Thursday 6 September 2012

Duality, Astrology and the Dark 2012 Ascension Timeline

I made the following notes from an excellent BBS radio show which talked about duality, our Spirit/Source energy, and how we often unconsciously hook ourselves up to the Dark energies when we think we are connecting to and working with the Light.  There is also important information about why we need to disconnect ourselves from anything to do with what we have read about the 2012 ascension dates, and what astrology really is.  Fascinating stuff, most of which is not written about elsewhere and which may challenge a lot of peoples' current belief systems about ascension.   

Often, on this journey to ascension we find ourselves having to release those things which no longer serve us, whether that be a job or career, relationship, spiritual practice and so on.  Speaking for myself, my ascension has always taken first place even though I may have wandered down a few dead end alleys along the way.  So this blog will be changing somewhat, knowing what I know now.  I really don't wish to stay on this planet for another 2000 years waiting for the next ascension time to come around, nor end up in some fake ascension parallel reality which is worse than living with the darkness and control we have here.  The fact that we have been reincarnating here over and over again for eons of time is not natural or pleasant for either the spirit or the body.  The body is tired and weary and the spirit just wants to get out of here.
We accumulate even more density each time we reincarnate here and carry in our cells, our DNA, all the judgements and darkness accumulated by our ancestors. 

We were only meant to have one lifetime in any one place, but were tricked by the Dark (aliens from another creation who either held no spirit/Light within themselves or whose spirit/Light had become so corrupted by the Dark were no longer having the ability or integrity to hold much Light, and who in turn are controlled by others above them).  They infiltrated this creation and planet of Light and free will and continue to feed off of the energies of humanity via our emotions.  If they had stayed where they were in their own creation it would not have been a problem, but the destruction, control and the taking away of free will from humanity IS a problem.  Source energy did not create the Dark, and there is no duality in Source energy, it knows only of the Light.
Much of what we have been told throughout our lifetimes here on Earth has been a pack of lies.  It is not the fault of humanity because we had our DNA altered by the aliens who first came here, in order to dumb us down.  They brought us duality, and they also gave us karma which is the ability to carry all the 'sins' (ie. judgements) of our ancestors via our genetic line.  This also wasn't natural.  This has been a prison planet for a very long time.

Before we can ascend we need to extricate ourselves from these dark alien parasites.  Some are on earth and some are in a parallel timeline.  It is not a problem to have aliens here on Earth if they are of the Light and are not causing any harm.  Even we have alien genetics, so it is not the fact that they are aliens that is the problem but that they are not of the Light and so have to feed on our Light, as well as control us by trickery to stay trapped here.  We need our Light in order to ascend.  Humanity hasn't helped matters either, (although most are under mind control without realising it), by continuing to let more dark aliens in here by opening up vortexes and portals and holding large group events and meditations, by giving their power away by praying to something outside of themselves, and by connecting with and bringing in more [what they think is] Light outside of themselves, which is not Source energy, but the alien controlled cloned light.  Referred to here as the Light of the Darkness.

I will therefore not be posting any more channellings from aliens, or archangels or ascended masters for that matter.  We need to stop looking outside of ourselves for the answers and connect with our Source energy or divinity within, which has all of the answers we need if we would ask it.
The same goes for posting anything connected with astrology or time, both of which are alien controlled.  Others can do as they wish as I have no desire or agenda to try to change anyones beliefs or practises.  I am merely announcing in what ways this blog will change from now on.  And I share what I know or what could be useful to others out of love by maintaining this blog, and taking the time to transcribe.  At the end of the day only we can help ourselves in preparation for ascension, we can't do it for anyone else.  There is no hundredth monkey effect [a supposed phenomenon in which a learned behavior spreads rapidly from one group of monkeys to all related monkeys once a critical number of initiates is reached] as far as ascension is concerned.  That was just another piece of disinformation that got spread around the ascension community via channellings from entities and aliens.

Anyway, I hadn't intended this introduction to have gone on for this long, so here is the radio show I made notes on this morning.


from BBS Radio Archives (Show 82) 2010-06-19

Your Spirit cannot and will not come into judgement, so if we have anything in us in the cells of our body of stored judgement, then your Spirit cannot fully come in to you.  

Now what happens is that when you are first born the energies in your body are not necessarily activated yet, you haven’t learned about judgement.  This is why babies are so innocent.  You have to be in non-judgement so your Spirit can come fully into your body.  Now as we get older we learn about things, we judge things which brings forth our pre-disposition of our DNA, and then you are on the emotional roller coaster of your life, emotions actually take over and kill the physical body.  This is why we die, because of judgement.

When you are in discernment, in non-judgement, that’s when you are connected to Source energy.  And Source energy is not the God energy that scriptures talk about, the God energies in churches are alien energies and lifeforms, planets, everything there to control you.  So they have lumped everything together  as one type of Source and really it’s not. 

If Jesus walked on this Earth right now and did not look like the pictures you see in churches, he would not be Jesus [to most people or the churches].  If he showed up looking like those pictures, what Christian church could he go into?  Well he could go into all of them but which ones are going to accept him?  And then he would tell them "why are you not teaching or preaching what I talked about 2000 years ago which was about non-judgement and not to pray outside of yourself, to become prey?".  So this is the reason why he would not be accepted today in any church.

The church would not allow that because they want you to be connected to the darkness, want you to be connected to the God energies that all the churches use.
They use the Light of the Darkness which is a fabrication of pure light, looks like pure light, but it’s not it.  But the mind cannot discern it, the only way you can discern it is to go to your heart centre.  And once you are there you are going to realise that you have been taught a lot of false information for lifetimes, and if you go even further you are going to realise what you have been told in this lifetime is a complete lie.     

So you have to actually back out of your current belief systems of what the church and everything else has taught you including the memory which is going to be activated to make you go to church, and the alien implants, only because your ancestors chose darkness, not going to their heart, and not being able to ascend because of that.  

Going to your heart centre is the most important thing that you can do for your own spiritual development.    But when you are in peace energy then there is no judgement, the Light does not judge itself, the Light does not promote itself, the Light does not channel through anybody, including Archangels and Masters or whatever you want to call them, because if you were to start that process, if you were to channel one of them you would be in judgement.  So they don’t judge their creations and they could never channel through anybody because nobody on this planet is pure enough to bring forth non-judgement information, and what would they tell you?    Don’t judge.  And so this is the whole process of why the Light cannot promote itself.  You never see the Light coming up on a billboard saying “hey, the Light is coming tomorrow at noon”.  The Light cannot be brought here like people do with special events, like the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and the ones that happen maybe every year because  the Light is already here inside of you.  

It’s up to you to find the Light, the Light does not judge anything.  When you are in your heart centre you cannot have a positive or negative thought because the Light cannot judge itself.  Once you understand that and get that concept you realise that the Light did not create duality.  So when you talk about duality, then you are talking about darkness.  And the darkness, which is the Light of the Darkness, that is in duality, and then you have heaven and hell, that’s in duality [too], and everything you deal with that is in duality the bottom line to it is normally some type of abuse, working something out, traumas, pain, anything that has to deal with some type of control is Darkness energy.  The Light does not judge or control anything.  So that’s the whole process, to get out of judgement, and that’s ingrained in you, the Darkness set everyones’ body up here for each lifetime here,  from the thoughts of your ancestors, so each lifetime the physical body gets more dense and gets worse.  Only because you are not educated to work on yourself before you conceive a child, which means getting rid of your judgements.   

So whatever you dealt with in your lifetime, if you had a child, then automatically they have your stuff.  And they will pass your stuff on to their children, and their stuff on to their children, and this stuff is just the genetic make up of who you are.  And it’s all judgement, unfortunately, which is not of Light.  

So, getting back to Light you have to get rid of these energies out of you so your Spirit can come back into you more fully, because it can’t come into judgement.  Most people are only 20 per cent in their bodies, this is because the dark side needs you to be typically at that number, so they will allow you to get deluded out through dramas and traumas, through pain, through emotional events.  They really can’t use you too much when you are below 20 per cent.  So they kinda stop the negative process on you, they stop the torment, but you can stay in your body at 20 per cent because they want to live off of your emotional energies, and your Spirit has to trigger that and energise the emotional energies so that they can live off of you energetically.   So you are the dark side through Source through emotion.

And actually when you stay in your heart centre you are out of emotions when you are not judging, then you are no longer food for the darkness.   So, that’s the way it works.  You force your Sprit out of your body whenever you judge something, whenever you get angry, whenever you get hurt.  Part of your Spirit HAS to leave because it can’t live in darkness.   It does not want to have that experience so it leaves you, and it depends how traumatic it is to the Spirit.  So each time you do that you are actually  harming your Spirit, and if it gets harmed too much it is not going to come back to you.  So you are forcing your Spirit out of your body, and then what takes over is Darkness.  You leave a void.  And that’s the way the Darkness likes to work with everybody, so they create these scenarios of the soul family having your spiritual learning lessons, spiritual contracts and agreements and set ups, and it’s wonderful for them because they choreograph everything wonderfully, so you automatically get sabotaged each day of your life for something, or through something or by something, and that is because you are living in mind.   

In mind you are in time, and when you are in those energies you are in the darkness and you are with the aliens, and they are connected to you, and if you can’t  buy that and you say “oh no aliens are good” then look at your natal chart.
Now that you can relate to instantly, look in any newspaper, and it’s going to tell you how the planets are affecting your life.  So if you can buy this, which you should be able to, and look at it and say “gee, how can a planet throw me?”         Well, it does !  Remember, this is astrology, this is what happens, so that is all correct. 

Planets control your life, they tell you when you are going to be born, what you are going to be doing in that lifetime, and when you are going to be dying.    So that’s the main thing with the planets, so if you can’t understand about aliens, then look at the planets, as to me it is all the same stuff, it is all darkness.   And that is put in place by the aliens who have a higher consciousness on how to manipulate us than we know how to get rid of.   The Lightship is here to do that, this is the ascension time.  

And the worse thing is the dark side ascension time in 2012 Dec 21, so if you are buying into that, understanding that something is going to happen, it definitely is !!  It is the date of the dark side ascension and it is recorded in our timeline, this is where the predictions come from.     So if you want to go to a dark side planet for eternity, that you want to get connected to this...... 

And this is why we have on the website  a 2012 ascension barcode release [left margin under Alien Barcode Removals].  So you’ll want to get that taken off of you if you want to not go sideways and live in darkness.    Very sad.
But this is what they already have in place in store for you, and it is up to you to understand that you have a choice in the matter.   So you want to tell your friends, do you want to be in the darkness that will be worse than this [here on this planet], or do you want to stay in the Light?   

Q.  what is the best way to pray or is it best not to?

You only want to go within.  There is no best way to pray because as soon as you pray you are asking some energy outside of you to help you.   So that energy outside of you is not of any kind of Light because Light is not outside of yourself. 

So, you are not going to find Light on the table in front of you,  you are not going to find Light in a book,  you are not going to be able to buy Light at the grocery store, there is no way you can GET Light because you already have it. 
It is up to you to re-discover it, because a lot of people sold themselves out, sold their Spirit or soul to the Darkness, it’s up to you to get back into the Light because the Light is always with you.   So whenever you connect to something outside of yourself there is no difference between praying in a church or doing spells or witchcraft because you are connected to that energy and it is going to cause you harm and maybe other people harm.   So if you are praying for somebody you are doing a curse on them and the Darkness is going to find that person, you’ve given them the T-shirt with the bullseye saying “this person here is in need, please connect to them energetically, they do not understand that their Source is inside themselves so please hook up to them and give them more Darkness, and give them harm”.     This is the way it works, so if you pray outside of yourself you are PREY, and the churches definitely want you to pray because they want to hook you up to Darkness.    

 Q. what is the best way to start discovering who we really are?

The best way to start is making sure that you are here and not on a parallel planet.

So, one way is to increase your life force energy (“I now increase my life force energy” about ten times), that will bring more of your Spirit to you.   
You can do a Spirit retrieval by releasing entities out of your physical body, command your Spirit - remember all healing is a command -  not ‘please do this’ or ‘I wish you could do this’ , you have to command your Spirit because your Spirit is probably sleeping.  How many times have you talked to your Spirit today?   Ask your neighbour how many times they have talked to their Spirit.  They might look at you like “what are you talking about?” 

It’s up to you to do this, it is not up to Source energy.  Source energy gave you free will, free choice.  And so Source energy allows you to choose Darkness.   Most on this planet are in Darkness, they chose Darkness because they don’t connect with their Spirit inside of themselves.   

So you can do your life force energy, and you can make sure that the Darkness has not taken you to a parallel lifetime, you can pinch yourself, that’s one way to come back instantly here, and command your body and Spirit to be here in the Now on this planet.  It might not even be here, it might be listening to this program and be somewhere else.     Pinch yourself, and if you all of a sudden wake up, where were you?   You are still hearing the words but you were in a fabricated universe of darkness and now you are back here.  So you want to command your Spirit into your body.

You also want to do the mind to heart drop to get into your heart centre, and then you are in peace.  It is all very, very simple. 

Remember, you have to be in your heart because when you use your mind energy for those commands, then all of a sudden you commanding the Darkness, and the only way you have protection is to be in your heart and be out of judgement.
So if you think you are in your heart and the voice in your head says “yeah, I’m there it’s great” you are not there.  If you feel the thoughts in your chest cavity and you are out of judgement then you are there.  Just practise this, do it as much as you can, do this 3 or 4 times a day and in a weeks time you are going to probably feel  the energy inside of you  and you will be in divine peace.  Because Source energy does not judge, and Source energy is peace energy. 

Ron Amitron

BBS Radio Archives (Show 82) 2010-06-19

(my note - drop your consciousness to your heart centre first before listening.
The counting Ron does is to command the energies.  You may need to listen to at least half a dozen live shows or archives to get a sense of what this is all about.  The first part of the show is a visit to the Creation Lightship, which will not work for those just listening to the archives).

I have started added some audio links in the sidebar of this blog (under Creation Lightship Healings) with selected radio show archives that explain a bit more for those new to this material, as I don't have time to transcribe everything.  Show 140 (2010) also explains a bit more about the 2012 false ascension (parallel timeline) and why you need to clear yourself of the Spirit Barcode and the 2012 Ascension Barcode.

Related posts:

Aliens, Timelines and Healings by Ron Amitron

Ascension Tips, The Earth Spirit and Why Darkness Is Here

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