Monday 15 October 2012

Healing Journal No.3 and Mosquitoes

I've not had time to make any more notes on broadcasts from the BBS Radio shows recently, but have added some links to the sidebar of this blog (under Creation Lightship Healings) that cover some of the topics of importance, however briefly touched upon in the space of a one hour radio show.  The latest one I listened to dated 2011 Aug 6 mentions quite a bit of info for newbies to this material, if you just disregard the brief trip (bi-location) to the Lightship which doesn't work in the archives, only when listening live.  I do hope to get more notes up in due course for those whose language isn't English as at least they can use the translation tool on this blog.

I find that I am daily doing clearings and light infusion healings of one sort of another, space clearings and timeline crashing etc.  I'll just share a few of the healings and clearings in each blog post that is entitled 'Healing Journal', but like anything else words do not replace direct experience so don't waste time trying to get the mind to figure out what it is all about. There are some free sample clearings also on the website so not everything has a price.  The reason it does is because every single radio broadcast etc has to be paid for, it isn't free to get this information out unfortunately.  Considering what we usually spend our money on without question, none of which will be helpful at the time of ascension, I consider it money well spent, especially the whole lifetime Emotional Clearing.  It takes 30 minutes and works instantly and you only have to do it once.  I also took it further and did the 7 generation healing on that one, (which you can only do once having done it for your current lifetime) and was surprised how much emotional baggage my ancestors had, which of course can be activated and effect me in this lifetime unless cleared.  See my post Entity and Ancestral Clearing - Healing Journal No.2 for more on that. It's not a mental exercise but an energetic one that works directly with the cellular memory and DNA, like wiping the emotional charges clean.  As I'm sensitive to energies I can always tell how much is being cleared out but you don't have to actually notice anything for it to have worked, just sit back and relax.  I then went back another 7 generations (8 to 14) but only noticed energy "stuff" from generation 8.  The good thing about this clearing is that nothing can really push your emotional buttons again in the same way as before, so it is easier to maintain a state of emotional neutrality and peace.  This clearing is worth every penny and costs 5 dollars times your age.
Your emotional body is helping you tremendously as it protects your body from psychic attack energy or from mean people giving you bad thoughts.  But unfortunately it gets filled up, that’s why you want to have the clearings and stay current with those.

When I was out gardening yesterday I noticed that there were attempts to try to activate some memories of mine to cause an emotional response.  The negative aliens have been feeding on our emotional energies for eons of time and can activate anything in our DNA for this purpose.  It was interesting to observe it all at a distance as one memory after another was attempted to be triggered, including different people in the past who I never normally think about.  The emotional clearing does not wipe out your memories but it does get rid of most of the emotional charge and I knew at the time what they were up to as one memory or person after another surfaced in my consciousness.  Being savvy to it helps and you don't then fall into the trap of emotionally reacting and therefore giving your life force away to those who wish to snack or feast on your energies.  I have paid the small extra cost to do the emotional clearing daily to keep up to date with it.

Then later in the day the gnats and mosquitoes came out in full force.  All over my scalp and neck I could feel them biting me, so it was a very itchy end to my gardening day. Mosquitoes and other insects that bite were apparently alien to this creation in the early days, and some of the alien energies that feed on us are also represented here in physical form.  Fleas, ticks, squid, jellyfish, black widow spiders, snakes and octopus energies are just some more of the alien energies that have representative forms here on earth.  These alien parasitic energies, along with many others, inhabit our body whether we are aware of them or not.  We don't have the technology to view them but they make up the 80 per cent in the average human who is only about 20 per cent spirit embodied.  For ascension we need to be 100 per cent spirit embodied if we wish to take our body with our spirit at ascension time, so getting rid of these energetic critters to enable more spirit infusion, or even just to feel better, is definitely recommended.  All density and darkness is worth eradicating.  We are already beings of Light so cannot add any more Light or spirit to us than what we had at birth - it is more about removing judgements (emotions) and alien energies that feed off our Light.   

In my last post I addressed Timeline Crashing.  This is great fun because you can start to feel a lot better the more timelines you crash relating to any emotional issue (it has to have an emotional issue related to it, but as everything does anyway, even physical  illness, it shouldn't be difficult to find one that fits).  I used the feeling of 'regret' over buying my present house (for many different reasons).  I started feeling better about it after the first 10 timelines were crashed, but after 20 timelines I was beginning to take more of an interest and enthusiasm in this house and was looking forward to making some minor improvements.  Ideally 50 timelines or more would have been better to crash as there can be 100 timelines attached to some issues.  We all have "stuff" arise just due to the fact that we are living life, and the Emotional Clearing cannot go forward in time which is why it is good to keep that current too.  The timeline crashing also works with any issue by eradicating the alien timelines connecting to us via that particular emotional issue.  When we are not fully here, as in 'spaced out', lost in imagination or even meditating or drunk or asleep (when our Spirit often goes out of our body) these timelines can access us easily for abduction purposes without our even knowing about it, as well as allowing alien energetic entities in when we are out of body.
Dreams are in fact parallel realities that we are living on.  The name of the game is not about interpreting dreams but to get ourselves off of all these timelines, as we are only supposed to be on the one.  We need all of our Spirit (and body) with us.

It is not expensive either, just 20 US dollars for a week of timeline crashing.  You can find it under "recommended healings" in the drop down menu on the left of the creation lightship website.  The cool thing about it is that you also free others who happen to be living on that same timeline too.  I can well imagine why some people who do this more frequently than I do feel fantastic after a while.  I'm doing other healings at the moment too, so it is just a question of fitting in everything I feel I need at any particular time.

One that I'm in the middle of at the moment is the Circulatory System Healing (under 'Light Infusion Healings' on the website), which includes other body system clearings as well such as Muscles, Nervous, Lymph and Skeletal systems.  I've now bought the unlimited version of this healing as it is something I love using.  It takes a long time, about 3 hours for each step, so I tend to do this one at night when in bed plus I prefer to relax and fully feel it.  I had done the circulation system one before and was impressed by how it felt (although again you don't have to feel it for it to be working), and so the other night did the Nervous system one.  That one felt like an energetic massage to the whole nervous system and was divine to experience.  I've yet to complete any of these body system healings in one session but it's best if you can. 

One clearing that is free and which I find helpful to do every so often is the Alien Oxygen Code Removal (under 'sample healings' on the left of the website).  This is what it says about it

The oxygen on this planet has alien codes within it. The codes can cause your energy levels to drop and may affect your memory. This clearing will remove the harmful effects of breathing the current earth oxygen. 

When you feel groggy, depressed, or a little funky this clearing may help. Do the clearing as many times as you feel you need to. 

This healing will only work for the person performing the healing. The healing will clear the oxygen in the person's room and lungs.

Interestingly, I noticed I breathed better after sampling one of the coloured oxygens (there are many to choose from, but try each one individually first) and became aware of the fact that I had been reluctant to breathe more fully before, no doubt my spirit or body sensing there was something not compatible in the air these days.  I don't think it helps much with chemtrails but it did clear out something in the air that helped me breathe much better and deeper afterwards. 

The same can be said for my reluctance to drink much water, my body used to react to water like I was trying to give it poison rather than something that is supposed to be healthy.  I even use a filter, so it's not as if I tasted the tap water or chlorine either.  It costs only one dollar to charge up a glass of water with the light codes infused to make it more compatible to the body, and I have to say it does go down much more easily now.
There is even skin misting water, detox water, mouthwash water, energy boosting water etc.  I haven't worked my way down the list yet in trying each one, but I noticed when on the 4 hour Saturday Intensive Course where we charge up and activate a lot of water that the skin misting water worked immediately when I sprayed it on my mosquito bite near my ankle.  The sharp pain and itching irritation went away immediately after I sprayed it on this huge bite, and it was the only thing I had to hand available, so I was pleasantly surprised at its effectiveness.  Now I just need to go to the website and activate some more for my poor scalp and neck.   Personal water activation is near the bottom of the website on the left hand side under 'Personal Divine Activations'.  

Below that is 'Personal Object Activations' where you can also charge food, clothing, gem stones, shampoo and anything else with a whole drop down menu of activations.  I have yet to try out the whole list but I did activate my bedroom curtains with 'Entity Repellent - Off Planet Parasites'.  Before I'd heard anything about the Creation Lightship or alien parasites I had some curtains specially made for me out of this gorgeous fabric which I can now see has a pattern reminiscent of the octopus energies in its swirling tentacle design.  As I heard that alien energies can connect through patterns too I decided to charge these curtains with beneficial energies rather than replace them as they were quite expensive.
I haven't been bothered for some years by the tentacled being that used to connect to my chakras to suck out my life force energy, but I'm not taking any chances.  And that particular experience in the past was only brought about by my having done a self-guided meditation journey, so needless to say I don't meditate any more or risk being out of my body in any way.  You can get to your heart centre and a state of peace in seconds by doing the mind to heart drop, so no need to meditate.

As I've paid for a week of Timeline Crashing I need to get the most out of that before it expires.  Unfortunately I can no longer remember the emotional issues and situations that
the aliens were attempting to re-activate in my cellular memory, I should have written them down as it would have been good to have done timeline crashes on those as well.
They no doubt used those timelines to get at me the first time, but my Emotional Clearing is obviously working as I was unable to hang on to any of it.  It would be a good idea to write down anything from the past that pops into my consciousness during the course of each day as these have probably all got timelines attached to them as I never focus on the past consciously.  

There being only so many hours in a day I will go back to the Alien Attack Removal page and buy a weeks worth of that as soon as I'm done with Timeline Crashing this week.  Also the Space Clearing, which I don't know if I have mentioned yet.  You can clear any space or room in your house, or even a vehicle or remote location such as where you work.  Last time I went through some of the rooms and my garden to clear them of pests and entities.  There are two kind of Entity Clearings.  The one I mentioned in one of my previous posts was for entities (emotional bodies or ghosts of those who have passed on) that use you as a host.  They can body hop from one person to another, which is why I have given up hugging and shaking hands with people as touch is one method.  They can even body hop from one to another via phone calls.  I use the Entity Clearing every day, along with the Emotional Clearing and Darkside Mind Control Transmissions.  Those three are an essential daily clearing for me and take just a few minutes each to stay current.  The others I have to alternate as time permits.  Just going to do some shopping is an entity nightmare for me as for some reason people around here think it is ok to touch me.
So I usually reserve that clearing for when i have come back from shopping, and some people do these clearings more than once per day.  The Space Clearing clears the entities from your living space, whereas the Entity Clearing clears them from your body.  
Obviously best to do both.

With the space clearing you have to name one room at a time for the clearing and then specify the type of clearing, such as Ley Lines, EMF Radiation, Entities, Pests etc or put in your own custom clearing as long as it isn't something like nuclear radiation.  As this has to go through Ron's body first in order to connect with Source energy healing it is too much for him to deal with nuclear radiation and so that will not work.

The Darkside Mind Control Transmissions, which I mentioned above as being one of the three clearings I like to keep current with, deserves a bit of explanation.  This is similar to Hexes, Spells and Curses (also available as a clearing) with the difference being that it is people you know who are sending you mind energy.  For instance, if you have someone praying for you it has the effect of being no different from a psychic attack, whether their thoughts are positive or not. They also alert the aliens that there is someone needing help and they can even make matters worse by getting more emotional mileage out of someone in distress.  They can also heal or manifest but there is no doubt a price for such favours.  

If people are just talking about you behind your back they are also sending you mind energy. You want to be in your own energies as that is what is most compatible to you, and any mind energy from others is actually foreign to the body.  Also, if someone has not cleared out their emotional baggage from their current and ancestral lifetimes they are sending all their stored ancestral emotional judgements too. Judgements (emotions) are what kill us in the end no matter what physical illness is attached. 

Mind energy was imposed on humanity eons ago by the aliens who also gave us duality, and only heart energy and contact with ones own Spirit can give us true peace.  So any thought energy directed at anyone or the earth is negative in consequence.  Love energy is the dark side emotional energy of duality - you want to bring in peace, which is non-judgement.  In that neutral peace energy you don't have an issue any longer.  Prayer, ritual, mass meditations etc just pool mind energy to be used as food by off-planetary beings.  

We were given 108 invisible bodies by the Earth spirit to protect us from these mind directed energies, and they could kill us if we didn't have those other bodies as protection, although they can get filled up over our lifetime.  Thoughts are also based in time and have some emotion energy behind the words, and anything based in time or emotion is dark energy.  Nobody can be at one with anything except themselves.  The mind matrix is everyones thoughts in the collective consciousness connected and corded to you.  You don't want to be energetically corded to anything, not even the Earth.  

Once my Timeline crashing expires soon I shall get a weeks worth of Space Clearing and Alien Attack Removal as there are some blood-sucking mosquitoes whose butts are going to get kicked out of my garden.  As they are not originally from this planet there is no symbolism appropriate for these insects, other than a reminder for me to keep clearing out anything that tries to feed off me.  Meanwhile, I'll do a few Timeline crashes on my irritation at being covered in large mosquito bites, and ensure I have some recently activated skin misting water to hand the next time I do some gardening.

To activate water click here.

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