Since my earlier blog post containing an audio channel from the 9th dimensional Pleiadian collective by Wendy Kennedy, I've been wondering how I could affect or heal the human body from the energy template level, as according to that channeling this is the only way from now on that we can really make any major difference to the human body, rather than relying on external diets or other methods as we have been used to doing in previous times. As we are all at different stages this may not apply to everyone, so obviously continue doing whatever works for you. And listen to your own body for whatever it is informing you it needs at this time. But I was really pleased when my request for more info about working with the body templates finally showed up via a channeling from another source, from Steve Rother who channels The Group at lightworker.com.
This is the link to the video:
It is quite a long video, and I've made some brief notes below for non-English speakers although English speakers can just go and watch/listen to the video. Non-English speakers could just watch the visual journey part (which starts about 49 minutes into the video), as it is really your intention and the energies behind the intention that works. It is as simple as that. The words from The Group that accompany the visuals are of lesser importance than your intention or permission for the process, but I've written out some of the words too just so you know the essence of what is being spoken. You may wish to record some of the words in your own language to play along with the visual part of the video, but I wouldn't get too hung up over the verbal part so much. The notes may be useful for the part where the leaves are falling and you have to put your energies in two places at once (I've highlighted this part in brown), but apart from that, as long as you know what to do at that stage and understand the gist or essence of the channelling, you are being supported by the energies of The Group throughout, in your intention. God and the angels don't speak English anyway, so language is not really an impediment. This is meant to be a nurturing journey rather than a mental one.
So a bit of background about the human template release before I put some notes to accompany the visual journey. English speakers, this is ALL (and more) on the video, so you can stop reading now :)
Steve Rother says in the video that the whole purpose of this latest work they have been doing, releasing of the old human templates, is to allow us to step into our new physical bodies even before they are here.
We are evolving at an astounding rate and going into a lot of areas with this new energy and so can perceive way beyond what we used to perceive before.
This energy field or restriction around us (our human template) has been used all this time to contain us and give us structure and safety. Now these templates are getting in our way.
The Group are going to lead you on a visual/audio journey to release this body template.
The Group told Steve about the body templates about 7 or 8 years ago. They gave a channel about the original 500 beings.
Humanity has been on the earth from the very beginning, but more in etherial form rather than dense physical bodies. As the earth began to cool we had to have dense physical bodies in order to stay here.
We can release the old template to expand more into the universe and more into who we really are.
Tonight they are going to give you the opportunity to let go of who you used to be. It is about setting your intent. Much of our obesity on this planet is about fighting against a template that doesn't fit.
Will your physical body look different? Steve Rother says the Group hasn't mentioned much about that.
We are stepping into our new roles, our new energy fields and to be able to express and to hold more of our own light. Many will find their physical body changing but especially their emotional body, and it takes a little time to emotionally and physically acclimate. We all have an energetic signature around our bodies, we are not altering it but we are not restricting it any more, we are releasing and stepping out of third dimensional restriction as we do this. Your body has supported you throughout life even if you have experienced difficulties, and we are to feel in love with our bodies, it is not about getting rid of them.
The old 500 templates were energy types rather than body types. We will have a feeling of feeling more raw once that outer energy shell is taken away, but you can ground it. You will still feel, but you will be able to handle it.
Steve Rother lost weight (which kept off) and had some other body changes when he released the template a while ago (blood pressure dropped, cholesterol dropped, experienced having more energy etc) and his doctor was quite surprised. People who walk into this template release in joy seem to have an easier time of it.
Little things will start changing first. Steve found that he felt everything once he released the body template.
He was sensitive to everything after he came back home from his trip to Russia.
Barabara had been at home rather than on this trip with him and really noticed the difference in Steve. Your friends will notice the difference. You are basically giving yourself a new start. Steve was emotional and couldn't stop crying for a while, but it was not about pain but about all the beauty he was seeing.
Just flow with whatever comes about and don't be hard on yourself. He showed slides of people who have confidence in being the body. That body confidence (no matter what body size or shape) will come about with the release. Thank your body, it has come through an incredible journey with you so far. We look in the mirror and tend to see all our flaws. Give yourself permission to see your own beauty without giving definitions of what you think beauty should be. So take a minute to feel every part of your body, and thank it. You chose the body template you have and it did a good job in faciliating your journey. You are not leaving it or changing it, as the body will fight you if you try to change it. Steve has noticed he needs more sleep now, and his energy affects the electricals in his home, but he doesn't know whether the differences he experiences will apply to everyone or if it will be different for each person.
As we start this journey we will ask you to give yourself permission to release the body template. If it doesn't feel right or if it feels uncomfortable, the you don't have to do it. You can always go back again later if you are not quite ready, and do it then.
Release the attachment and fear. Attachment to WHY we are doing it (eg. to lose weight, have a more spiritual comnnection, channel better etc) as that will just move this process further away.
We all have fears - what are we going to lose? You are not going to lose the body but the template in this particular form, your physical and bodily actions, and your habits you have developed over your lifetime. You are liable to have some reactions to this, but let your body have what it needs at this time. So release the fears and the control. Just let yourself go on a journey with us. The energy field can still be used in the way we have been using it before. It is just that our perception usually stops there, and we are now learning to be aware of our real energy field that extends out into the universe, and to use that consciously to blend energy.
(approx. 49.40 mins into the video)
Take a breath. Breathe the air into this beautiful body of yours. Feel the cells get excited every time you breathe in. Now take a breath all the way down into your feet. Allow yourself to be completely covered, as all this energy moves around you. We will take you through a journey of colour, of sound, of energy. Your template has given you a space and a form on this planet. It has done you well, and we ask you to thank it right now. Let yourself feel gratitude. Dance in the light. In a moment we will ask you if you will like to release the body templates, the parts that have held your energy and given you form. And if you would like to let go of it now, go inside of yourself and say "yes".
Take another deep breath and let go of every part of it, the energy leaving your body for just a moment. Feel how sweet that is, how beautiful. Now breathe in again, let yourself go through all of these imprints, just feel. The outside layers are beings removed right now. We will move you into an expansion and release. Take another deep breath all the way in, now thank your body once again and let go of that body template. And let yourself expand out into the universe. Let yourself go completely.
Your being has a new form, the circle has no beginning and no end. Your spirit is the same way. Your journey has gone around many times. You have experienced many lifetimes even in the same template. Let yourself move to the next level. Let it begin now. Step up. Just let yourself move right into this energy. Your energy can harmonize every part of this. Whatever structures have created your world, those structure are now redesigning themselves to hold a space to give more light. Breathe it all the way in.
Now let yourself get full of the red water. Completely immersed in this beauty. You have been on this earth many times, but all your journeys on this planet have included the template you are now releasing. Take a breath dear ones, and as you let it go let it out completely. How you decide to fit into this world, what label you place on yourself, consider a new label. Consider a new vision of who you are. Dare to create the highest view of yourself right now. You are part of every thing around you and everyone around you. The 'veil' has kept you with the illusion of being separate from each other. Now you are beginning to harmonize to the same rhythm.
Take a breath. Let yourself expand over the top of all these pieces. Now allow your energy just to float, to let go and be free. Now we will ask you to anchor your energy out here. Take a moment and familiarize yourself with where you are right now, it will be a little easier to get back here. Just let yourself get lost. You are experiencing all kinds of new energy. You are forming new synaptic pathways, new ways to process and ground light from Home. Feel how beautiful that is. Know that there is a rhythm to everything around you. Find that rhythm and you can ride the wave. Stretch your energy over the top of all of these pieces and let yourself find that rhythm now.
Let yourself be on the ground looking up into these trees. Now for just a moment let yourself be at the tops of the trees and also watch the leaves touch you. You will be in two locations at the same time. Watch the leaves come close but place your energy at the tops of the trees. Now take a breath, and feel the earth all around you, supporting you, encouraging you on your journey. Every step you take is on a purpose. The planet is letting you grow, to love, to be who you are. Feel how beautiful this is, this journey on the planet. It has been incredible and so beautiful. Now let yourself stretch out even further and let yourself be in 5 locations, at front where the leaves are and all around the tops of the trees. Let your consciousness experience all of those dimensions at the same time.
Take a breath. The energy of this planet is your energy, it is part of who you are. She will give you energy whenever you need it. The planet beneath your feet will help you to grow. The light is re-calibrating itself in your body. You are starting to become aware that you are much larger than you first thought. Take a breath, breathe every part f that in your being right now and let it fill you up. Your being is on a journey. You have agreed to step into your path, and now your own energetics are changing, to allow you much more freedom, more joy on planet earth. Take it in, every part of it, and let it be yours. Let the energy dance in your whole being right now.
Take another breath and let yourself float amongst the stars for a just a minute. We are not quite ready to bring this journey to a close, but before we do let your body and spirit be nurtured by all of this experience. Let us help you understand how important you are. You have brought something from Home that no one else can carry. Take a breath. Your life is now taking a new turn. You are being activated, by your own choce, by your own intent. Your energy comes out now in the Universe, and you will find it vibrates and hamonzes with everything around you. Just take responsibility for using it.
Take another breath. The body is being designed to be the perfect container for your energy, and now your energy is changing, and so will your body. Just smile and let it determine what it will be now. Let the colours dance all around you. Let yourself find Home in everything you experience. You have created a new template for yourself, that will help you grow and be who you really are. Welcome Home dear ones, welcome Home.
Take a breath all the way in and let yourself come back. And as you take a few breaths take the energy into this body of yours. Look around the room and feel how things are a little bit different. This is done by intent and the energy of the intent. It is an expansion journey we have taken you on. People will notice you. No more hiding. It is going to take every one of us to create heaven on earth.
I hope that my brief and not wordperfect notes (as I don't type fast and can't seem to pause the video without it starting from the beginning again) will help others to join in if they wish to. I'm also glad I played this video a second time in order to write this blog post, as I had forgotten the bit about not trying to change the body and had the next day put in my request for the physical template I wanted 'just in case' I have a choice ;)
Today I don't care. The whole of today I had been feeling incredibly emotionally wobbly. As I'm sensitive to energies anyway, I wasn't sure if I was just picking up on something from mass consciousness or if it was mine. I'd forgotten all about the template release until I came to play the video a second time as nothing had happened for a couple of days after I had gone through the process myself. Now, I'm feeling a whole lot better so hopefully I have grounded it more fully. But emotionally 'raw' and extra sensitive definitely described my day today.
When I first played that video I actually experienced in my own body the same feeling that goes through Steve at the end of his channels when he gets tearful. I have seen him channel for many years now, and this is the first time I have experienced that feeling, also at the very same time that he felt it. I was surprised that it felt more like a rush of intense energy, the sort that knocks you off your feet, as I had always assumed it was just him getting a bit sentimental or emotional before (as in having to part from higher vibrational family back to go back to 3D). But it was more like an intense reflex action that suddenly hits, that felt weepy but was just an energy realignment and not a response to any sadness or feeling emotional about anything in the third dimensional sense of being sad 'about' something.
Another interesting thing for me about that video was when the following words were said during the visual journey:
The energy of this planet is your energy, it is part of who you are. She will give you energy whenever you need it.
Or something to that effect. I have found this to be so true in my experience since moving to this house. I have been more in tune with nature and the Earth since moving out of the city and having my own garden. Having felt quite poorly before the move and for the first few months after moving, on and off, I began to notice that whenever I was out there tending to my garden I never had any problems with my health or energy levels.
Apart from straining my back occasionally by lifting rocks and other heavy objects, or getting an ivy rash that refuses to go, I noticed that my chronic fatigue and other ailments would disappear for the time I would be gardening. I noticed this pattern over time, which was strange to me as on some weeks I could barely do anything much, I'd have to lie down after doing just a couple of small chores indoors or even after a walk to the supermarket would be enough to need to rest up for ages. Yet in my garden the energies are very special, and I could be doing weeding and digging and whatever else all day, and come indoors feeling just mildly tired but pleasantly so, in an energised sort of way.
So yes she will give you energy whenever you need it, is something I can definitely relate to in my own experience of connecting with the earth, or Gaia, and am very appreciative of.