go of issues, where you knew mentally that this was an illusion but you just couldn’t get there emotionally.  And the more compassion you are able to hold for others the easier it will be actually for you as well as for them, for you will be holding a space for them to allow them the ability to release.
And as we were saying, have compassion for yourself, don’t berate yourself because you know mentally where you want to be, but you haven’t got the emotional component down just yet.  


We would like to talk about some of the solar activity that is going on right now.  The energies have been very intense. Those who are sensitive will find comfort in knowing that it is not all your own stuff.  With the solar flares there are huge packets of information that are being sent, not only to Earth but through the entire solar system.  It is not just Earth that is going through a transition, it is not just the end of a cycle for Earth it is the end of a cycle for the entire solar system.  And all the planets are going through some level of change.  Now Earth is the only one that is going through change in which the vibration is shifting into a new dimension.  In fact you are actually in the 4th dimension right now, you are no longer in 3D.  So part of the shift you were expecting or anticipating - it has already happened.  And to you it just felt like life, and that is what the continued shift will feel like.  It will just feel like life.  

Now the 4th dimension is a very malleable dimension.  The 5th dimension and the 3rd has very fixed rules to the Game.  The 3rd dimension you perceive 
reality from a very linear perspective, you have the illusion of time, and you see yourself as separate from everyone and everything. The 5th dimension you see yourself as connected, you have the ability to view multiple timelines all at once, and you see time as an illusion, it is just a marker for an event so you know where to find it.  So in 4D you can imprint or utilize either 3D rules to the game or 5D rules to the game.  

It is a game of descension and re-ascension, so it is not that you are incarnating at the very bottom and working your way up.  You are already Source energy, and you were playing around the dimensional ranges and said ‘alright let’s descend, let us see how far we can go and see if we can come back out of it’.  So, you used the 4th dimension on the way down, and now you are using it on the way up.  Now most of you are using the 3D rules of the game about 95 per cent of the time.  And so for you, you don’t really realise that you have shifted at all.  You will have moments now where you can start playing around with the 5D rules, and those are immediate creation, seeing things from the multidimensional perspective as well as removing the illusion of time, bending time.

The sun is keeping time for you, keeping everything in rhythm, and sending packets of information to you, broadcasts, that this is taking place.  And some of this information you are getting on a daily basis as you get out and walk around in sunlight.  The sun effects your electromagnetic field, and the electromagnetic field also affects your memory.  If you can’t access the records you have in your field, it forces you to go up and access the revised edition in your akashic records.  So when you get the solar flares you have to get the update from your own energetic field.  That’s a very positive thing, yet it can also make you feel a bit off centre, which can actually be a good thing because it throws you out of your old pattern.  

Those who are not awakened can feel really off balance, frenetic, that they cannot even complete a thought - it will be different for each of you, and it can create anxiety, and you are feeling the anxiety of the planet, and that is happening with the milder electro-magnetic pulses.  When you get a really strong one it can affect your satellites, it can affect your electro-magnetic grid - that forces you to stop using your external technology (phones, televisions) and forces you to use your internal technology.  It serves you very well because you are no longer being bombarded with some of the waves that you normally would be receiving from your satellites or your electronic gadgets, and it really helps you to tune into YOU.  So there is great benefit across the board, so if you do experience something dramatic, take advantage of it, use it to enjoy the time you have with yourself and other human beings.


IN THE SUMMER SOLSTICE OF 2011 you reconnected with the collective consciousness of the planet.   And many of you, if you think back to what was going on in your life at that time, found yourself a bit off centre because it was REALLY intense.  You started feeling everyones stuff in a new way that you hadn’t before.  So your sense of centre had to be re-calibrated.  

WITH THE WINTER SOLSTICE OF 2011 you started connecting more with the consciousness of the Solar System.  

WITH THE SUMMER SOLSTICE OF 2012 the sun will send you information about connecting with Galactic Consciousness.  

WHEN YOU GET TO WINTER SOLSTICE 2012 you connect with Universal Consciousness.  Which is the completion of the cycle.

So when you set up this Game, we mean all of you set up this Game, it was such a unique experience and so many wanted to participate, that it was limited those who could interact with the planet.  Your ancestors could connect with you.  All the other beings in the Universe had to watch.   They had to take a back seat.  Now as you connect with the collective consciousness of the Galaxy, that quarantine if you will (although we are not keen on that word) that isolation that you have been in will be dissolved, because you are vibrationally at a point where you are ready to start connecting to the Galaxy.   

And you will start to collectively and individually have more  experiences of interactions with other beings.  Many have held off in presenting themselves in a collective way because it just wasn’t time.  Once you make this connection at the summer solstice you are going to find there is a lot more information that starts to surface about your history and start making contact.
The governments around the world have been disclosing more information knowing that this is coming, they have been told by your galactic siblings that the time will come in the summer.  

So many of you are doing a lot of processing right now, around fears of protection, around safety, and around discernment.   And one of the things we wish to remind you of is that interacting with other species is no different than how you interact with each other.  So, are you going to want to speak to everyone you meet on the street?  No.  Are you going to want to interact with every being in the galaxy?  No.  Are they all going to have your best interests at heart, like everyone walking around on the street?  Probably not.  So you have got to use your own discernment, and just because a being is from another dimension doesn’t mean they have better information than you have for yourself.  So this is part of what you are learning to integrate right now, as you prepare yourself.

Many of you in theory want to experience contact.  It is one thing to know it in theory, and quite another to have it in your own physical world.  It will shatter how you view the world.  It will forever alter your perspective of reality.  
Issues of protection are coming up right now.  If you feel you need protection you will draw in an attack because of that fear frequency in your field.  
Not all contact and communication will be in physical form, and so will happen telepathically.

We know this is a challenging Game and we wish you to know that you are ALL supported.
None of you is on your path alone, absolutely none of you.


To listen to the full show on Journeys with Rebecca, click on the April 21 show in the archives here.

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