Tuesday 28 December 2010

Some local photos and farewell 2010

The snow had all disappeared when I looked out of my window this morning, but at least there had been a white Xmas, which I can't recall having happened in a long time. Not that I celebrate Xmas but I was and still am enjoying a cosy hibernation, having stocked up with enough food to last at least a week, and just doing whatever I felt inspired to do. The first day it snowed here (around 18 Dec) I'd just grabbed my camera and was out all afternoon taking photos of the winter wonderland. It looked so beautiful and I could appreciate it even more after having become accustomed to city living until recently.

Then on Xmas day I started to upload my photos on the internet, not just the snowy ones but all the ones I wanted to keep in one place. Prior to that they had been all over the place, mainly on my computer, but a few in flickr, and some just on other blogs that had since been deleted. All of them are of scenes rather than people - of nature or landscape or street shots. I'm beginning to see a pattern or niche interest in my choice of photographic subjects that I wasn't really aware of before. So I looked through most of my collection since I first bought a digital camera (a cheap compact which was primarily for selling stuff online back then), and which were all in the wrong order as I never knew what date it was when the camera asked me to set the day and time. It really challenged my ascension memory in trying to remember where some of these photos were taken, and I surprised myself at feeling terribly nostalgic when looking through photos of the local park in London as I'd spent many a wonderful time there. I hadn't realised how possible it was to get so connected to a particular place, and a part of me misses certain aspects of it. I don't want to start doubting myself as to whether I did the right thing in moving here, and as no place in particular was calling me or felt like 'home', I took that to mean that it doesn't really matter. I have yet to put down roots though, like a plant that has been dug up and transplanted to a different part of the garden.

Anyway, I have rekindled my enthusiasm for photography at least, and I got excited about the fact people were voting on the photos I was uploading and seeing which ones they liked best. I will start selling some of the more popular ones as postcards, greetings cards and small art prints soon, and it feels like such a fun thing to do. My creative enthusiasm is finally coming back again, probably because I have been feeling generally so much better since the autumn equinox, after that summer of hell. I no doubt purged out a lot of stuck energy back then, and I'm not sure how much of it was even mine or whether it was mass consciousness stuff that I sometimes pick up on or tune into energetically. So staying in my own energies this Xmas was just what I needed. And so is beginning to ground into physicality some of those ideas and creative interests that never got acted on fully enough to manifest into anything much in the past.

The important winter solstice day with its eclipse and other astrological significance came and went. I couldn't actually see the moon from my window let alone the eclipse, and it was too cold and snowy to go outside, but I actually FELT some shift in the energies at around that time, so I suppose you could say that I experienced it all in my own way.

There have also been so many good and interesting channels recently that I wasn't sure which ones to blog about. I've not been feeling very wordy these days, but have still appreciated visuals and nature which is why I suppose the photography got so much of my attention this month. I'll post snippets of channels in later blogs, but for now I just wanted to thank those of you who follow this blog. I woke up this morning with the words going through my head "you are never alone." And even though I felt like I was not participating in the Xmas festivities in the traditional and sociable way, looking back to Xmas day I think I had even more company then than usual - all those wonderful people who were also at their computers and voting on my photos. I think that when we don't try to fit into a particular way of being or doing things, and just follow our joy, then it is impossible to be disconnected or separated from anything.

The only disconnection anyone experiences is the disconnection from their own Source energy, their own expanded beingness, their non-physical counterpart, their divinity or all of who they are in wholeness. Call it what you will, it is the life force that flows through us, and we experience more of that life force the more joy we allow into our lives. So I always ask myself what is the next most joyful thing I feel like doing. And whether that is doing nothing but taking a long soak in the bath or going for a walk or reading a book, I just go with that flow from one moment to the next. It feels like going against the grain of habit sometimes, especially when the laundry and ironing starts piling up, but even then there comes a time when it feels joyful to have lots of clean clothes again, so it does eventually work its way up to the top of my joy list. So rather than making any new years resolutions, just decide how you want to FEEL from one 'now' moment to the next. And then choose those thoughts or actions accordingly. Rather than what you think you 'should' be doing or thinking, based on what anybody else is doing or thinking, or whatever else is going on around you. It is all illusion anyway, so you may as well create an illusion you enjoy.

I leave you with some more winter snowscene photos (all of which I made lower quality for the web, so a lot of detail tends to gets lost)




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