Saturday 3 April 2010

Kryon at Easter - The Great Split

As I don't celebrate Easter in any way, apart from feeling that this time of year feels like a resurrection after the winter months and the beginning of a new yearly cycle, I listened to the following Kryon channel today 'The Great Split'. Quite a moving channel that got a few people, including myself, a bit tearful but in a nice way.

Saturday, March 14, 2010
Melbourne Australia
50 minute channelling session
Lee Carroll and Robert Coxon

Right now, about the only words I can remember is the bit at the end about lighthouses and that you don't need a lighthouse for every ship -
which is why only a small minority of humanity are doing this sort of work, being the lightworkers. It was always intended to be this way.

Update: just a few notes (not word perfect) being merely an extract from the channel for non-English speakers (using sidebar translator)

Human beings have wished to put divinity in the clouds, separated from humanity, and that's the safest thing for you. It's safe because then when it's time to pray to that divine entity in the sky, you can be separate. The idea you might be together and one might be the other is confusing.
The truth is this. If indeed there is divinity in each of you, it means that the creator and that which you pray to or meditate on is always with you. I don't have to wonder what you are up to, because I sit with you all the time. And this changes the way you think about Spirit.
And to some it is comfortable and to others it is awkward.

Acknowledge the fact that Spirit has been with you all day long, and no matter what the issues or problems before you, they are all known by God - to reiterate them is repetitive. It doesn't even honor the belief that Spirit is with you all of the time. The best thing to do is to sit in silence and if you want to say anything say "Spirit, show me what it is I need to know."

The essence of you which you call consciousness is sacred. It is not manufactured through biology. The human race has not had it any more than 100,000 years, and only 50,000 in active way of efficiency. It's new.

When you take a look at the age of the Earth as it was prepared for you, it's only in the last moment or so in history that this happened. New. And now you sit here in front of me, a group of old souls.
This is about as quantum as it can get, but we speak now to those whose potential is to be reading or listening. And I can see them. And as they listen or read, even though it is not today for them as it is for you, it is still the Now for me so I can address this to them and say this is for you. You are eternal all of you, you always were and always will be. And I take you back to a place you can't really remember - you are not equipped to remember it.

When you are on the other side of the veil you are not singular, you don't have a name that is singular.
When we say we sing your name in light we sing a chorus of plurality. You are part of a collective, which is God.
And in this collective there are what we call core soul energies that are not singular for they are connected all the time. You are used to being connected. You are not singular, you are not alone, and it's beautiful. You were there when the Earth was created and you knew what would happen. And eventually you would participate in yet another planet of free choice and yet another scenario of what you call humanity.

There is no beginning of you, that is the magnificence that you need to know. You can't imagine it for your bias is forward only and not backward. Your brain has a difficult time thinking that you always were. Why is that hard?
There is no such thing as a limitation of time. There is no such thing as an aging soul.

I'm with you at the wind of birth- a phrase we have used before - it is a spiritual wind that blows from this side of the veil of that which you call Earth into that which is interdimensional, almost as a portal. So for linear reasons of teaching only I'm now going to describe a way you can understand linearly what happens.
What happens when you are born? Will you acknowledge that you don't have everything that you did when you were a piece of God. Something profound happens, and you arrive as a human being who has an attribute that you don't know who you really are. You arrive alone in 3D, singular you are, which is very different from the way you were.

The infants are given a dispensation of grace, so that its not too startling, in the first 6 months of life they can see the other side of the veil. Slowly it goes away. And the first thing it does is to miss what it had. So humanity as a whole searches for the creator, to get back to where you were. You miss being connected.

You chose your family. What you have done with your family makes a mark on this planet. It changes their karmic attributes. It changes the heredity of what is karmic in the future.
Lightworker, everything you do changes what happens next. The act of listening to a recording or reading the words somewhere right now for you changes a vibration somewhere somehow. The potentials of the planet change because you are looking at this, hearing this.

There you are a piece of god about to be born, and you are split. And it is profound. And I can't believe as Kryon how many times you have done this willingly. Humanity have gone through so much. And its just the beginning when you arrive on this planet, what you give away, so that you can be here for a few years.

The first thing that splits out from your magnificence is the largest chunk of your divinity.
And you call it your Higher Self. But it's personal. And it belongs to you. and it splits out completely.
You arrive with it, but it is interdimensional and you are not. Not at the conscious level. You may be quantum in DNA but not consciously aware that there is something that is You in you that is god. That comes later. I speak to those who know this, who actively seek out the higher Self.
You don't have to beg to be a connection to Spirit, you don't have to suffer, because that is You who you are asking to connect to.

The next thing that splits out from you we will call your helper set. That which you lilearize as your guides and angels that belong to you. They are the sacred parts of you that split out that appear to be multiples. Guides.
Your angels, your guides are YOU appearing to you in linearity as helpers.
Every time you change vibration you think they leave and then come back new as others. They don't. What happens is as you change your vibration you see them in a different light. They are you. Humans want theur guides to be someone else,and they are not. You miss them if you feel they retreat. Not only that you go into depression if they are not there, did you know that?

Humanity in general will walk an entire lifetime and never engage them and they will be there the whole time. Quiet they are until you speak, until you ask.
They exist in your merkabah field, thats the field of DNA we have discussed. And they are responsible first and foremost for intuition.

Thirdly, you have an entourage (of energies) that is You (with others). The three is one, look for it for it is everywhere. This stays on my side of the veil.
There are those in this room or listening or reading who believe in their ability to mainfest their own reality. They have dropped their karmic imprint, they hold the rudder of their life firmly, they move from place to place using their intuition, they have gotten somewhat accustomed to synchronicity happening at the last possible moment, which human don't like, but they trust. And they move through life meeting those they should meet, going the places they should go, and not being too upset if things don't go the way they want, and that is manifestation.
They create their own reality, where they live, who they meet, their partnerships, the jobs, all of the things humans have to walk through. And it is a tool, and they create their own joy. With that in mind...unless you are on a desert island, if you co-create for yourself, you are affecting all human beings around you.

So as you push forward into a new place to live, or new job or partnership, or anything, you affect another human being. What gives you the right to steamroll your manifestation over them? It is a win win situation when it occurs. No one has to lose for you to win. So you don't think your steamrolling over someone elses will.
On the other side of the veil is this entourage of energy that splits out for every single human on the planet.
And stays on my side of the veil. Think of it as a soup of potentials of every human on earth, that is co-operative, that knows what is going on.

Every time you change your own reality, something happens with the rest of the entourage. It is around you co-operating. Even those who have not awakened have an awakened entourage, so there is no ethical question of you steamrolling over anything. What you are doing is manifesting for the others as well. What would happen if everyone had the ability to co-create? Peace on Earth - that's what would happen.

You are a minority, and you will always be a minority. There will never be a time when all of earth will awaken and know what you know. It's not the potential, it never was the potential, less than one half of one per cent of humanity has to awaken and do what you are doing for the rest of them, and the entourages that are co-operating with you, to create peace on earth. But you become the ones that hold the light.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your, insight it was a great help to me to see who i realy am ,even thoe the seas of life can be rough It is a gift to be a light for others
